Devour the Ancient Emperor

Chapter 3675 Very dangerous

Very depressed.

Su Chen is not a person who accepts death.

The origin of the soul itself is an extremely rare thing, but what he didn't expect was that there would be no so-called origin of the soul in the Great Yan Clan, a majestic hidden race.

"Boss, I found something."

Just when Su Chen was about to use the fetal treasure mirror to target other treasures.

The figures of Xiaopang and Carrot suddenly appeared.

"what happened?"

"Boss, you come with us."

Su Chen was actually a little curious, because the abilities of the two little guys were obvious to all, and now the faces of the two little guys were so solemn and serious. It seemed that this matter was a bit strange. .??.

In the middle of the clan, keep to the left.

A huge black vortex exuded a trembling aura, and in front of the vortex were several corpses, all fiery red, like caterpillars.

"Boss, we have just sensed this monster beast, and there is residual strange fire aura in its body."

Su Chen instantly understood what Xiaopang meant, and immediately summoned Xiao Huo, saying, "Go and sense the breath of the monster's corpse."

Xiao Huo nodded, came to the body of the monster beast, simply smelled it, his face changed slightly and said, "Boss, the body is tempered by the strange fire. This kind of monster can actually be transformed by the strange fire, and this kind of strange fire Its level is quite high, even higher than that of Huo Ying."

When Huo Ying was killed by Su Chen with one arrow, Xiao Huo was not given the chance to devour Huo Ying because of the terror of the Heavenly Dao Arrow.

"Can you locate the specific location of this strange fire?"

Xiaohuo immediately pointed to the whirlpool beside him and said, "If I didn't sense it wrong, this strange fire should come from inside."

"Boss, should we go in and take a look."

Su Chen's eyes were very solemn as he looked at the whirlpool in front of him. Just when he was about to try it, Carrot

Suddenly he said, "Boss, don't go in. I can feel a terrible aura surging inside."

Xiaopang immediately told Su Chen what Luo Bao had done just now. After all, this matter was of great importance. If something happened casually, he really couldn't bear the responsibility.

Su Chen understood what Carrot meant, and he believed in Carrot, but there must be the power they needed in the whirlpool. Especially looking at the corpses on the ground, it was obvious that this power was related to the strange fire.

Xiaohuo is about to advance and only has one last step left.

Faced with such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Su Chen didn't want to give up.

"Boss, why don't I go in and take a look alone."

"very dangerous."

"Don't worry, boss. You should know my identity. How could something happen to me? What's more, there is probably a strange fire inside."

Su Chen fell silent.

"Boss, I promise you, nothing will happen to me."

"In one day, whether you can get the power inside or not, you must come out and tell me."


Making a prompt decision, Xiao Huo stepped into the whirlpool without any trace of ink, but was instantly sucked away by the huge pulling force and disappeared.

"Boss, Luobo and I will continue to help you search. There are too many good things here."

Seeing the boss nodding, the two little guys immediately moved quickly towards the distance.

Su Chen summoned the Chaos Ancestral Dragon and other little guys, and said, "Go help your fat brother."

"Yes, boss."

Su Chen stared at the whirlpool in front of him. He was really worried about Xiao Huo's safety, but Xiao Huo was already gone.

Having said this, he was unwilling to stop him. After all, it was still what he said, Xiao Huo was about to advance.


"Is something wrong?"

Taichu Zuao said, "Boss, you can't just stand here and wait for a day. Why don't you lock the treasure first and come back after a day."

Su Chen understood what Taichu Zuao meant and couldn't stand here wasting time.

No one can guarantee that there will be no variables here.

Although he used Taichu Zuao to intimidate the Great Yan Clan, Su Chen knew very well that if Yan Yanxiang and others suddenly went crazy, it would definitely not be a good thing for him.

It is better to deal with the opportunities in the Great Yan Realm first and put aside the worries.

that's all.

All the things in the Great Yan Realm that could be seen by Su Chen and others were looted, because Su Chen also knew very well that not only were he and the Great Yan Clan not friends, they were even enemies.

He certainly wouldn't leave good things to his enemies.

after one day.

After finishing the robbery, Su Chen came to the whirlpool. According to the agreement between him and Xiao Huo, Xiao Huo must come out to report today regardless of whether he can get the strength. Even if there is no danger, he must come out.

Counting the time, it was already the appointed time, but Xiao Huo did not show up.

Su Chen was very worried. Luobo had repeatedly emphasized that it was very dangerous inside. At first, Su Chen didn't agree with Xiao Huo setting foot in the whirlpool, but he just couldn't bear it.

Xiao Huo was so insistent that he could not continue to stop him. However, when Xiao Huo did not show up, Su Chen also understood that he could not leave alone and let Xiao Huo do nothing.

"Boss, what are you doing?"

"Did Xiao Huo show up at the appointed time?

If it comes out, I have to go in and take a look. "

Carrot said very worriedly, "Boss, with all due respect, it's too dangerous here. If you go in hastily, I'm worried that something will happen to the boss."

Su Chen understood what Luo Bao meant, but he couldn't just watch something happen to Xiao Huo, and in this case, the longer it was delayed, the worse it would be for Luo Bao.

After summoning Luo Bao and others to leave, Su Chen's eyes were full of determination.

"Boss, how about I stay here and wait for you?"

He glanced at Taichu Zuao and slapped Taichu Zuao hard on the head. Of course he understood what Taichu Zuao meant, he just wanted to be alone and didn't even think about it.

Taking a deep breath, Su Chen began to mobilize the devouring power in his body, instantly wrapping his entire body. He took a step forward, and his figure instantly entered the vortex.

As soon as he stepped into the whirlpool, the terrifying power began to surge in from all directions, ruthlessly tearing Su Chen's body apart, as if it was going to tear Su Chen apart completely.

Fortunately, he had the Devouring Qi Mask. Even so, Su Chen still couldn't resist. He quickly activated the Chaos Devouring Technique in his body, swallowing and resisting at the same time.

At the moment when Su Chen's swallowing air mask was torn apart, Su Chen finally left the whirlpool channel and immediately entered a fiery red space. Heat waves were everywhere, and countless fiery red heat flows gathered into rivers, lakes and seas, spreading all over the world. .

"small fire!"

The sound was forced to a point, and Su Chen used all his strength to penetrate the sound wave, hoping to locate Xiao Huo as soon as possible, because in the special environment, he could not locate Xiao Huo at all, which was the biggest trouble.

And what Su Chen was really worried about was that something would happen to Xiao Huo here.

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