Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 969: test?

This familiar and terrible atmosphere made Chen Rui shocked. He saw that Qi Lanya’s body shape changed. The original white robe became a golden red armor, wrapped tightly with a hot body, silver enamel. It has already become a blood-like red, surrounded by a flame full of ruin, with a long whip in his hand, waving between the waves and sparks.

This is... the Abyss creature flame witch! The demon **** of the semi-god level must be the strongest elite of variation!

Reminiscent of Qi Lanya’s words, Chen Rui’s heart suddenly sinks – this psychedelic forest is a trap?

Is the event of the entire Shiquan tribe a terrible trap? The elves of the elves have been completely eroded by the power of the abyss, including the demigod and the legendary prophet who has not seen each other?

Chen Rui has an eye for analysis. However, Qi Lanya, who is not far away, does not have any information. It should be due to some kind of folding space. The actual distance is much farther than the visual distance, which exceeds the analytical eye detection. The scope.

"Hey!" Qi Lanya waved the whip in her hand and hit it on the ground.

There were countless horrible cracks on the ground, and Chen Rui’s lightning spread. Her attack seemed to have no space restrictions.

When the crack reached Chen Rui's face, it had become a terrible rift. The rift was full of blood-red magma, which continued to erupt.

Lola’s eyes disappeared, Chen Rui’s figure disappeared, and Miss Fairy Dragon appeared in the sky at the same time.

Qi Lanya has long determined the direction of Rolla's movement, and the whip is shaking. There are countless whip around Lola and Chen Rui. Intertwined into a giant net in all directions, the two people's dodge position is completely blocked.

Chen Rui clearly felt the power of powerful destruction in the whip. There is even a special bite of hatred, and the heart is dark – just as in judgment. Not an illusion! It is the real abyss power!

Qi Lanya's strength is half-god. The power of this offensive is extremely terrible. The magic wand of the roller is in the hands of the roller, and the circle of light is swaying. The whiplash of the energy is suddenly solidified like a real object. Qi Qi burst into pieces.

Qi Lanya did not expect that her powerful blow was actually hardened by the regional level of the roller, and the blood was surprised. It is not easy for Lola to take the shot. Chen Rui’s figure has appeared on the ground below. Apparently moved to a safe location by Rolla.

Qi Lanya did not intend to let Chen Rui's "anthill ant", his feet slammed into the ground, and a large number of terrible figures were arched in the flowing magma. Gap, violent, flame witch, abyss lord, and even a variety of unknown abyss creatures have appeared, have come to Chen Ruiyong, as long as a blink of an eye, the central poor "Arthur" prince will not even Left.

Just as Qi Lanya released the abyss army, Lola had taken the initiative, and the glasses were shining, if she looked at her eyes now. You will find that the fairy dragon's original purple pupil is rotating six kinds of shining colors.

At the same time, the ground around Qi Lanya began to appear six rays, which are like the color in the pupil of the roller. Qi Lanya instinctively gave birth to a rare sense of crisis, a long whip, and turned into a ring. A protective ring that wraps around the body, such as the flame of the same circle.

The six colored lights are intertwined in an instant. Blended into a transparent color, which is colorless. The next second, a terrible explosion happened.

The power of such an explosion cannot be described in words.

This is in the voyage of the Mandala in the past few days. Lola was inspired by Chen Rui’s inadvertent mention of the principle of antimatter weapons. The newest comprehension of the strongest six-element country was the strongest hit. Chen Rui named it as: The wrath of the element."

For example, if the explosive power of a single element is counted as ten, then the power of the six elements simultaneously exploding in the "Elemental Wrath" is like the terrible energy caused by the collision of positive and negative matter, not sixty, nor six hundred. It is the sixth power of ten! one million!

In the blink of an eye, Qi Lanya was engulfed by a soft light, which seemed to be peaceful and harmless, but all the abyss creatures around him, whether it was the Flame Witch or the Abyss Lord, were flying in the light of this ray. Annihilation.

This kind of impact is so strong that Chen Rui, who is wrapped in the protective power of Lola, feels the horrible impact and is secretly stunned.

The soft light faded away, and there was a terrible trace of destruction in front. The ground was full of exaggerated distortions and cracks, and the abyss creatures summoned all disappeared.

"嘭", it seems that there are intangible things splitting, looming can see that there are numerous cracks in the void, and then turned into powder disappear. This is the power of space. Rolla’s “Frath of Elements” shatters the space that was originally blocked!

Although this shot showed great power, but Lola's expression did not relax, I saw a figure in the explosion center gradually rising, it is Qi Lanya.

There is only one short handle left in the hand of Qi Lanya, and the gold-red armor is also cracked, and there are several shocking scars.

