Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 970: Legendary prophet

The first sentence of Ai Lucier made Chen Rui slightly surprised and mastered the future of the world.

For the moment, he is already in control of the future of the devil world. As for the human world, after various promotion such as magic games, it cannot be said that it is completely controlled. However, in the future war between the devil and the human world, he has some long-term perspectives. Planning, is this all "foreseeed" by Eleuther?

Also, Rolla actually became the "light of hope" of the elemental people. What does this sentence mean?

With guilt and doubt, Chen Rui and Lola walked into the hut.

Similar to the imagination, there is another hole in the small hut, which is spacious and bright. However, the appearance of the Eleules in the hall is greatly unexpected.

The elves that Chen Rui has seen, including the dark elves of the Devil World, are all beautiful men and women, but the legendary prophet in front of him has subverted his usual cognition.

The figure is not slender and slender, but bloated, and the black robe on the body is exaggeratedly opened. It is almost impossible to imagine what proportion of the body is below. What is even more terrible is his face. The left half still retains the characteristics of some elves, pointed ears, vaguely handsome facial features, but the right half of the face is purely a strange red skin monster. Especially the green eyes, giving a chilling feeling of horror, some claw-like hands holding a dry wooden stick, which exudes a rotten and unpleasant smell.

Race: Unable to judge!

Comprehensive strength: unable to judge!

This "unable to judge" display represents only one thing - this weird elf prophet, Eleuther, is a false god!

It is no wonder that even the most powerful Span, who was known as the Elves in the past, must be called a "teacher." The test in the forest just now must be the national power of Eleuther.

Chen Rui did not dare to be rude. With Rolla, I said: "I have seen the adult of Eleuther."

"You don't have to pay more, two. Please sit down." Eleuther's voice was hoarse and hoarse, and he could only describe it with ugly words, but it was in the ear, giving a feeling of tranquility.

Chen Rui and Lola sat down together, and Ai Lusier asked: "First introduce myself, my so-called "prophet" does have some special talents, and I can explore some of the main trajectories in fate, that is, Predict, but this kind of prediction is quite scalable. It is a variable, and I can only predict, can't answer, unless... is the prophecy that has been fulfilled."

Can only predict, can't answer? Chen Rui’s stomach problem was smashed back, and Lola asked: “Austin, how can you predict our future?”

"I have already said that the light of hope of the elemental people - hope that if it becomes a reality, it depends on the flow of your efforts and destiny; as well as changing the future of the world."

"So how do I change the future of the world?" Chen Rui replied temptedly. “Is it possible to determine my current direction?”

"I think, you should already have an answer in your heart." Eleuther's left eye flashed with wise light, "I have it all morning."

The feeling of this answer, how to listen to the fortune teller like the hospital door? Chen Rui shrugged. However, he did have an answer in his heart, as Eleuther said, there has always been.

Lola looked at Chen Rui. Cleverly converted a topic: "Alan Lucer, can we ask other questions?"

"Call me a teacher. Span and Melia's children, the owner of the six-element country." Eleuther looked at Lola. The left half of the face reveals a kind of color. "You carry many hopes, and you also face many difficulties. Fortunately, you are not alone. Your lover is also the same. So, look straight ahead, go on, this is you. The road is also your way."

"Understood, teacher." Lola sneaked a glimpse of Chen Rui, his eyes flashing with joy.

"As for you, Your Highness Arthur...That's what you call it. I can answer some questions in your heart," Ellsil moved his eyes to Chen Rui's body. "You have special things that I can't describe in words." Inheritance, in fact, I can't foresee your future, or even your past. The reason why you have mastered the future of the world is because I foresee the future contours of the world, not yours. In other words, your arrival , gave me a clearer answer."

Chen Rui's heart can not help but jump, a special inheritance? Can't foresee the future or perceive the past? Is it the super system or the secret of crossing? It seems that the prophet’s talent is terrible, and he feels this level!

"No need to be nervous, everyone has their own secrets, just like the strength you have, rest assured, I have no intention of spying on your secrets." Eleuther felt Chen Rui's mood change, shook his head: "Change a topic. Such as ... magic games. This is a great initiative, no matter what you can change, it will be destined to be remembered by history. I have sensed the atmosphere of the alchemy world from the magic game purchased by the elves, you should have the alchemy civilization Partially passed down, then do you know the main plane and the small world?"

Chen Rui nodded, and Eleuther went on to say: "The alchemy world is one of many small worlds, but it is not the only small world with intelligent life, such as... witchcraft civilization, my current body, half of it is a witch festival. The high priest of man. Like the alchemy civilization, the witchcraft civilization has been destroyed, and it is a terrible abyss that destroys it. Only a few people have escaped. The high priest is one of them. He was lucky enough to escape. This was once the main plane of the gods, and then... met me. He chose to merge with me when he was near death. I originally had some special spiritual talents, and the witches had incredible predictive power... ...this is also the real reason why I became a 'legendary prophet.'"

