Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 901: Satan and Sally

Chen Rui can see that it is not Tiffany's hands and feet, but the badge automatically flew out of the burst, she did not even know beforehand. [This article comes from] that badge should have extremely high-level environmental senses, that is, as soon as you leave the mysterious land, detect a new environment, it will automatically burst, summoning Satan's avatar.

There is no doubt that this is Satan's calculation.

Although Satan's avatar is a semi-god level, it is a comprehension of the use of the pseudo-god-level gods. It is much more powerful than the ordinary peaks and gods. Before Chen Rui had seen it in the secluded land, even if it was used to display the royal star. Change is far from the opponent. Moreover, Satan has already been there once in the secluded land. Even if Chen Rui once again shows his sneak technique, he may not be able to deceive him.

"Tiffany, I will go first. The next time we will talk about it, I will tell you a lot of things. I believe that I will come back soon. Before that, you must take care of yourself and be careful." Chen Rui looked Tiffany glanced and flew into the door of the starry sky.

Tiffany looked at the disappearing light door with a loss, a tear slowly slid down, and felt something sly. When I looked back, I saw that the man was about ten meters behind him. His smile looked strange. There is a faint red awn in the eyes.

"How are you still..." Tiffany was shocked, and the words had not finished, and the space had begun to distort.

"Remember, you got the silver scorpion from the realm of chaos. I chase you all the way. If you don't want to hurt me, you must cooperate." Chen Rui's voice rang in Tiffany's mind and saw his hands. With a wave, Tiffany's body suddenly flew away involuntarily, and Chen Rui followed behind, as if to catch up.

At this time, the distortion in the sky was even worse. There was a crack in the space and one hand stretched out. Along the sides, the space was suddenly torn apart, and a figure appeared in the gap of space, Satan!

In the blink of an eye, Satan has already seen two people who are "following" in the distance. In the eyes, there is a general light of cold electricity. Chen Rui suddenly feels that he has become "slow", and the figure of Tiffany in front suddenly accelerates. The blink of an eye has already distanced him.

Control of time flow rate. And it is the "fast" and "slow" to separate the target!

This subtle control made Chen Rui secretly shocked. As soon as time returned to normal, he felt the body tremble uncontrollably. The surrounding space was oscillating at a high frequency, and a trace of crack appeared around it. As if to tear his body to tear, it is exactly the same as the "high frequency".

Chen Rui quickly shook his body and trembled with the same weird frequency. Satan browed his head and saw Chen Rui shaking his hand. Satan’s space around him showed the same tremor.

In the way of his own, he is also a person!

Satan is slightly moved. With one hand, the time paused, and the tremor of the space seemed to stand still, in the blink of an eye. Satan’s figure has already appeared in the distance Tiffany’s side, and the tremor space has only recovered for a while.

Faced with his own moves, Satan easily used the rules of time to get rid of it. Looking at Chen Rui's eyes, he was a little more surprised.

Although Chen Rui successfully rebounded this move back. But because the other party's strength is too strong, it paid a considerable price. The whole body appears to be broken, as if it could be annihilated at any time.

Tiffany trembled in his heart, and the silver scorpion in his hand flew up and landed in the hands of Satan.

Satan looked at the silver scorpion in his hand and seemed to be very excited. He laughed three times and finally calmed down. He nodded with approval. "Tiffany, you are doing very well. You will return to the Sercod Hill first. I will cash it. Promise all your rewards."

Say, Satan’s hand waved, the space entrance of a country’s power condensed, and Tiffany looked back at Chen Rui’s eyes, just in time to meet the two resolute eyes, one bite and enter the space entrance, Russia Disappear.

Just now, Tiffany was "hunted". Satan saw it very clearly. Moreover, the silver scorpion had already arrived, so there was no doubt about Tiffany's return.

Satan’s gaze fell on Chen Rui’s body, and he became more and more cold. His strong mental strength has firmly locked him: “Your growth and ability really surprised me. I will give you a living path and become my follower. otherwise……"

"Or will it die?" Chen Rui sneered.

"There is no such thing as stubbornness." Satan did not say much, his fingers were twisted, and an irresistible force swept over. Chen Rui could no longer use the power of "using his own way to give him another body". Smash it.

At the same time, Satan looked at the distant sea in a sense, and saw that there was a "Chen Rui" in the sea, and the badge held in his hand was crushed.

"Sally!" Satan's gaze is so sharp that he has seen the appearance of the badge before the break, with a mark of a huge eye.

Satan was taken aback. Because it was far away, it was too late to stop, and a smoke of smoke emerged from the broken badge and gradually formed into a human form.

For the first time, Chen Rui saw the figure of Sali, and the last time he saw the sari leaves in the library and the journey to the mysterious land was a huge eye.

