Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 113 Destroy the fleet!

As Colonel Kosk issued the order, brothers Raleigh and Yancy began to take steps and run in the cockpit.

These movements began to be transmitted to the external mecha through the huge engine.

The mecha's legs quickly synchronized the same movements.

Boom! Boom!

Every time the huge mecha took a step, it set off waves more than ten meters high in the sea, as if there was a tsunami.

Seeing this scene, the President of Country M clenched his fists excitedly: "This is our own behemoth! The steel behemoth!"

"As you wish! Your Excellency! The only one who can defeat the giant beast is the giant beast!"

Colonel Kosk smiled slightly.

This technology is tailor-made for defeating giant beasts.

When the technology is completely mature in the future, it will not be difficult for mecha warriors to fight in outer space.

Because this is technology obtained from that alien spacecraft.

The location of Fleet 11.

After destroying the military headquarters, the Mechanical Alien Mother Queen continued to pursue the ships of the fleet.


It turned into a circular flying saucer again, flying quickly against the sea surface.

On an M-force warship, the captain stared attentively at the picture in the command room; "Prepare the naval guns!"

Seeing the circular flying saucer entering the attack range, he immediately ordered: "Attack!"

The M warships use Phalanx close-in defense guns, which use six 20mm M61A1 Gatling barrel guns with a rate of fire of up to 3,000-4,500 rounds per minute.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The cannons on the warship began to fire.


The six barreled cannons rotated rapidly, and intensive artillery fire bombarded the circular flying saucer.

The circular flying saucer moved at extremely high speeds, flying through the intervals of gunfire.

It sometimes made emergency stops, sometimes stopped suddenly and then turned, easily dodging all attacks.

This shocked the soldiers on the warship.

"Such flying speed and technology are unprecedented!"

"It can't aim accurately, it can avoid naval gun attacks!"

"This must be an alien spacecraft! Even if it flies at an extremely slow speed, it is not something that current earth aircraft can achieve!"

The weapons expert on the side made a conclusion.

"That's not what I want to hear! I want to know how to defeat it!"

The captain was furious.

"There's nothing we can do!"

The weapons experts collectively shook their heads.

Indeed, the two are not on the same technical level at all.

At this moment, a dazzling blue light shined on the silver aircraft.

"not good!"

Everyone on the warship had a bad premonition in their hearts.

The next moment, a blue shock wave hit the warship.


The roaring naval gun was destroyed instantly.

The huge shock wave penetrated the hull of the warship and directly hit the ammunition depot!


The ammunition depot was detonated and the entire warship exploded.

Aboard the USS George.

Seeing a burst of fire in the picture, the officers and soldiers fell silent for a while.

This violent explosion told them that another of their frigates had been sunk!

Colonel Caplin couldn't help but burst into tears when he saw this scene.

This is the second guided missile frigate sunk by Fleet 11.

The main weapons carried on this kind of warship are missiles.

However, the missile was of no use against the silver aircraft.

The missile was jammed before it even got close, and then exploded in the air.

Only the dense close-defense weapons can slightly scare the silver aircraft.

But that's all!

In front of this silver aircraft, all warships are living targets!

For the safe evacuation of the George, Colonel Caplin had to order again: "Frigate FC2 covers the evacuation of the George!"

As he gave the order, a guided missile frigate immediately lined up behind the George, ready to welcome the enemy's arrival.

Despite knowing that missiles are of no use to the enemy.

However, FC2 still attacked with missiles first.



Several missiles rose into the sky and attacked the silver aircraft in the sky.

Just after the missile flew within a certain range of the silver aircraft, it was suddenly interfered with.

The next moment, the missiles exploded collectively.


Streams of fire broke out like exploding fireworks.

Then, the silver flying saucer flashed and quickly approached FC2.


The close-in defense artillery on FC2 began intensive bombardment.


Dense shells shot into the air.

The silver aircraft once again showed flexibility and even incredible steering.


After approaching the FC2 frigate, the silver aircraft released another blue shock wave.

FC2 was hit instantly.

On the warship, the hull was penetrated, and the powerful shock wave knocked the officers and soldiers on the ship to pieces.


Another blue shock wave.

This time, it hit the ammunition magazine accurately.

Boom! FC2 once again followed the footsteps of the previous frigates.

Seeing such a crushing battle, Lin Feng also began to mourn for the M Army.

This silver flying saucer knows the structure of these warships very well.

Obviously, this is related to the information captured after its previous attack on the military command post.

The silver aircraft hit the ammunition depot accurately every time, detonating the ammunition inside and blowing up the warship.

This is really a time-saving and effort-saving attack method.

Efficient to the point of abnormality.

In just one hour, the mechanical alien mother queen had sunk seven M army frigates.

This kind of loss has reached nearly the entire fleet.

It was the heaviest loss in the M Army's combat history!

Lin Feng couldn't help but ask the smart assistant: "Smart Assistant, if I play against this guy now, what is my winning rate?"

This is something he cares about very much.

Because, not long ago, he broke the silver Transformer in half and swallowed half of its body.

If this guy breaks free from the M Army, he will definitely cause trouble for Lin Feng and make him spit out everything he swallowed!

"Rounding up, your winning rate is currently equal to 0!"

The smart assistant struck mercilessly.


Although Lin Feng had expected it, he still found it difficult to accept this fact.

"It seems like I'd better run away as soon as possible!"

"Wait! I detected that the M Army sent a new weapon to deal with this silver aircraft!"

The smart assistant dissuaded.

"Oh? M Army still has a trump card to deal with the mechanical alien mother queen? It is integrated with an alien spacecraft!"

Lin Feng was extremely surprised.

At this moment, the smart assistant had already passed a picture to him.

Lin Feng took a look and saw several armed helicopters escorting him in the sky.

The real protagonist is the big guy moving fast in the sea.

This is a giant steel giant.

The whole body is dark blue and the steel body looks extremely domineering.

"This feels so familiar! Oh my god! This is a mecha! The M Army actually developed a mecha?"

After Lin Feng saw the shape of the M Army's secret weapon, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

Isn't this big blue guy the mecha in "Pacific Rim"?

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