Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 900: The second silver scorpion

After comprehending the general rule of law for the destruction of the palace, Chen Rui finally noticed that this palace of destruction should be derived from a source, or that the destruction of the palace is the origin of the illusion.

Of course, this "illusion" is not horrible, but murderous.

The source is in the palace and may be hidden in any place, or it may not be in any place. However, as long as the rule of the palace is broken, the source can be found.

However, the power to destroy the palace's laws can not be tolerated even by the false gods, let alone cracked.

The law of destruction is not a single one, but it can be derived from changes. Each person's understanding is not the same, but the law is the same, but the origin is the same. With the special avatar of Shura, Chen Rui can touch some of the power of the source. Unfortunately, comprehension and understanding are only at a relatively preliminary stage, and they cannot reach the true "original" level.

The destruction of the palace is a modernized thing derived from the law of origin. As far as Chen Rui’s current level is concerned, it is impossible to defeat the rule of the palace, but he does not need to use absolute power to suppress it. Thousands of miles of mention, collapsed in the ant hole. In theory, only a part of the key points need to be affected, and the palace can be broken.

Only the power of the source can "affect" the key points of the source. Therefore, Chen Rui needs to rely on the power of Shura. Shura is the destructive body derived from another silver scorpion, which itself represents a part of the origin. Of course, there is still a big difference between theory and practice. Chen Rui has been groping for a long time. With the power of deep analysis, he has only roughly understood the structure of the entire palace rule, but even a key point that can have an impact has not been found. . It’s like a primary school student with insufficient penpower. If you want to try to modify the masterpiece of an adult writer, you have a pen and a dictionary. But there is no way to start.

Tiffany was in the arms of Chen Rui and did not struggle or interfere. Just watching him faintly flying around the palace. She understands that this person is looking for a silver scorpion, but even if she is the "key", she must use some kind of ritual ritual and sacrifice something to find clues about the silver scorpion. This person wants to look directly, it is simply delusion.

The problem is that she is now in the hands of this person, and it must rely on the power of life and the power of faith to maintain the existence of the soul, so it must be calmed down until this person has nothing to do. Try to negotiate with them.

Chen Rui explores and thinks quickly, while using the power of deep analysis to quickly calculate, but the more complicated, the comprehensible things are very mysterious, not simple data can be analyzed. After several failed attempts, he simply closed the deep analysis and no longer wanted to crack and influence. He simply felt the origin of the palace with the origin of Shura.

Gradually, this change has had unexpected effects. After the two sources are offset by a mutual exclusion, they finally become complementary and merge. The origin of Shura has grown a lot, or to say. The source of destruction is more complete.

Chen Rui’s brain flashed through the light, and he understood it. It turned out to be like this! As long as you can complete the source of Shura. By comprehending and mastering the most fundamental laws of destruction, we can truly achieve the perfection of the Red Star. Then break through to the next realm.

Chen Rui couldn't help but laugh, because he not only mastered the general mystery of this ruined palace. It also clarifies the direction of progress.

In Tiffany's surprised gaze, Chen Ruiyi pointed to the pillar of a palace. In the eyes of Tiffany, it was a pillar. In the eyes of Chen Rui, it was a node of a law. This kind of node is even The demigod may not be able to sense it, but Chen Rui can clearly see it.

What he is using at this moment is not the power of Shura's destruction, but the power of life. It is as if he had defeated Shura at the beginning, and he exerted the "creation" power opposite to destruction. Life is the greatest creation.

The power of life was swallowed up by the law of destruction in an instant, but the rule of the law was also impressed. The pillar suddenly cracked, and even the part of the ceiling collapsed, and it instantly became a mass and could not be recovered.

Although Tiffany didn't understand what was going on, it was clear that this ruined palace was made up of the strongest law of destruction. Even if the teacher Satan himself could not destroy it, it was easily destroyed by this man!

Immediately afterwards, Chen Rui was in the shape of electricity, and quickly shuttled through the palace. Wherever he went, there was a large collapse and it appeared to be incomplete. After his last shot, the whole palace collapsed. The cockroaches seemed to be attracted to something, and they quickly gathered at one point. The silver light began to clear and condensed into a square scorpion, floating in the air.

Silver scorpion! Tiffany was shocked, and this person actually found the silver scorpion!

Chen Rui loosened Tiffany and flew to Silverlight. Of course, he did not forget to release a force to protect her.

The surprise in Tiffany's eyes gradually dissipated and replaced with despair.

Since he found the silver scorpion, she has lost the value of use, even if he does not kill the killer, throw her here, as long as the kind of protection on her body is exhausted, her soul will vanish.

Chen Rui grabbed the familiar silver scorpion, and it really was the same as the dark moon.

He thought about it and opened the blind man. In an instant, the flow of vitality suddenly increased by a thousand times.

