Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 124 The new god of Skull Island!


King Kong crawled around in front of Lin Feng, sometimes gesticulating in sign language.

Lin Feng watched it for a while before he understood that King Kong wanted him to follow it to a place.

Where to go?

Lin Feng flapped his wings, indicating that King Kong knew what it meant.

"Ha ha!"

King Kong grinned, as if smiling.

It immediately used all four limbs to lead the way.

Lin Feng asked depressedly: "Intelligent assistant, when will I be able to communicate with other living beings without any barriers?"

"Master has to wait until the ninth level!"

The smart assistant replied.

"Oh? Why is that?"

Lin Feng asked curiously.

"Because, after the ninth level, the master can have telekinesis!"

The smart assistant replied.

"Psychic power? What kind of power is this?"

Lin Feng's heart skipped a beat.

Why does this kind of power sound like the power used by immortal cultivators?

In fact, he was no stranger to it, because Ghidorah himself had the ability to move objects with his mind.

"This is an ability born deep in the brain that can be used to communicate with other creatures and even move objects!"

The smart assistant explained.

Lin Feng understood that this was like the spiritual consciousness of a cultivator!

At the same time, a trace of doubt arose in his heart.

Is the cultivation of immortality in the novel real?

If it is true, then what level does Lin Feng himself correspond to as an immortal cultivator at this time?

He knew that after reaching the ninth level, he could basically survive in space.

So, Lin Feng asked: "Intelligent assistant, if compared with a cultivator, which stage among the cultivators is the ninth level equivalent to?"

"It's about the same as the golden elixir stage!"

The smart assistant thought for a moment and then said.

"Is it just the golden elixir stage?"

Lin Feng was a little disappointed.

However, this is normal. After all, in those novels, the Tribulation Immortal Lord can blow up a star field.

At the golden elixir stage, one can cross the starry sky.

Soon, Lin Feng followed King Kong and arrived outside a huge city wall.

This city wall looks magnificent, as if it is taller than the ancient Great Wall of China.

Moreover, the traces of time revealed from above are even older than the Great Wall.

"Did the islanders on Skull Island build this?"

Lin Feng was a little surprised.

Following King Kong, he soon came to a huge stone platform.

This stone platform looks like an entire cliff. However, a piece of it was cut off by some means, and now it is an altar.

"What is King Kong going to do?"

Lin Feng's golden eyes showed a curious look.

However, he still stepped forward.

At this moment, a huge bell rang inside the city wall.

Boom! Boom!

The sound of the bells was heard far away, and a bonfire was lit.

Lin Feng took a look and saw a tall wooden frame built on the city wall, with a huge brazier on the wooden frame.

It was already dusk and the sky was already dark, but under the illumination of these bonfires, it was bright.

Roar! Roar!

The city wall was soon filled with a group of humans dressed in strange shapes.

The attire of these people is very primitive.

Their clothes are all made of tree bark and animal leather.

The accessories on his body are also some animal bones.

Lin Feng immediately understood that this was a primitive tribe!

Skull Island has been isolated from the outside world all year round. The indigenous people on this tribe have never been exposed to technological civilization!


After the bonfire was completely lit, the indigenous people stepped onto the wooden frame, held wooden sticks in their hands, and began to knock.

Then, an old woman with tattoos on her face walked up to her.

"Yeah, yeah, quick, quick, quick!"

The old woman danced and spoke some strange syllables.

Lin Feng understood that these natives were performing some kind of worship ceremony.

And the object of their worship is King Kong!

King Kong is the god in the minds of these indigenous people!

King Kong sat on the stone cliff and accepted the worship of these indigenous people calmly.

This worship ceremony lasted about ten minutes.

At this time, the old woman knelt down in the direction of King Kong, with a very pious expression.

Behind the old woman, all the natives knelt down together!

Seeing all the native people bowing to him, King Kong stood up.

It slapped its chest with its own hands.

boom! boom!

King Kong beat his chest loudly.


The natives began to shout loudly.

The sound got louder and louder.

These indigenous people were originally very afraid of King Kong.

And this city wall was once built to defend their clan.

Until one day, underground creatures appeared on the island.

These underground creatures have strong movements and can easily climb the city wall dozens of meters high.

They rushed into the indigenous tribes and hunted the indigenous people wildly.

The weapons of the indigenous people have no resistance at all in the hands of these skeleton lizards!

Just when all the natives felt despair, King Kong appeared.

It rushed into the indigenous tribe and killed all the evil and cruel skeleton lizards.

King Kong rescued the indigenous tribe.

At this time, the indigenous people realized that what they had always been afraid of was their patron saint!

Therefore, in the tradition of the indigenous people, King Kong became the only true god.

And this tall city wall, originally used to defend King Kong, has also become a platform for worshiping King Kong.

After King Kong slapped his chest with his palm for a while, he suddenly knelt down on one knee in front of Lin Feng.


There was a huge earthquake, and all the indigenous people were shocked and confused.

Their patron saint actually knelt down before a golden flying dragon!

"What's happening here?"

When all the indigenous people were confused, King Kong pointed at the indigenous people with his huge finger, and then pointed at Lin Feng.

Its meaning is obvious.

Let these indigenous people also worship Lin Feng.

Because, in King Kong's mind, Lin Feng is his savior.

Moreover, King Kong believed that Lin Feng had the strength to defeat the underground monster.

Lin Feng is more qualified to be the king of Skull Island than him!

After receiving King Kong's signal, the indigenous people looked at the old woman in front of the team.

The old woman is the priest of this group of indigenous people.

She understood what King Kong meant, so she took the lead and knelt down again in the direction of Lin Feng!

"Ho! Roar!"

The indigenous people immediately waved the wooden sticks in their hands and began a grand worship ceremony.

Lin Feng smiled bitterly. Did King Kong find a new protector for the indigenous people on the island?

Although Lin Feng had not thought about finding a group of followers for himself at this time, he did not refuse either.

Because, subconsciously, he felt that this was good for him!

Moreover, the benefits will be huge!

Because, in mythology, there is a saying called belief in gods!

Perhaps Lin Feng cannot take advantage of these benefits now, but in the future, when he reaches the realm, he will definitely be able to use them!

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