Devil’s Son-in-Law

Chapter 980: City of Mage

Shortly after Chen Rui left Silver Moon Fairy, Rolla’s three-hour integration time in Fengxingtai was over, and he automatically appeared beside him.

The fusion state of Fengxingtai has a magical effect. After paying a certain amount of faith, it can use the power of the super system to restore the injury and strength of the fusion star. Miss Fairy is now equal to the resurrection of the original blood. It is.

Chen Rui simply said what happened later. He heard that the tree of nature was in the hands of his own man. The fairy dragon couldn’t help but stayed. This time, it’s not the dress. As the daughter of the Elf King, she certainly knows the tree of nature. What does it mean for the elves?

Of course, Chen Rui did not mention anything related to the so-called "marriage". The sentence he asked to the Empress Queen when he left was more of a memory and recollection. He personally experienced the event of the altar of the nightmare volcano. Blanche’s death has basically no suspense, but the shadow of the half-elf girl is still in his heart.

In addition to the natural tree and the harvest of the original source, Chen Rui also received a direct reward for the “wood” mission from Qi Lanya, a box.

This box is a kind of storage space equipment, but compared with the absolute space jewelry, first of all, its space is amazing, it is a huge warehouse, although it is not comparable to the super system storage warehouse, but also Chen Rui The space with the largest capacity has been seen.

There are a lot of things piled up inside the box, almost full of huge space, these things...accurately all sorts of broken. However, when Chen Rui saw these "broken", he was shocked, for him. These "broken" are much more valuable than the equivalent of black crystal coins - the remains of the ancient alchemy civilization!

As the master of the three-level civilized alchemy civilized city, Chen Rui can clearly feel it. The grades of these items are quite high, far exceeding the level of the "sky wheel" of the four-class civilized city he had seen on the island of Stormwind. At least it is also a five-level "urban" level, and maybe even a sixth-level "emperor".

The six-level alchemy emperor is already the highest level of civilization. Only when the whole civilization reaches a certain level can it evolve and be unique. At the beginning of the four great empires of the alchemy civilization, there was only one each.

The core of Xinghuang that Chen Rui now owns is only a three-level alchemy city. However, after he obtained a large number of Yuanjing in the mysterious and lost place, he not only succeeded in creating a separate game control crystal core, but also greatly enhanced those crystals. With the power of the life center, Jinghuang has only reached the bottleneck by absorbing less than one-tenth of the stock. The upper limit and control ability of controlling organisms have been greatly enhanced.

The original star of the star of Huangshan is the national level, and the upper limit of the crystal phoenix is ​​directly related to the strength of the master. As long as Chen Rui’s strength can break through the national level and reach the half god, the center of Jinghuang will be automatically upgraded to four. The core of the civilization is further upgraded. However, if the entire civilized city wants to upgrade, it needs a variety of rare materials that can't be met. The "ruins" of At least the urban-level civilization presented by Eleuther is the charcoal in the snow. There are these materials, just wait. Chen Rui's realm breakthrough. By branding the spirit of the integrated alchemy civilization, the capital of Xinghuang can be upgraded to level 4 or even higher.

Chen Rui took the box into the storage space and successfully passed the Zilan port of the Elf family with the holy leaf badge presented by Queen Liv. Take the mandala and go straight to the Blue Yao Empire.

This time the trip to the emerald forest, the harvest of the roller is also quite rich. The crown of the Yuanshen is an artifact that transcends the tower of glory, and it does not have the power of false gods to perform as the tower of glory. It’s just a baby tailored for Rolla, not only that. After the hard battle in the face of the abyss, Lola further realized the mystery of the six-element country, and grasped the key to the promotion of the demigod, only need a point of entry, can directly break into the demigod.

- Although this "wood" mission is pitted, the rewards are still not pitted.

Two days later, the Datura arrived at the famous port city of Yageda in the Lanyao Empire, where he and Proyo, Paglieu and others agreed to meet.

Yageda is the second largest city in the Blue Yao Empire except the Emperor Fosto. It is very prosperous. Due to the blue moon sea area controlled by the elves, it is not uncommon for the elves to be in Jakarta. Many of the jade forest products can be bought in the store, including some crafts and magic items from the hands of the elves.

The most famous place in Jakarta is not its economy, but military power. There is also one of the most powerful "national weapons" of the entire Blue Yao Empire, Master Tallinn.

The magician is a very strong profession and a very burnt profession. The basic subjects that ordinary magicians should practice include spiritual power, magic power, elemental affinity, meditation, etc. After mastering the foundation, you can feel the magic if you want to release the magic, but such efficiency and success rate are very low, and it is easy to detour. The quickest way to learn is to use a special magic book. Of course, it is better to have a teacher to guide them. These undoubtedly make the "cost" of magic learning higher. Especially in the ground world, magic scrolls are quite popular, which makes the magician's burning rate second only to alchemy.

The advantage of the ground world lies in the systematic learning of the college. It can be qualified as a formal magician through the college's practice. Excellent talents may stay in the college for further study, and more will be recruited by various empires and kingdoms.

The Master Tower is actually a house where magicians study and practice magic. It is also a unique building of the ground world magicians. It is rarely seen in the devil world.

