Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 136 Giant catfish creature!


The giant catfish swam forward. It swept its giant tail in the water, turned quickly, and rushed towards the raft.

"Everyone, be careful!"

Captain Conard immediately shouted.

At the same time, he pulled the trigger.

Da da da!

Bullets were fired at the charging giant catfish.


Several bullets penetrated the catfish's thick scales, and it neighed and plunged into the water.


The huge splash made everyone on the raft wet.

However, everyone was in no mood to care about this.

"Where did it go?"

Everyone was very frightened when they saw the giant catfish disappear.

At this moment.


There was a loud noise, and the raft containing the equipment was sent flying by the huge impact from the water.


The simple raft was instantly shattered into pieces.

The giant catfish burst out of the water, opening its huge mouth to reveal its sharp teeth.


It bit a fallen soldier into its mouth.


Blood splattered and the stream was dyed red.


The soldiers on the raft began to scream.

"not good!"

Colonel Conard saw this and immediately fired into the water.

Da da da!

The giant catfish felt pain and immediately changed its direction and swam away.

"Quick! Protect the equipment!"

Dr. Worshoe said, pointing to the equipment box floating in the water.

Two soldiers immediately swam over and worked together to push the box to the edge of the raft.

At this time, several annelids climbed on the two soldiers. They used their tails to firmly suck the skin on the legs and arms, sucking the blood from them.

If they were normal people, they would definitely give up the equipment box in their hands and swat the annelids on their bodies.

However, these two soldiers valued the equipment box more than their own lives.

They endured the severe pain in their bodies and pushed the equipment boxes onto the raft.

On the raft, someone immediately pulled the equipment box up.

There are three equipment boxes in total.

Soon, they were all rescued.

However, at this time everyone faced a very serious problem.

That's the only remaining raft that's overweight!

"We have to get down a few people!"

Dr. Worshoe said.

With that said, he took the lead into the water.

A soldier immediately stopped him: "Dr. Worshoe, we cannot repair the mecha without you!"

With that said, the soldier jumped into the water.

Plop! Plop!

Several other soldiers also jumped into the water.

Captain Conrad was also about to jump, but Worshoe stopped him: "We can't live without you!"

The soldiers also nodded: "The doctor is right! Captain, without you, even if we survive, we still won't be able to safely deliver the doctor and the others to their destination!"

When Captain Conard heard this, his eyes were warm and he nodded.

These soldiers left the chance of survival to them.

Because, there are too many uncertain factors in this water.

"Ah! Damn it!"

A soldier tore off an annelid attached to his body, pulled out his military thorn, and cut his body in two with a knife!

"Let's hurry up and get ashore!"

cried Captain Conard.


The only two rowing soldiers on the raft responded immediately, then waved their simple oars and started rowing.


The water surface fluctuated violently again.

"No! It's here again!"

A soldier looked horrified when he noticed the fluctuations in the water.

As soon as he finished speaking, the water surface behind him broke open, and the giant catfish opened its mouth wide, biting half of his body from the head down.

Da da da!

Captain Conard reacted and fired immediately.

Puff puff!

The giant catfish took several shots, bit the soldier, and sank into the water with a snort.

"this is too scary!"

Dr. Worshoe said with sweat on his face.

In all his years of living, he has never seen such a terrifying monster!

This giant catfish appears and disappears in the water, sometimes dragging away a soldier.

Within a moment, three people had been dragged away.

At this time, the raft finally docked.

Captain Conard immediately said: "Quick! Everyone, get ashore quickly!"

Everyone immediately jumped from the raft to the shore.

The soldiers in the water also began to swim to the shore.


The giant catfish strikes again.

And this time, its target is the raft on the shore!

"No! Protect the equipment quickly!'

Dr. Worshoe shouted.

A soldier in the water saw this and pulled out a grenade from his waist.

He immediately pulled the fuse and threw it at the giant catfish.

The giant catfish seems to sense the danger and sinks into the water instantly.


The grenade fell into the water and made a violent explosion.

"Did you blow it up?"

asked a soldier.

"No! There's no blood in the water! It's very lucky!"

Captain Conard shook his head.

Seizing this opportunity, the soldiers immediately transported the equipment boxes to the shore.

Soon, three large boxes were carried ashore.

Soldiers in the water also came ashore one after another.

When the last soldier had just climbed ashore.


Behind him, the giant catfish stretched out half of its body from the water and swallowed the soldier whole in one mouthful!

Da da da!

The soldiers immediately opened fire.

After the giant catfish was shot, it swept its tail and reentered the stream.

"Let's go! Let's leave immediately!"

cried Colonel Conard.

None of them knew whether the monster would make it ashore.

Moreover, the huge footprints from before let them know that an even more terrifying monster had visited here.

The gunshots here may attract them here!

"Captain, you are right!"

Dr. Worshoe looked at the remaining seven soldiers and said guiltily.

"Doctor! You don't have to be like this! If we go through the jungle, we may not encounter other dangers!"

Captain Conrad heard this and comforted him.

"Let's get to our destination quickly! As long as the Wanderer is repaired, these monsters won't be scary anymore!"

Dr. Worshoe encouraged everyone.

"Yes! The doctor is right! If the Wanderer had been here just now, he could have flattened that damn monster fish with one punch!"

The soldier who spoke said in agreement that he had a blind admiration for the Wanderer.

"I hope so!"

Captain Conrad glanced at the blue sky and said so.

After only walking a kilometer or two, we encountered so many dangers.

The deeper you go, the more dangers you will encounter!

The crisis on this island is simply unimaginable!

Everyone protected the maintenance team in the middle, with soldiers guarding the front and rear.

Captain Conard walked at the front. Sometimes he lay on the ground with his ears pressed to the ground, listening to the sounds on the ground, and sometimes he looked at the tracks left by animals on the ground.

Before, everyone was confused, but now they all understood that Captain Conrad was choosing the best path.

At this time, everyone had entered a dense bamboo forest.

Suddenly, a huge shadow appeared above the bamboo forest.

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