Devour the Ancient Emperor

Chapter 3676 Boss, save me

Looking around warily.

Su Chen's eyes were very solemn, and he still couldn't lock Xiao Huo.

Most importantly, there was no way to tell whether Xiao Huo was alive or dead.

Under normal circumstances, it should be impossible for a small fire to be destroyed. After all, the original body of a small fire is a chaotic alien fire, and it is also the origin of all alien fires.


It is not ruled out that Xiao Huo will be swallowed by other strange fires. After all, Xiao Huo has not yet awakened, or even returned to his peak state. It is entirely possible.

This is also what Su Chen is most worried about.

No little ones were summoned, because Su Chen could feel that this special space was filled with the aura of strange fire, and other little ones might not be able to withstand it.

And the Chaos Body he owns has been fused with the Divine Fire Body before, so he is completely immune to ordinary strange fires.

There was no waiting for death.

You want to see people when you are alive, and you want to see corpses when you are dead.

Su Chen did not sit still and wait for death, but began to lock himself in the space.

half year later.

Su Chen could not be seen coming out of the Great Flame Realm, so the four curious people finally chose to enter the Great Yan Realm to have a look.

It didn't matter. The four people who had just set foot in the Great Yan Realm were completely stunned when they saw that everything in the Great Yan Realm was looted.

"What a crime! What a crime! Su Chen is really an evil star, and everything in my Great Flame Realm has been plundered by him."

"Have you noticed that Su Chen and Taichu Zuao are missing?"

"Have you left the Great Flame Realm?"

"How is it possible? If they leave the Great Flame Realm, we will definitely be the first to discover it, right?"

Seemingly thinking of something, the figures of the four people instantly appeared in front of the whirlpool. Looking at the trembling whirlpool, the four of them looked at me and I looked at you. They all seemed to have guessed something.


Damn, he actually set foot in the forbidden area of ​​​​the Great Flame Realm. The ancestor ordered back then that no one from the Great Yan Clan is allowed to set foot in the forbidden area of ​​​​the Great Flame Realm. Anyone who enters will die, even if they are transcending the universe. "

"We have reminded him before that he still dares to enter. He is really a reckless person. It is just a pity for everything in the Great Flame Realm."

"I think it's worth it. At least it saves me one trouble. Otherwise, if Su Chen and Taichu Ao come to our Dayan Clan from time to time in the future, wouldn't our Dayan Clan become a toilet?"

The three supreme elders knew very well that unless one of the four of them could successfully break through his own limits and achieve a true level of transcendence from the universe, they would not be able to intimidate Su Chen.

I can bear it once.

I can bear it twice.

What about three or four times?

Do you tolerate it every time?

Yan Yanxiao nodded in agreement and said, "After we went out, we blocked the Great Yan Realm. This is all Su Chen's fault. He can't blame anyone else."

I was very distressed, but there was nothing I could do.

They had also discussed at the beginning that they would move everything out of the Great Flame Realm, but they finally chose to give up.

the reason is simple.

This is the Great Flame Realm, which is many times more powerful than outside. Moreover, the Great Flame Realm is the safest. Apart from the four of them, no one knows about the existence of the Great Flame Realm, let alone outsiders.

Who would have thought that Su Chen would finally be able to lock the barrier of the Great Flame Realm.

"Clan leader, then we don't need to worry about them?"

"Control? How can we control it? Do you dare to go in? I wish Su Chen died inside."

"I'm not that

What I mean is, I just want to see if they are half-dead inside, we can take this opportunity to surrender Taichu Zuao. If our Great Yan Clan can have transcendent cosmic monsters to take over, then looking at the thousands of universes, our Great Yan Clan will It can definitely become the pinnacle existence. "

If Su Chen didn't have Taichu Zu'ao by his side, if they could surrender Taichu Zu'ao, I believe such humiliation would never happen again.

Yan Yanke shook his head and said, "Leave the Great Flame Realm."

After the four people left, they immediately joined forces to seal the Great Yan Realm. In their view, Su Chen and Taichu Zu Ao would definitely die if they set foot in the forbidden area of ​​the Great Yan Realm.

In the fiery red space.

There are mountains and rivers where strange fires gather everywhere. Su Chen has never encountered such a space. There must be many strange fires contained in it, but it is not a single strange fire.

I believe that anyone who sets foot here will definitely die, which is why the four of them, Yan Yanxiang, dare not set foot here.

Fortunately, he possesses the Divine Fire Body, but now Su Chen doesn't care about the Strange Fire Space at all, and he has not locked onto Xiao Huo's traces until now.

A bad premonition spread throughout the body.

Did something really happen to Xiao Huo?

Very anxious.

"Xiao Huo, where are you?"

In half a year, he has traveled through the entire space, but there is still no trace of Xiao Huo, and he does not want to believe that something will happen to Xiao Huo.


Just when Su Chen was worried and thought something had happened to Xiao Huo.

There was a faint voice in his mind, which sounded very weak. It was Xiao Huo's voice. Su Chen's eyes suddenly froze, and he hurriedly used his soul to locate the direction of the voice and left as quickly as possible.

He had already searched in this direction before, and there was no trace of anything at all.

There are traces of fire, and the sound of small fires does come from here.

"Boss, save me."

The sound of a small fire was also heard from another direction. Su Chen immediately changed direction, and then another direction.

The sounds of small fires rang out from all directions at the same time in the southeast, northwest and northwest. Su Chen didn't know where to go. Could it be that there were hundreds or even thousands of small fires?

Something is wrong, absolutely something is wrong!

Su Chen looked around with a solemn face. Now he could be sure of one thing, that is, Xiao Huo had not died yet, which could be regarded as a blessing in misfortune.

What he has to do now is to see how to successfully locate Xiao Huo. After all, he still doesn't know what happened to Xiao Huo and why he has been unable to locate Xiao Huo.

"Xiaohuo, where are you?"

"Boss, save me!"

"Boss, save me!"

The voice was very weak, and Su Chen was very anxious, but he kept telling himself that at this time, he had to be calmer and never get into trouble, otherwise, the longer this situation was delayed, the more he would be worried about Xiao Huo. It's disadvantageous.

Let himself calm down as much as possible, Su Chen began to run the Chaos Devouring Technique in his body, and opened the Chaos Body. After all, the Chaos Body contains the Alien Fire Divine Body. He hopes to use the Alien Fire Divine Body and the devouring power, including the copying power emerging from the blood wheel. Lock on the trail of small fires.

With himself as the center, the power spreads, because now Su Chen cannot determine the specific direction of the small fire, so he can only cast a wide net. This approach consumes a lot of power, but there is no way.

There was no way he could just watch something happen to Xiao Huo and do nothing to save him.

"Boss, save me!"

Voices from all directions continued to pour into Su Chen's mind, and the voices became weaker and weaker.

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