Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 125 M Army marches to Skull Island!

M Army Pacific Fleet Base 7.

The patrol areas of this fleet include the Western Pacific, Indian Ocean and Arabian Coast.

At this time, the Pacific Fleet 7 received an order from the President of Country M to escort a team to a small island in the Western Pacific.

"What? Are you going to explore the foggy area?"

The commander of the fleet, General Burney, was shocked when he heard the destination of the exploration team.

"General, why are you so surprised?"

Rowley, one of the Ranger drivers, looked at him with a smile.

"Soldier! This is not where you should go! There is nothing worth exploring in there!"

General Bernie, commander of the Pacific Seventh Fleet, said with a serious face.

"Oh? Why shouldn't we go?"

Luo Li's brother Yang Xi also asked.

"Because that place is more terrifying than the Devil's Delta! Since our fleet was stationed in the Western Pacific, we have received many distress messages, but no one has survived!"

Fleet Commander General Bernie said with a horrified expression.

He could never forget the scene twenty years ago.

At that time, the fleet commander was still a major officer.

He was responsible for leading a rescue team and witnessed a fishing boat being sucked into the fog.

At that time, General Bernie rushed into the fog desperately to rescue the fishing boat.

The sight in the mist frightened everyone.

No direction! Huge storm, sudden lightning!

Soon, the helicopter formation was dispersed.

In the end, the only one left to escape the fog was the helicopter he was on!

"What's there? Is it fog? Is it a hurricane? No matter how powerful it is, it's still a natural disaster! In the face of natural disasters, human beings are indeed insignificant, but we have the Rover. When you drive the Rover, you can duel with nature! "

Yang Xi said rather arrogantly.

Ever since he and his brother Raleigh defeated the silver behemoth last time and returned to Country M, the two brothers have become dazzling stars.

Although they only have the rank of captain, some well-known generals must treat them as equals when they see them!

Because the Wanderer has done something that even a fleet cannot do!

This is truly a one-horseman's game!

General Bernie wanted to dissuade him again. At this time, an advisor accompanying him said: "General Bernie, this is an order from His Excellency the President!"

"Okay! I'll take you there!"

General Bernie nodded helplessly.

Then, he said: "In this operation, I will let the warship escort you outside the foggy area, and then Colonel Pabo will escort you in!"

"Thank you, General!"

Hans, the accompanying military advisor, had a gentlemanly smile on his face.

He was sent directly from the M Army headquarters with the rank of senior colonel.

Soon, two frigates sailed out of the military port.

The huge steel body of the Wanderer is displayed on a warship.

"Oh my God! Such a huge robot is so scary!'

The soldiers looked at the Wanderer mecha on the warship and exclaimed.

Yang Xi came over and corrected: "This is not a robot, it is a mecha!"

"Yes! We are mecha hunters! We exist specifically to fight giant beasts!"

Luo Li walked beside Yang Xi.

The surrounding soldiers cast envious glances.

It seems that the mecha pilot has become a star among the soldiers.

Soon, escorted by two warships, the exploration team arrived at the cloud and mist area.

"In the middle of the clouds and fog, there is Skull Island. This island is covered by hurricanes all year round. It is isolated from the outside world and the satellite signal cannot be transmitted smoothly!"

Hans said with a solemn expression.

Before coming to Skull Island, he had consulted the top-secret files on Skull Island, which contained descriptions of Skull Island by survivors fifty years ago.

"Sir! Raleigh and I can successfully complete this mission!"

Yang Xi said confidently.

He also learned about King Kong, who was only over 30 meters tall.

Basically, it is only half the height of the Wanderer, and even much shorter than the mechanical alien queen that was defeated last time.

Raleigh also said expectantly: "Sir! Give the order! My brother and I will bring glory back to Country M!"

Colonel Hans shook his head: "No! I'm going to send a vanguard unit first to find out the situation!"

Then, he looked at a black colonel on the warship: "Colonel Pabo, this operation is under your full command!"

"Yes! Mr. Hans!"

The black colonel Pabo stood at attention.

He then led his men into the armed helicopter on the deck.


Eight armed helicopters took off one after another, forming a combat formation and flying towards the center of the fog.

Colonel Hans explained: "This was recorded by the last survivor! In this way, the helicopter can safely pass through the foggy area!"

"Fox No. 2! Fox No. 3! Fox No. 4! Fox No. 5! Fox No. 6! Fox No. 7! Fox No. 8! This is Commander Fox!"

The black colonel Pabo took the communicator and began to communicate with his men.

"Fox 2 received it!"

"Fox received it on the 3rd!"

"Fox received it on the 8th!"

Colonel Pabo said loudly: "Everyone, be careful, don't lose your way! In the fog, not only will you lose your way, you will never come back!"



Helicopter formations flew into the fog.


In the fog, there was heavy rain, lightning and thunder, and it was a completely different world from the outside world.

Boom boom!

Everyone was sitting on the armed helicopter and felt it shaking violently.

They looked up at the sky, where there were dark clouds, thunder and lightning, and it was a doomsday scene.


Purple electric snakes flickered past the helicopter.

Wow! Wow!

Huge raindrops hit the glass in front of the helicopter.

The soldiers all looked nervous and did not even dare to breathe.

Flying in such a harsh environment, if you are not careful, you may be shattered to pieces!

After flying in turbulence for about ten minutes, everyone felt that their eyes suddenly opened up.

Colonel Paabo laughed and said: "We flew into Skull Island!"


The soldiers on the other helicopters laughed loudly.

The scene just now really made them think that the end was coming.

If you are not careful, you will never come out of the fog.

After flying out of the hurricane area, the wind was sunny and the sky was blue.

Below, the grass and trees are crisp and the distant mountains are like smoke.

This is a picture of natural harmony.

“Such a beautiful island, it’s really a paradise on earth!”

one pilot sighed.

Colonel Pabo immediately sent a message back to the headquarters outside through the communicator: "We have passed the foggy area and entered Skull Island.

A squeaking sound came from the communicator.

It shows that the hurricane area is very disruptive to the signal. If they go deeper, the signal will be completely cut off.

Thinking of this, Pabo began to issue instructions: "Fox 2, land with the equipment! Set up camp on the spot!"

His intention was to let the people from Fox 2 contact the outside world.

Outside the foggy area.

Colonel Hans was overjoyed when he heard the news reported by Colonel Pabo, and immediately said: "Release the shock bomb immediately to draw out the monster!"

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