Then, Chen Rui saw the destruction.

Destruction is the truth of the universe. Everything has a death, including the universe itself, but death does not mean the end, but the transfer of energy, another birth...

Chen Rui’s eyes are red and bright. Before he explored the destruction of the palace, he had already realized it. Now the sensor is more clear and complete, and the origin of Shura becomes complete in this sentiment.

The destruction disappeared instantly, because Chen Rui had already closed the silver scorpion.

Silver Scorpion may have other more special functions, but for him, he has already harvested his own precious things.

The only thing that is strange is that there is no such little scorpion in the inside of this silver plaque.

Chen Rui remembers very clearly that there is a smaller scorpion in the silver scorpion of the dark moon. What is going on?

What is that little bitch?

This kind of thinking was interrupted by the snoring sound of the side. The vitality that was swallowed when the silver scorpion was opened was thousands of times the ordinary state. The protective force on Tiffany has been evacuated and destroyed by a ruin. Is in danger.

Chen Rui immediately moved to Tiffany's face and waved his hand. A strong vitality and the power of faith wrapped Tiffany to make her recover.

At this time, there was a swirling exit at the position where the silver scorpion originally floated. Chen Rui’s eyes lit up: Is this the channel that leaves the realm of chaos?

"Kill me, then you can leave here." Tiffany's words confirmed his guess.

Chen Rui smiled slightly and reached out: "Go with me."

Tiffany didn't move, just some unexpectedly asked: "Why?"

"I said, I came here for two purposes. The first is this scorpion, and the second is to protect you." Chen Rui shrugged. "Actually, my order is reversed. The most important thing is to take you safely away. The silver scorpion is just a smooth road."

Tiffany looked at him for a moment, his eyes softened a bit, looked at the silver scorpion and shook his head: "Let's go."

There is no silver scorpion, she has no meaning to leave here, anyway, it is also a dead word.

Chen Rui saw through her mind and asked: "Tell me. In addition to life, what can you exchange for the silver scorpion?"

Tiffany hesitated for a moment and finally said the answer: "Freedom, and... mother."

Chen Rui knows that Tiffany's mother is human. Was it imprisoned by Satan? No wonder she is so desperate. if it is like this……

"This is for you."

Tiffany looked at the silver plaque in his hand incredulously, and his body trembled a little.

No, not an illusion. it is true.

Chen Rui’s voice sounded: “I said that the silver scorpion is just a drop in the road.”

"Who are you?" Tiffany's voice shook with a bit. Full of gratitude and excitement that cannot be described in words, but she can't figure out why.

This treasure is even a false god. The man got his hand and got it, but gave it to her easily.

"Actually... we have seen it a long time ago. Besides, this silver scorpion is a hot thing, I may not be able to keep it, um, in addition, there are many reasons... If you don't mind, I will find one. More suitable place, sit down and talk about it? Right, that... my hand is a little numb."

Tiffany's eyes were getting red. If he didn't say politely, he just nodded and took his hand and held it tightly.

The two held their hands and flew toward the exit, entering the exit, and the vortex gradually disappeared.

After a while, Chen Rui and Tiffany appeared on a small island, surrounded by an endless ocean.

The island has a radius of only a few tens of meters and is very small.

"Here is..." Chen Rui tried to display the door of the starry sky, and the light door appeared without any hindrance. It seems that it was out of the mysterious chaos.

"The Sea of ​​Death." Tiffany took a sentence and gently let go of his hand.

“For the first time, I felt that the sea breeze with astringency was so good.” Chen Rui took a deep breath and closed the output of faith and vitality. “I finally left the ghost place.”

Tiffany asked a little hesitantly: "You started to say, have we met before?"

Chen Rui scratched his head: "Remember... ‘The mistakes made will accumulate, the success won will disappear’ this game?”

"It turns out that you are the Simon!" Tiffany's eyes were a little Chen Rui didn't think she remembered the pseudonym. Tiffany asked again: "Simon, tell me, why do you want to Save me? Why give me a silver scorpion?"

Chen Rui slightly thought about it, and solved the necklace with the **** ring from the neck and put it in her hand: "Before answering you, first accept something. Someone entrusted me and handed this over to you."

Tiffany looked at the ring in his hand, and the complicated eyes were constantly intertwined and changed. Finally, he gradually cooled down. He just wanted to open his mouth, and a strange light appeared in his waist. A snake-shaped coat of arms slowly floated up. "Aloud, it bursts automatically."

"Not good!" Tiffany suddenly changed his face and lost his voice: "Run! My teacher Satan is coming!" (To be continued...)

Ps: I had a rare break this afternoon, and I didn't have a rest. I grabbed the code word and it was a dedication. (Is it a bad habit to say that this is not a manuscript?)

Hey, what kind of support do you have? Don’t come over and comfort yourself.

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