Chen Rui and Lola showed a sigh of color. Eleuther sighed: "Peeping or changing fate is a price. As a price, I and my strength can never leave this psychedelic forest. And, Every time my prophecy, my vitality will be weakened by the distortion of fate and pain. By now, it has almost come to an end."

Chen Rui silently said nothing. Ai Lucier looked very calm: "I have tried to use my foresight to control my destiny, but I don't understand it until now. Even if I can foresee the future, I can't change it. Every time you take advantage of the fate of the fate. In fact, it is also watching. You, perhaps, don’t need any foresight... Only by truly mastering yourself and surpassing yourself can you truly master and transcend your destiny."

In this passage, Chen Rui suddenly thought of a line of classic movies. "With regard to the future, every time you look at it, it will change because you look at it. And because of this, everything else has changed."

Even if you understand the "drama" and make corresponding adjustments, some changes in things will trigger the butterfly effect, causing the entire "playbook" to undergo a chain change. In a sense, foresight can bring a lot of convenience, but this kind of "coincidence" will also cause more variables, but not as firm as faith. Follow your own path and go on without moving forward.

Chen Rui implicitly understands why this legendary prophet will "only predict, not answer." There seems to be some gains and changes in the mood.

"Well, you have a hard time to come, listen to me, this old guy is pretending to be a ghost for a long time..." Ai Lucier smiled. "Fenoa's little guy should have told you that people who come here will get my gift. There is a stack of cards, and each of you draws one. Need a reminder. If you get the main card, you can directly Get the treasure, the higher the level of the board, the better the treasure; but if you draw the deck, you must complete a task to get the corresponding reward according to the degree of completion. You can also choose not to withdraw, directly give up Qualified to leave here."

After that, Chen Rui and Lola appeared in front of a stack of cards. The card makes Chen Rui somewhat familiar. It is the ancient magic card "destiny matchup", but now the role of this deck is obviously not a discussion, but a lottery.

The cards are washed automatically, and then the sheets are suspended in the air, and the patterns on the back are picked up.

Since he came, he certainly couldn’t enter Baoshan and vacated. Chen Rui looked at Lola, and Lola showed a touching smile. He pointed out a card and first pointed to a card.

The card suddenly turned bright and turned over.

The face is a beautiful woman in a white robe with a crown on her head.

Second only to the "golden emperor" of the strongest order, "the queen of white."

Ai Lucier nodded, and the "Queen of White" main card fell into the hands of Lola, suddenly became a group of six-color halo, and the halo gradually condensed into a beautiful crown.

"It's yours, child."

Lola's eyes are bright, she can clearly feel the power contained in this crown, it is the power of the six elements, this is not the ordinary power, but the same source of power as the elemental source!

These six elements are perfectly combined. This way of combining them can give her great inspiration, and even break through the current bottleneck and enter the level of demigod.

As a master of the device, Chen Rui judged the quality of this crown at a glance, and he could not help but reveal the color: it is an artifact! Powerful artifact!

The grade even surpassed his secret weapon, the tower of glory!

An artifact that beats the tower of glory! Ai Lucir gave it to Lola!

"Ell Lucer! This artifact..."

"The crown of the gods." Ai Lusier gently raised the stick in his hand: "It just found the owner who is the best for you. Laura, you have to remember that while accepting strength, you also accept the fate. The responsibility given."

"I know, teacher. I will go down the road of my choice, no matter what I have in front." Rolla is rarely not stupid or perfunctory. "I have a best friend who said that even if a person is fighting, But I am not alone. This is my luck, my happiness, and my greatest source of strength."

Miss Fairy Dragon has a strong self-confidence, wisdom, courage, determination, perseverance, this is the real roller.

"What I want to say is that your beauty is so exciting, dear Miss Laura." Chen Rui looked at Lola and did not hide his affection.

"What?" Miss Fairy Dragon's heart is sweet and mellow, pretending not to hear clearly, only hope that he will say it again.

Ai Lucier’s indifferent voice sounded: “With it to see the master of the elements, you will have an unexpected harvest.”

The master of the element?

Elemental king?

Chen Rui secretly nodded shook the hand of Lola: "Give me a good luck, my beloved lady..."

Said, the hand that held the roller point to the card.

Touching the jade hand of the red-handed soft sister, even if the special prizes such as "Golden Emperor" and "Dark King" are not available, the first prize such as "White Queen" and "Phantom of the Magic" should be promising...

The board was lit up and flipped over.

Chen Rui’s expression became wonderful in an instant.

The board is... a pile of wood.

- Nothing else, just a pile of wood.

The resource deck is "wood" and the rating is the lowest.

This gives someone the urge to slap hands. (To be continued.)

Ps: In this chapter 3500, I would like to thank my old friend for your hard work. The high amount of other friends will be added one after another. Thanks to all the brothers and sisters who support genuine.

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