The Master Tower can be used to store items such as magic books, scrolls, or magic items. It is also a base for resisting and avoiding strong enemies. The location, structure, and elemental characteristics are quite elaborate.

A good mage tower not only allows the magician to do more with less, but also plays a key role in reversing the battle when fighting. The Mage Tower is also a symbol of identity and status. Generally, only the magician who has reached the division level or above is qualified to build the magic tower.

Jagda has concentrated on the most powerful magician camp of the Blue Yao Empire. The size of the Master Tower is not a single existence, but a collective "array" of planning. Collectively known as Master Tallinn.

Due to the alliance between the Lan Yao Empire and the Silver Moon Fairy, a considerable part of Jagda's magician is a resident elf. The entire city is also known as the "City of the Master."

The elves are a magical race because they advocate a natural relationship. Chen Rui did not see too many axe artifacts in Yinyue Xian, but in Jakarta, traces of magical civilization can be seen everywhere.

In the sky, a huge magical balloon-like magical ship flies around the city. Almost every shop has magical shackles that provide simple services. Even the wheels on the carriages are driven by special elements...

The most exciting thing is the Rolla. Although these magical items are not worth mentioning to her in terms of strength, the most rare thing is the novelty of creativity, which breaks the barrier of many inertial thinking.

For a time. The fairy dragon has been inspired a lot, excited, and has a small book in his hand, which is recorded from time to time, lest he missed the inspiration.

Rolla walked for a while, her eyes were attracted by the fish lamp at the door of a magic store. The lamp was actually a big fish tank, and the fish swimming inside it glowed brightly and constantly changing. It looks very interesting.

Miss Fairy Dragon’s eyes lit up and went over.

At the door of the magic store is a young female clerk who sees how the roller is interested in the fish lamp and quickly sells it as the store's signature merchandise. From the hands of a well-known magician.

I know that after Lola praised the idea of ​​this lamp, instead of buying it, she pointed out a series of problems. Includes various defects of this lamp and points out that it is up to one year. The fish will die.

This magic store is large in size and looks quite famous. There are also many people who come in and out. The female clerk is afraid of affecting the business and argues with Lola.

Chen Rui knows that Laura is exploring in the spirit of research, but after all, it affects people's business, and they want to go to the round. The sound on the side sounds: "So according to the lady's opinion, how can we avoid these fish too early?" death?"

The question was a middle-aged man with a beard, wearing a plain mage robe, originally coming out of the shop to leave, just happened to run into the problem of the fish lamp, and listened to it with great interest.

Chen Rui saw that the strength of this man has reached the peak of the peak (the emperor), and the strength of the atmosphere is very rich, it seems that the nationalization is not far away. He also noticed that the man had opened his mouth and the female clerk who had just had a few words had suddenly made a noise. It is obvious that this middle-aged man is a well-known magician.

The strength of a man is of course insignificant compared to that of a roller. However, when Miss Fairy Dragon encounters a problem of scientific research, there is no discrimination in strength. Instead, she carefully puts forward some ideas for improvement.

“Great idea!” The more the man listened, the more surprised he was, the more awe-inspiring: “My name is Laird, may I ask Miss?”

Laura glanced at Chen Rui. Chen Rui smiled and said: "My name is Arthur. This is my wife, Lola. I was rude, and I would like to ask Lord Lille for forgiveness."

Lilled secretly counts, although the strength of the two men's appearance is only the district level, but the knowledge and insights shown by the woman, even as a holy magician, he must be amazed, it seems that the strength It's as simple as seeing it on the surface.

After hearing that Lille’s self-reported door, Lola and Chen Rui did not have any special reaction. It seems that they have never heard of the name of the magician. Since Lille’s heart guessed that Lola’s strength was extraordinary, he did not care, but it was aside. The clerk looked a little annoyed - where the earthen buns came, even the name of the famous Lille adults of the Master Tallinn had never heard of it!

“Where!” Lilled said with amazement: “Mrs. Laura’s insights have sincerely admired me. The improved method of combining light with water can at least double the efficacy of this lamp. It will be extended to five years, but... I still don’t understand the water structure of the 'cloud chain' that Mrs. Rolla said.

Laura is quite satisfied with Lille's "Mrs." patiently explained the structure of the "cloud chain" water system magic array.

Because she has a very high level of knowledge, some of the problems Leder is more and more confused, Chen Rui sees the crux of the problem, and adds a few words in a simple language.

Lilled wakes up like a dream, and looks at Chen Rui’s eyes a little more differently - these couples are not ordinary people!

Lilled’s thoughts flew and he immediately went to a formal mage etiquette: “Thanks to the answers of the two of you, I have mastered new knowledge. It’s really exciting to meet two people today. I don’t know. Can you have the honor to invite two to my Master Tower to be a guest?"

The female clerk’s eyes were rounded up: Laird’s adults actually invited the two to go to the Master Tower! What a privilege! You know, this holy magician is rarely seen on weekdays, even the city master has not entered his magic tower! (To be continued.)

Ps: The second is 3500 words. Today it is almost 9000 words. Everyone remembers "Like". There are a lot of things tomorrow, including the 60th birthday of a relative, but I will continue to cheer for help!

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