Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 979: Elf king

Chen Rui did not notice the reaction of the elves, and he was still immersed in the surprise that created the source.

After the creation of the source has expanded to a certain extent, it has finally stopped. The power of the source has become the embryonic form of the true law, which means that the creation rules of the original source can be directly applied, and the benefits that Chen Rui receives are far more than that.

If the source of destruction is likened to the thunderbolt that destroys everything, then the source of creation is like a growing tree. It was previously destroyed at the birth and death by destroying the source, waiting for a seed, and now in the "wood" magic card. Under the influence of the seeds, the seeds sprouted and grew into seedlings. As long as there is guidance for it, the outline of the future will be formed step by step, and it will certainly grow into a real towering tree step by step.

The best "nutrients" of this "irrigation" are naturally the complete creations of the Three Holy Religions and the Temple of Light. These things that are out of reach for ordinary people are actually within reach of Chen Rui. As long as the two main sources are obtained, the super system's cosmic law will be completely perfected, producing qualitative changes and evolving to the next level.

Chen Rui only felt that the road ahead was as clear as ever, as if the path of the thorns had turned into a smooth road, and the spirit could not help.

"The discovery of a growing faith organism, the level is unknown, the role is unknown, can be transplanted to Fengxingtai, the transplant takes 30 minutes, consumes 10 million yuan of belief, is it transformed?"

The prompt of the super system made Chen Rui come back and finally found the strangeness in his hand - there is really a seedling!

The pottery card has disappeared and turned into a seedling that has "growed" from the palm of his hand. The stems and leaves are like a jade, green and lovely. Exudes a gentle and quintessential vitality.

this is……

Chen Rui subconsciously looked at the position of the original natural tree, which is already empty. The withered old trees and seals disappeared, leaving only the seedlings of his palm.

Chen Rui suddenly understood that the elf once said that the tree of nature has its own will. The "self-destruction" just now should be the natural tree's own choice. The water is burned with the help of three kinds of spring water.

The Tree of Nature was used as a medium by the fallen elves 20,000 years ago, and opened the passage of the abyss with the power of blood sacrifice. After the seal was sealed, the passage was never completely closed. After becoming a time bomb, after a long period of erosion, the tree of nature was even transformed into a more terrible abyss nest.

This time, Chen Rui’s lucky victory temporarily eliminated the power of the abyss, but the hidden dangers of the passage still existed. Therefore, the natural tree chose the “root cure” method, and closed itself, and completely cut off the passage of the abyss.

Of course, the tree of nature is not purely self-destructive, by the power of two pieces of essence and the power of a pot of cards. In the hands of Chen Rui, the seeds of life have been reactivated, and a new tree of nature has grown, and the amount is accurately stated. It is still roots and tender seedlings.

Thinking of the "wood" of the magic card, Chen Rui was speechless for a while, and it was really a task related to "wood"... The natural leaves of the two seals were from Ai Lusier. With the special card and the conditions of the three springs, the fortune teller of the pothole is absolutely premeditated!

However, the task is finally completed. Not only completely eliminates the threat of the abyss, but also successfully understands the true source of creation. Moreover, I also got a "growthable" belief creature. As long as this faithful creature with strange power is in hand, it is not difficult to get a complete understanding of the source of creation in the future...

Chen Rui saw the elves around him staring at the buds on his hands and reacted slyly. The battle was hard and the head was confused. This bud is a good thing, but it is about The sacred tree of the elves! To really transplant to the star-studded stage, the elves are not desperate to blame, not to mention the "fortune-telling husband", even if the black baby escapes, in the future can not face the elf king Laozhang.

"Cough..." Chen Rui coughed, suggesting that the elves had a human existence. Sure enough, most of the elves' eyes were focused on him, and the strange look made him feel a hair.

This is not a natural tree reborn, the elf also has some basic properties of soap.

