Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 135 Many prehistoric creatures!

"Huh? There are actually dinosaurs surviving on this island?"

Lin Feng was surprised when he saw the group of pterosaurs.

This island is inaccessible, and the technological level of the indigenous residents is extremely backward. Naturally, these pterosaurs cannot be the dinosaurs resurrected using genes like Jonah Allen and others.

Well, there is only one possibility, this is the dinosaur left behind 65 million years ago!

So besides pterosaurs living on Skull Island, are there any other dinosaurs?

Thinking of this, Lin Feng immediately asked King Kong.

It's a pity that King Kong doesn't understand words like dinosaurs and pterosaurs at all.

This made Lin Feng feel like he was playing the piano to a cow.

When the M Army was attacked by pterosaurs, another group of skeleton lizards came outside the indigenous tribe.

With Lin Feng guarding this place, they would naturally not be allowed to run wild.

He sent an electromagnetic pulse, and more than a dozen skeleton lizards fell down from the rock wall and fell into the mountains, smashing them to pieces.

As for those who were not dead, King Kong immediately went up and gave them a hammer!

Finally, Lin Feng ordered King Kong to drag the skeleton lizard's body over.

Lin Feng was lying on the sacrificial platform, enjoying the life energy of the skeleton lizard.

The skeleton lizards came in waves, but without the leadership of the skeleton lizards, they all collapsed.

In just one hour, Lin Feng found that his accumulated life energy had exceeded fifty percent.

He only needs to accumulate another 50%, and he can advance to the eighth level!

This skeletal lizard, which was very troublesome to King Kong and the indigenous people, actually turned into a nutrient for evolution when it came to Lin Feng!

Beside a small stream.

The M Army maintenance team is camping and resting by the creek, preparing to cross the creek.

"Doctor! We can't go any further! The terrain of this swamp is too complicated! Generally speaking, there will be terrifying creatures in it that we can't imagine!"

Looking at the swamp ahead, Captain Conard, the scout responsible for leading the way, squatted down at the edge of the swamp, checked the soil on the side and said.

"What should we do? We have to go down through this creek! Otherwise, we have to go around the mountain, which will take longer!"

Dr. Worshoe asked.

"Can we build a raft? There are many trees in the mountains. We have the tools to build a raft quickly!"

said a senior maintenance man from the maintenance team.

The scout looked at the expectant crowd, pointed to a huge footprint in the soil, and said, "Have you ever seen such a big footprint?"

Everyone gathered around.

The shape of this footprint is like a cow's hoof print, but it is very large, three times larger than the average cow's hoof!

"What kind of animal is this?"

Dr. Worshoe asked in horror.

"I don't know it! It's not any land creature I know! But judging from these footprints, it's likely to be over ten meters in size!"

Scout Captain Conard shook his head and said without optimism.

Dr. Worshoe stood up and looked at the surrounding terrain with a telescope. This creek was sixteen or seventeen meters wide, but its length was endless.

If they didn't cross over, they would have to keep walking down the mountain, which would make a big circle.

After thinking about it, Dr. Worshoe said firmly: "Cut down the wood and build a raft immediately!"

"Yes! Dr. Worshoe!"

Captain Conrad gave Dr. Worshoe a deep look and then said.

Subsequently, the accompanying soldiers and maintenance team members immediately took out their equipment, cut down trees, and built rafts.

Half an hour later, a simple raft had been built.

"Everyone get on board immediately!"

Dr. Worshoe shouted.

Subsequently, the soldiers responsible for the escort immediately moved the relevant maintenance equipment onto the raft.

"Put the equipment in the middle, with people sitting on both ends! No matter what! We must ensure that the equipment can be transported to the Wanderer!"

Dr. Worshoe shouted.

"Yes, sir!"

All the soldiers shouted loudly.

Captain Conard held the submachine gun in his hand and said to the other soldiers: "I advise everyone to be on high alert! This creek is very unusual!"

Dr. Worshoe immediately shouted: "Do as Captain Conard says! He is an expert in pathfinding!"

Soon, more than a dozen soldiers loaded their bullets, pointed their guns at the stream, and waited intently.

"This creek is only a dozen meters wide. With luck, nothing will happen!"

Captain Conard whispered comforting words.

He was also cheering himself up.

After all, the footprints I just saw were so terrifying!

If that monster comes out, it will be far beyond what these dozen people can deal with!

More than a dozen people took two rafts, one to escort the maintenance personnel, and the other to transport the maintenance equipment.

On each raft, there are two soldiers rowing boats with simple wood pulp.

Wow! Hooray!

The sound of paddling sounded, and the raft took off and sailed toward the middle of the creek.

The stream is very clear and full of various aquatic plants.

At this moment, Captain Conard saw something moving on the water.

He shouted: "Attention everyone! There are things in the water! Don't let them get on the boat!"

Soon, a flat annelid that looked like a centipede appeared. This insect was grey-brown and looked creepy.

Each of them is more than 20 centimeters long and as wide as two adult palms. They have a pair of pointed turtles on their heads, many legs, and suckers on their tails.

hiss! hiss!

An annelid climbs onto a raft and attacks a soldier.


Captain Conard immediately opened fire.

In an instant, the huge annelid's head was blown off and it fell into the stream.

"Oh my God! How can annelids grow so big?"

a maintenance man exclaimed.

Snapped! Snapped!

In order to save ammunition, some soldiers hit the annelids on the head with wooden sticks on the raft and drove them off the boat.

hiss! hiss!

These annelids are very ferocious, bending their tails and trying to sting the soldiers.

They live by sucking blood and cannot be driven away.

In desperation, Captain Conard pulled out a flamethrower.


A jet of flames shot out, and the annelid insects were burned by the flames and fell into the water instantly, no longer climbing on the boat.

Seeing this scene, Dr. Worshoe and the maintenance staff breathed a sigh of relief, and they gasped.

"Cross this stream soon!"

Dr. Worshoe looked and saw that the creek was halfway across.

At this moment, hooray!

There was a wave of water on the water.

Everyone looked into the water reflexively.

The stream was crystal clear, and everyone saw a huge catfish swimming under their raft in the water.

The waves on the water just now were caused by the back of the huge catfish!

"Oh my god! What kind of monster is this?"

A maintenance worker couldn't help but asked in a trembling voice.

This catfish-like aquatic creature is more than ten meters long and at least two or three meters wide!

Only then did they understand why this island was named Skull Island.

Compared with the harmonious and beautiful natural scenery, the creatures living here are almost all prehistoric monsters!

Captain Conard aims his gun at the giant catfish creature on the bottom of the water to prevent it from suddenly attacking the humans on the boat.

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