Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 112 Mecha ‘Wanderer’!

In the command room, the staff were busy nervously.

Colonel Kosk said: "The name of this mecha is 'Wanderer', and it is piloted by brothers Raleigh and Yancy!"

"Are these two brothers twins?"

The president of country M asked in surprise.

"Yes! It's difficult for one person to handle it. Only two people can barely drive it through neural links!"

Colonel Kosk explained.

The President of Country M noticed that there were many instruments placed in the command room.

Colonel Kosk introduced: "This is a remote command room that can remotely monitor all the driver's data! Including heartbeat, blood pressure..."

The President of Country M met the brothers. At this time, the two were starting daily military training in a sealed instrument.

They were wearing a suit of clothing that looked like astronauts.

At this time, he was performing various actions such as punching, stepping, and slashing in a closed instrument.

"Colonel, Your Excellency the President!"

Seeing the two people coming in, all the staff in the command room greeted Kosik and the President of Country M.

The President of Country M and Colonel Kosk nodded to everyone.

Soon, Colonel Kosk came to the command podium and said loudly: "Everyone obeys the order!"

As his words fell, all the busy people in the command room stopped what they were doing.

Even inside the sealed container, the twin brothers looked over curiously.

Colonel Kosk said loudly: "Our enemy of Country M has appeared again, and we need you to defeat it! Attention all units! This is a real actual combat, not an exercise!"

"Promise to complete the mission!"

In the command room, everyone yelled together.

When the twin brothers heard this, a smile immediately appeared on their faces.

Didn't they train for so long just for this moment?

"Brother! We are going to be famous!"

brother Raleigh said.

"Yeah! Is there anything cooler than this in the whole world? If we defeat the monster today, we can become the biggest star in the world!"

Brother Yang Xi laughed.

The two of them are not geniuses trained by the M Army since childhood.

But Colonel Kosk discovered it by accident.

At that time, the two brothers were fighting in the streets.

It was the amazing coordination shown by these two people that impressed Colonel Kosk.

The next moment, a scientific researcher said: "Start disinfecting the cab! Check the equipment!"




After checking the equipment parameters, various departments began to report the situation one after another.

"Pilot enter the cockpit!"

The researchers said loudly.

Later, the twin brothers Luo Li and Yang Xi entered the mecha cockpit.

At this time, the president of country M also saw this big guy.

This mecha is completely dark blue, and is even larger than Storm Crimson.

The entire mecha is 79 meters tall and weighs 1,980 tons.

Seeing the President looking at the Wanderer curiously, Colonel Kosk couldn't help but introduce: "The Wanderer uses the "Blue Spark" 4.1 processor, and the power core is the "Arc 9" nuclear power turbine processor. The fighting style can be regarded as street fighting. Technique, equipped with variable-form plasma cannons on both arms."

The President of Country M pointed to the wings on the back of the wanderer and asked: "Can those wings make it fly?"

"No! This guy is too big! The flying wing-shaped equipment on its back is a stabilizing wing used to maintain balance in battle!"

Colonel Kosk shook his head.

The President of Country M couldn't help but nod. The appearance of this mecha is very domineering, with a well-proportioned body and thick legs, which is very suitable for fighting.

He continued to ask: "What materials is this armor made of? Is it aviation materials?"

"Your Excellency, no! This mecha is made of steel. That's why it weighs so much. It's powerful enough to punch hard!"

Colonel Kosk shook his head.

Later, he added: "This armor focuses more on strength, while Storm Red has the advantage in agility. The two armors have complementary advantages!"

"Presumably, this is why the colonel wants to combine the power of the world!"

The President of Country M said with a smile.

After 2014, Colonel Kosk advocated integrating global forces to fight against the giant beast.

"This is imperative! Because the giant beasts are uninvited guests!"

Colonel Kosk said with a serious face.

He has only one attitude towards giant beasts.

That is war!

While the two were talking, various startup procedures had been completed.

In the command room, the scientific researchers said loudly: "Start debugging the equipment!"

"yes! sir!"

In the cockpit, the twin brothers received instructions and began to test their arms.

In the first step, my brother Yang Xi was in the cab, holding an instrument and making fist movements.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw that the blue mecha wanderer began to make punches.

Seeing this scene, Colonel Kosk smiled and said: "Very good!"

Later, his brother Raleigh also made a fist movement, and the mecha immediately synchronized this action.

After completing the fist pumping action, the two began to run inside the cockpit.

In the base, the Mecha Wanderer also began to take steps and move around.

"Punch normally!"

"Walk normally!"

"The chain sword is normal!"

Soon, a set of actions was completed and the test project was completed.

"begin descending!"

Colonel Kosk said with satisfaction.



There was a loud noise, and a hole opened in the floor beneath the base.

Then, the Mecha Wanderer began to fall downwards.

After a while, the Mecha Wanderer landed on a large ship.

The big ship carried the tall mecha and headed towards the destination.


The base dispatched several helicopters to provide escort.

In the combat command room, scientists nervously monitored the body indexes of brothers Luo Li and Yang Xi.

"The mental link is normal and there are no signs of collapse!"

"The heartbeat is normal!"

"The blood pressure is normal!"

At this time, the big ship had sailed into the sea water.

Colonel Kosk walked to the command podium and loudly ordered: "Let the tramp into the sea!"

Soon, the crane on the ship lowered the huge mecha into the sea water.


The turbine on the chest of the blue mecha began to spin rapidly.

A nuclear-powered turbine engine is installed here with a built-in nuclear reactor to power the entire mecha.


The huge mecha sank into the sea water, causing waves tens of meters high.

"Start testing weapons!"

Colonel Kosk gave further orders.

"Start testing weapons!"

Such a voice appeared in the minds of pilots Luo Li and Yang Xi.

Luo Li and Yang Xi looked at each other.

Then, Yang Xi on the right activated a button.

In an instant, a chain sword stretched out from his right arm.

This is the Mecha Wanderer's melee weapon, used to chop down close targets.

"The chain sword is normal!"

Raleigh on the left pressed a button, and then the mecha's chest launcher began to charge.

An electromagnetic transmitter is installed here.

"The electromagnetic transmitter is normal!"

Yang Xi began to test the plasma cannon hidden in his right arm. This weapon fires shotgun charged ion particles that can penetrate the monster's body and burn the inside.

In the command room, Colonel Koske loudly gave the order: "Let's go!"

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