In a weird atmosphere, Queen Liv finally spoke up: "Thank you for everything you have done for the elves, respected human friends... Congratulations, becoming the carestaket and guardian of the tree of nature. As for Miss Lola, I feel very sorry..."

"Lola has nothing to do, but I was transferred to another space," Chen Rui slightly lifted the tender seedlings in his hand and opened the subject: "Your Majesty said, the caretaker and guardian of the tree of nature?"

"Yes, although the Tree of Nature chose a race other than an elf to be the highest caresitter and guardian...something beyond our expectations, but the will of the Holy Tree is beyond doubt."

Chen Rui seems to understand the nod and nodded. He only listened to the amazing words of Queen Liv: "So, now, on behalf of the Empress of the Elf, I invite you to join the Silver Moon Fairy and become the Elf. One member."

“Joining Xiandu is a member of the elves?”

"You not only dispelled the abyss of the 20,000-year-old abyss, but also saved the sacred tree of the elves and received the approval of the sacred tree, enough to impress and grate all the elves. This great feat in the history of the elves There is only one kind of person, the hero king of the elves, which is the Elf King."

Elf King? Is this not a level with the old man? It sounds good, Chen Rui brows and shrugged: "But, I am human, so it doesn't matter?"

Queen Liv nodded: "With your merits, you are qualified to choose any elf woman as a spouse, join the Silver Moon Fairy, the Royal Heroes."

The original "welfare" is the entrance - any female elf? Also includes this beautiful, mature and beautiful Queen, who is Her Majesty?

This thought is just an extended thinking. Looking at the serious look of Queen Liv, Chen Rui put away the jokes and shook his head: "My good intentions are my heart, and my original intention to help the elves is just for friends. Don't ask for anything. Don't mention anything like marriage."

Elf sisters are big beautiful women, just pick one out and there are also seven points female and eight women. If it is still single, then Chen Rui must have been stunned with his little friends. only. Now that the Crystal Palace is full of people, he is fully satisfied. Whether he considers the earthquake problem of Crystal Palace or the resentment of a political marriage without feelings, he will not agree to this request.

"His Royal Highness can fulfill this right at any time..." Queen Liv frowned, and did not reluctantly, directly said the topic: "There is one of the most important things to be completed by the Highness now - the tree of nature is reborn, but it is the most When it is fragile, this place is the most natural source for the growth of sacred trees, but it has now been completely destroyed by the power of the abyss. Even if there is a life spring, a resurrection spring and a vital spring moist, it will take at least two years. The time to recover, before that, please ask your Highness to do everything to protect the tree of nature."

"The meaning of your majesty is... let me protect this bud, the amount, the tree of nature for two years?" Chen Rui's eyes are round, did not hesitate?

Queen Liv’s apologetic color: “I know that this will make my Highness very difficult, but the Tree of Nature chose His Royal Highness as the guardian and caretaker. Moreover, His Royal Highness has three legendary springs that can provide the most natural tree. The power needed, this is also the request of all the elves, so... also ask your Highness to promise!"

Not at all embarrassed! Chen Rui added a sentence. I just opened my heart and deliberately indulged for a moment before I nodded. The opposite question: "This is about the survival of the elves, I can't seem to find a reason for rejection."

The next sentence of Queen Liv made him dumbfounded: "Then please ask your Highness to stay in Xiandu for two years. When the source of nature is fully recovered."

"I am sorry, this is impossible." Chen Rui answered this question quite surely. Without hesitation, he immediately went to the Lan Yao Empire, and there are also very important plans. It is impossible to stay in the Silver Moon Xiandu, let alone two years.

Queen Liv frowned: "The other is good, but this condition cannot be refused, please understand..."

After the words were not finished, Chen Rui interrupted: "This time I had an important thing to rush to another place. The reason why I came to Xiandu was to fulfill my commitment to the Master of Fenoa. I happened to accept a commission from the adult of Eleuther. Now that the commission has been completed, it is no exaggeration to say that if I insist on leaving, or even forcibly taking away the tree of nature, you can’t stop it, even if it’s that The legendary prophet adults personally shot, the same."