This is a somewhat slim figure, the appearance seems to be very delicate, but it is just a feeling. The more carefully, the more confused the facial features, but the curly blonde looks conspicuous.

"Saliye adults!" Chen Rui quickly said: "The original silver scorpion is almost ready to go, but that Tiffany summoned a big man..."

"Satan!" Sullivan saw the silver scorpion in Satan's hand at a glance, and gave a low voice, and his figure was already in front of Satan. Regardless of the sound or appearance, the sari leaves are somewhat neutral.

"Saliye, this game, in fact, you have lost, is it still hard to do?" Satan did not panic, playing with silver scorpion, casually said: "Don't forget, you were not my opponent. ”

"Hey! That was just your trick!" Sally said coldly: "You have always been good at playing tricks. In the battle for the silver scorpion that year, even if the false gods have fallen a lot, I am also subject to Seriously injured, even worse, even the body was destroyed. In the end you became the biggest winner and got one of the three silver scorpions. I will not make the mistake of the year!"

Chen Rui’s heart jumped. It turned out that there was a battle for silver scorpion between the gods. The battle was definitely earth-shattering, and Satan became the ultimate winner and got a silver scorpion! Plus one, two!

"I am not the biggest winner," Satan sighed. "I didn't hesitate to burn my own body with mystery. The soul body escaped with another silver scorpion. Now the silver scorpion is still missing. I have spent a lot of effort to find it, but over the years, there have been countless silver scorpions. No one is true. It seems that he is stunned and confused. He must be alive."

This sentence made Chen Rui understand a little more. The old man, Emperor Augola, once said that he was actually just a smooth road, and he heard about the battle of the silver scorpion of Paglieu, Lola and others. Just happened to meet Paglieu, so I asked him. However, the silver scorpion was not found, so Augustus did not ask or harm, but sealed the poison dragon. I want the poison dragon to get further insight in the sleep.

The reason is that Augustus thinks that the poison dragon, the democrat-level powerhouse, should have been a fake, just take a look at it and find nothing. There is no interest in tracking it down.

Chen Rui suddenly thought of another key issue. The silver scorpion of the dark moon should be true. Then...

"Yes, you are the winners at that time, only I am a loser. But whoever loses today will not necessarily win." Sullivan took a deep breath, and his eyes were full of burning light. Chen Rui felt the pressure suddenly. Reinforce, this power is never under Satan.

Satan didn't have any action, just shook his head: "Saliye, now the silver scorpion has all been born, have you ever thought about it, we really work together to get the book of destruction together."

"In this way, we can follow the example of Michael, set up or expand a church that spreads over the Devil, share the power of the great faith, and increase the chances of becoming a god." Sullivan reveals contempt Smile, "If I remember correctly, similarly, I said it more than once before you left the black hand."

The Book of Destruction? Michael? Establish a church? Get faith? These keywords made Chen Rui's ears stand up. Suddenly there was a feeling of "slightly large amount of information", and several mysteries of the mind were solved.

Those veterans who have lived for tens of thousands of years and hundreds of thousands of years may not know the secrets that he heard at this moment.

"Is it?" Satan's face showed a strange smile. "So, is this war inevitable?"

"Hey! Don't pretend, you have been delaying the time, still don't want to use the mystery to project the real body?"

"Are you not like this?" Satan laughed. "Before the war, I will give you a pertinent evaluation. Your strength is not as good as me, but it is not far away. Unfortunately, your brain is never as good as me. It's easy to use."

"Do not talk nonsense, do you want to fight with me with one hand?" Sally's eyes fell on the silver plaque in the hands of Satan, the silver scorpion could not be used for space equipment or the country, for two evenly rivals. In fact, if you want to be distracted to protect the silver scorpion will definitely be suppressed. Shariye is not a good class. This psychological tactic has hit the key of Satan. Satan frowned and did not speak again.

Sally raised his hand slowly, and the original turbulent sea surface suddenly stood still. Chen Rui felt that his body seemed to be unable to move with the seawater.

Sullivan's law of imprisonment!

The same thing that couldn't move was Satan, who was facing the force. However, Sally quickly removed his gaze and looked at the direction of Chen Rui, where another figure of Satan appeared.

It turned out that Satan had prepared for it, and it was only an afterimage that was banned by Sullivan.

Satan's eyes flashed past, his hand turned to the next, a horrible power overwhelmed Chen Rui, Chen Rui was surprised, it seems impossible to dodge.

Faced with an opponent like Sally, the first thing Satan has to deal with is actually the "anthill ant" watching the battle!

Ps: This chapter thanked the book friend 111214221906766 for the reward. Today's speed is very fast, and the hand-broken halo is temporarily weakened. Let's praise one!

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