"Calling", Qi Lanya's body once again burned a blazing flame. This flame contained a strong hatred. In the burning, her wounds and the cracks of the armor gradually disappeared, and the whip in the hand returned to its original state.

The flames spread all the time, the whole space burned, and the air was filled with terrible heat and arrogance.

"I looked down on you, the fairy dragon!" Qi Lanya said with a grin, and the body exudes a terrible momentum. The strength is not reduced, but it is stronger. "Next hit, I will let you thoroughly..."

Before she finished, there was a strange ray of light in the flames of the sky, red-red, sly starlight.

This starlight filled the whole line of sight instantly, and Qi Lanya was shocked, because the starlight was not from the air, but on the ground... "Arthur!"

- That "only ants" with only the strength of the ranks!

Qi Lanya has not had time to make the next reaction. A red "meteor" flies toward her. This "meteor" contains the power of a terrible country. This is not a "pseudo-national" of the national power. ". It is the true kingdom of faith and the power of life!

This belief and the strength of life are even her semi-god-level powerhouse. Can only look up.

At a critical juncture, Qi Lanya did not hesitate to send the brewing power to the "Meteor". This power falls on the "meteor" and is repelled by a great power. In an instant, Qi Lanya instinctively gave birth to an extremely dangerous warning sign. This sense of crisis is even more terrible than the previous face of "the anger of the element". Even the flame that flows around the body trembles. There is also the will and soul of Qi Lanya.

do not know why. The figure of the meteor slowly slowed down, and then a deep red light wiped Qi Lanya's body fleeting.

The gaze of the meteor quickly converges into the shape of an adult. This one is wearing a figure of armor, and the armor is shining like a star.

The figure kept a punching posture, and the fist stayed on the left side of Qi Lanya. The chest and abdomen were under the empty door. However, Qi Lanya did not take the opportunity to attack. The sluggish pupil seemed to be fixed. .

Next second. A space behind her, a red line, including the sky and the earth, suddenly appeared visually tilted around the red line, as if it had been split into two halves.

Qi Lanya's coagulated pupils shrink. The body trembled a little, and the golden red armor on the body of the cockroach showed a large crack and shattered.

Her current body seems to have been invaded by countless needles. The sting is extremely terrible, and even more terrible. The soul and the will are shackled by that horrible power, and almost lost their fighting spirit.

This is only the passing of the previous blow!

That punch. If it is not the other party's deviation in time, under normal circumstances, her body has turned into dust.

Is this the true strength of Arthur?

It turns out that everyone has been deceived by this human! There is no need for any guardian at all, even the strength of the Guardian of the Fairy Dragon is far less inferior to this protected person!

Qi Lanya suddenly understood two things. First, the last shot of Lola’s "color" big move was actually just taking her half-god strongman to try. Second, the reason why "Arthur" was put by Rolla To the ground, not to avoid being attacked by the battle, but to kill and kill, to kill her as quickly as possible.

"Why don't you kill me?" Qi Lanya asked aloud.

The face of Chen Rui’s face was automatically uncovered, revealing the facial features, exhaling a sigh of relief, shrugging: “You are not a real abyss creature, Ms. Elf. Those abyss forces are really realistic, but after all, it’s not true, if I guess Yes, I should be in the kingdom of a big man, with his blessing, even if my shot hit you, you may not die... Psychedelic forest, good name, I almost really Be confused."

In fact, has two memories of the refining of the alchemy civilization, and Chen Rui, who has had a real confrontation with the abyss, feels that there is something wrong with the "abyss" here. Especially when I was close to Qi Lanya, Chen Rui’s data in the eyes of the analysis showed that the elf did not have any abyss properties. The kind of hatred was obviously the attached “shell” and the hatred of Veronica. There is a world of difference, and the mental illusion intrusion warning in the super system makes Chen Rui more sure of the guess.

"I am sorry for my rudeness, Ms. Qi Lanya." Chen Rui took back his fist and stepped back. The star armor of his body gradually disappeared, and the voice of the national life spread far and wide: "I think, I should Through some kind of test, the legendary prophet, Eleuther."

As soon as this sentence came out, the ruined environment around it began to recover quickly, as if the film was rewinding, and the breathing time, blood redness and heat had disappeared, and it turned back to the lush forest.

The jade leaves abandoned by Chen Rui returned to his hands. When the jade leaves started, Chen Rui and Lola felt that the space was changing and appeared in front of the hut.

The door of the hut was automatically opened, and a hoarse voice came out: "The human beings who master the future of the world, the light of the hope of the women of Span and Merial, and the elemental people, welcome you to come here." (To be continued.)

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