At the beginning, I also left a few soul-markings of the peaks of the gods, which can drive the tower of glory to freely display the gates of the stars. Even the "closest to God" Michael, at the beginning, was helpless. Chen Rui did not think that Ai Lucille’s combat power was still above Michael, and the legendary prophet could not leave the psychedelic forest because of the price he had paid for, and the strength of these elves could not hold him.

Upon hearing Chen Rui said to take away the tree of nature, the elves suddenly screamed, and many people's faces became difficult to look at, and their eyes were faintly revealing hostility.

Chen Rui didn't take it easy, and said indifferently: "The sinisters I experienced when I faced the abyss were witnessed. I don't want to work hard to help my friends." In exchange for a chilling treatment. I have myself. The itinerary and arrangement, now I have to leave the silver moon fairy. The tree of nature can be handed over to any elf, on the face of my friend Fenoa, I can also give some of the three springs to the elf. Family, as for others, I think... no need to talk about it."

"You are the guardian of the tree of nature. Before the growth or successful transplant, the tree of nature can't leave you, otherwise there is danger of exhaustion and death." It is not the Queen of Liv, but Qi Lanya, "You You can take the tree of nature if you have to protect it."

The last sentence surprised the elves and looked at each other.

"The lord has another identity, his wife, the fairy dragon, is the daughter of Span." Qi Lanya's words eased the eyes of many elves. It turned out that this human being is actually the elven king Spence. son in law!

Although Liv Queen had learned this relationship from the mouths of several super-powers, the sacred tree is the key to the continuation of the elves. It is impossible to loosen it. She thinks of another thing, the heart is moving, Aligning Lan Ya asked: "Take the tree of nature... is the teacher's meaning?"

Qi Lanya slightly decapitated: "This is the only hope for the revival of the Tree of Nature. It is also the last prophecy of the father."

"Last?" The elves are moving together.

Qi Lanya's eyes faded: "The father's vitality is only the last few years, and it is no longer possible to support the next prophecy."

The legendary prophet is the highest mentor and guide of the elves. The prestige in the elves is irreplaceable, and there is only a few years of life in the life of Eleuther. The eyes of the elves have revealed the color of sorrow, and some of the hostility to Chen Rui has disappeared. It seems that they have chosen trust.

Queen Liv took a deep breath and gave Chen Rui a ritual: "His Royal Highness, please forgive me for the rudeness before, because the sacred tree is related to the survival of my family. Since this is the case, please ask your Highness to take care of the tree of nature, two Return to Xiandu after the year. Plant the tree of nature into the source of nature. During this period, the elves will provide all the help that the Highness can provide, the super-strong, the elf army... including the two strongest regiments. The Phantom Shooter Corps and the Elf Elemental Regiment can be assigned to His Royal Highness."

"Since the elves trust me like this, I swear by my life and will protect the tree of nature at all costs. After two years, I will return to the original owner." Chen Rui also gave a gift to the Elves, and he understood the other's position and concerns. . Moreover, the tree of nature is very important for mastering the source of creation. It can be kept for two years... No, even if it is only half a year, catch up with him to the bright mountain. It can also play a vital role. Therefore, he did not put any more face or even what to swear, but gave the elves a step.

As for the privilege of mobilizing troops, of course, is the face of selling the tree of nature. It doesn't have much effect on Chen Rui, and he has to do big things. I don't want to involve the elves.

When Chen Rui turned his head, he saw Fenoia’s grateful eyes. He gave his old friend a certain smile and began to transplant the tree of nature.

The transplant of the tree of nature was very smooth. Under the gaze of the elves, the tree of nature disappeared completely in the hands of Chen Rui. Although the tree could not be seen, it was clear that the tree was still alive and distributed. Different from the past, the elves looked a little more grateful and awe in looking at Chen Rui’s eyes.

