Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 126 King Kong goes to battle!


Colonel Pabo said loudly with a determined face.

Then he hung up the communicator.

"Fox cubs! This is the old fox! Listen to my orders! Drop the shock bomb!"

Colonel Pabo shouted an order.

According to the last record, dropping shock bombs can lure out the giant beast on the island.

There is also a piece of information recorded on the file.

That is, releasing shock bombs will have bad consequences and may attract other ferocious beasts on the island.

There are also detailed records in the archives.

It was an underground monster that looked like a lizard.

However, it is bigger than Tyrannosaurus rex!

Recorders called this monster a skeletal lizard.

This was not taken seriously by Colonel Pabo.

Because, their trip was to destroy the giant beasts on Skull Island.

As for killing King Kong and several other monsters at the same time, it was actually a good thing for them.

Because this can add a glorious touch to their record.

At this moment, mankind has just formed an alliance to fight against the giant beasts, and it needs an unprecedented victory to inspire people!

The shock bombs used by the M Army are very powerful. Each one is more than 20 centimeters long, open at the top, similar to a helicopter propeller.

On the armed helicopter, two soldiers dropped explosive bombs from the aircraft.


With a roar, the blast bomb fell into the jungle below.


There was a loud noise and a raging fire broke out in the jungle.

Some wild animals and birds living in the jungle were frightened, and they ran away like crazy.


The aftermath of the explosion continued, creating a seismic wave similar to an earthquake.

King Kong, who was perched outside the indigenous tribe, instantly felt the tremor of the earth.

It suddenly stood up from the stone platform and looked into the distance.

Sensing the continuous explosions and strong shocks, a deep look of worry appeared in his diamond-red eyes.

Then, it slapped its chest with its own hands.

Bang! Bang!

King Kong beat his chest loudly.

Because an explosion of this magnitude will draw out the monsters from the ground.

Moreover, the size of the monster will be very huge.

Thinking of this, it looked at Lin Feng on the side inquiringly.

Lin Feng noticed it when the bomb first sounded.

Immediately, he asked the smart assistant.

The smart assistant also quickly detected human radio signals.

And, it also spied on human devices.

It was learned that they were the advance troops sent by the M Army to test the island.

Seeing King Kong looking at him, he was asking for his opinion.

Lin Feng flapped his wings at it.

Immediately, King Kong understood that the boss allowed it to fight.


King Kong grinned and let out an angry roar.

Then, it jumped from the stone platform, jumped into the woods, and disappeared.

Lin Feng asked: "Intelligent assistant, can you obtain human images?"

"Yes Master!"

The smart assistant immediately passed the picture of M Army to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng took a look and saw that the M army that came to the island had eight armed helicopters.

There are no powerful weapons on the helicopter.

These can't cause any harm to King Kong.

However, Lin Feng knew that these M troops were probably going to suffer!

"Huh? Why is there no movement yet?"

On Fox One, Colonel Pabo was very confused.

More than ten shock bombs have been dropped, but the giant beast has not come out yet.

"Colonel, is it not powerful enough?"

Next to Colonel Pabo, a soldier asked in a low voice.

"That's possible! This island is very big. If this place is too far away from where the giant beasts live, it really won't affect it!"

Colonel Pabo nodded slightly when he heard this.

So, he pointed at a seismic bomb that was twice the size and said: "Put in the seismic bomb!"

The effect of the source bomb is greater than the detonation bomb just now.

When a seismic bomb was dropped, there was a loud bang, and instantly, the entire mountain range was shaking.


King Kong, who was about to feel the location of the incident, felt this astonishing vibration and became completely angry. It let out an earth-shattering roar from its mouth.


It slapped its palm, and actually broke a piece of the big tree in front of it that was as thick as a hug!

King Kong grabbed a big tree and pulled it with one stroke of his huge palm.

In an instant, the big tree was cleaned and turned into an excellent combat weapon.

With this giant tree dozens of meters long, King Kong quickly rushed towards the direction of the helicopter.

Soon, King Kong saw a helicopter dropping shock bombs.

It aimed at the helicopter and quickly threw the giant tree in its hand!


The pilot on the helicopter was maintaining the balance of the fuselage. Suddenly, he saw a giant tree flying over the mountain opposite.

The giant tree continued to grow in size in his eyes.

He yelled, "No! We're under attack!"

These were the last words the pilot left in this world.

Then, the giant tree slammed into the armed helicopter and penetrated directly through the windshield.


There was a loud noise, the instruments inside the helicopter were damaged, and it began to fall toward the ground!


The helicopter landed in the woods below and made a loud noise.

In the communicator, the shouts of the Fox 3 helicopter pilot echoed in everyone's ears.

Everyone was shaken up.

Then, they saw a huge creature jumping down from the mountain opposite.


At this time, the giant beast landed on the ground with a loud noise.

"Oh my God! What kind of monster is this?"

The pilot of Fox 2 was stunned.

At this moment, all helicopters are hovering in the sky.

These helicopters were incomparably insignificant in front of King Kong.

The Vajra can be held with one palm.

And it does exactly that!

King Kong waved his arm and crushed an armed helicopter to pieces!


Everyone on the helicopter felt that the sky darkened, as if it was getting dark.

This is King Kong's huge body appearing in front of them, blocking their sunlight!

"Is this a monkey? A monkey that looks like a mountain?"

The pilot of the Fox 5 helicopter said dumbfounded.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the huge chimpanzee waving his hand towards the helicopter where he was.

"It's attacking us! Be careful to dodge!"

Fox 1 was at the rear. Colonel Pabo saw this situation and immediately shouted loudly in the communicator.

As soon as he finished speaking, King Kong's palm swept across.

The pilot of Fox 5 was very skilled. At the critical moment, he showed off a wave of maneuvers and made the armed helicopter make an emergency change.


King Kong slapped his huge hand and wiped the window of the helicopter!

Everyone could hear the huge roar of the wind god in their ears.

They had a brush with death!

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