On the star-studded stage, there was a seedling.

At the moment when the seedling appeared in the star-studded stage, Chen Rui clearly felt that the life of the entire super-system galaxy suddenly became rich, and some of the originally unmanned planets began to show signs of life.

The Tree of Nature - a growing faith creature with unknown levels, unknown effects, and portability, currently consumes 1,000 crystallizations per day.

Although the effect is unknown, and it consumes a thousand units of belief crystals every day, Chen Rui feels that the tree of nature should have another magical effect. Unfortunately, there is no time to study it carefully. However, it is only for the unmanned planet to produce life. It is enough to return the fare.

After solving the problem of the tree of nature, Chen Rui did not stay in Yinyue Xian, and went straight to leave. Queen Liv and Fenoa and others sent him to the gate of Xiandu.

On the occasion, Chen Rui accidentally saw the "acquaintances."

A 12-year-old elf girl with a green curly hair and a lovely facial features is riding a snowy unicorn and strolling in this direction.

A silver Pegasus accidentally snorted along the way, and the unicorn immediately fiercely rushed toward the silver shovel, making a spurt of spurs, and the silver spurs frightened and fled backwards, even the elves on horseback. The knights almost slammed down.

The unicorn raised his head and his eyes were arrogant and continued to move forward.

The elf girl saw the Empress and Fenoa and others, showing the color of surprise, just to greet the unicorn in the past, knowing that the unicorn is faster than her, and voluntarily rushing to the side, the direction is not the elf queen, but Chen Rui.

The unicorn ran to the front of Chen Rui all the way, it seems a bit embarrassing. Chen Rui smiled and reached out. The familiar atmosphere made the unicorn finally confirm the guess, and snorted excitedly, staring at him intimately.

Many of the nearby elves were taken aback. The unruly unicorn white wind, except for the little princess Michelle, even the elves with more strength than it could not tame it, actually to this "stranger" So close.

Chen Rui had two more fruit in his hands. This is the favorite food of the unicorn. The white wind is overjoyed, staring at the fruit, suddenly thinking of something, the action has come down, and the eyes are overflowing with tears.

Chen Rui knows what Baifeng thought of, and the scene of the past appeared, with a faint sadness, gently stroking the unicorn's mane, and said in the eyes of the analysis: "I miss her, white wind."

The unicorn bowed his head and the big tears fell on the ground. This scene made the elves unable to believe their eyes.

"Your Majesty." Chen Rui suddenly turned back and said to the Queen Liv in the back: "The ‘right’ that you mentioned before joining the Xiandu... Does it include half-elves?”

The elf Queen, a moment, indulged in a moment, replied: "Include."

"So... I will always retain the right to join Xiandu." Chen Rui said that most of the elves in the room felt inexplicable, only Queen Liv and Fenoa understood the meaning of this sentence, the big princess Fei Li also I have some faintly guessed.

"Excuse me, are you..." Michelle, who jumped from the horse, asked hesitantly.

"Take care of yourself and the white wind." Chen Rui did not answer, touched the head of the little princess, put a fruit in her hand, and looked down at the elves behind me, striding forward. .

"Hey! That..." Michelle's eyes widened and looked at the back of the human beings.

"Michelle The voice of the Empress Queen is ringing around.

"Mom, why is he..."

"Let's go, there are things that you will understand later when you grow up."

"Is there any doubt after growing up?"

"No, you will encounter more questions, this is life."

"What do I have to do?"

"Use your eyes, your hands, to find the answer..."

In the question and answer of the mother and daughter, the figure in front is gradually drifting away. (To be continued.)

Ps: 5200 words in this chapter, thank you for the book friend's reward, is the sister's words 520, is the man's, please lick soap, oh oh...

There is one more in the evening (time may be later). Seeking Like! Seeking support!

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