Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 25 Open the vault!

Soon, Hambani took the last few mercenaries and fled to the first floor where the treasure house was located.

At this time, fishing boat captain Filligan and his subordinate Joey also arrived.

At this time, Filligan was holding Robin's submachine gun.

"What happened to Robin? Did you kill him?"

Demoman Billy pointed his pistol at Filligan.

Not only him, but Hambani and several other mercenaries also pointed their guns at Filligan and Joey.

"Put the gun down!"

Seeing several guns pointed at the two of them, Filligan had to slowly put the submachine gun in his hand on the ground.

"It's not us! It's the monster!"

When Joey saw Hambany and others pointing guns at them, he immediately raised his hands above his head and argued loudly.

"What kind of monster is it?"

Hambani looked at Joey with burning eyes.

If a monster killed Robin, why would they be okay?

"It's a snake! A very big snake!"

Joey recalled the situation and immediately said loudly.

"is that so?"

Hambany looked at Filligan aside.

When Filligan heard this, he immediately shook his head.


Hambani looked at Joey again, with a fierce light in his eyes.

The rest of the people also said excitedly: "What on earth is going on?"

"Say it!"

"If you don't tell me, we will kill you!"

Joey was very depressed. He looked at Filligan and said loudly: "Captain, that's a snake! A big python!"

Finnigan shook his head firmly again: "I have never seen such a big python!"

"Oh? Have you seen it? What does it look like?"

Hanbany said solemnly.

The monster killed Harden and Jack, and if possible, he wanted to avenge his brothers!

"It's scary! Very scary! It looks very thick! Thicker than my waist!"

When Joey heard this, he immediately started talking incoherently.

"Shut up!"

Hambani immediately interrupted Joey.

Then, he pointed his pistol at Filligan: "Say what you say!"

Apparently, Hambany felt that Finnegan was calmer in situations and should have seen things more clearly.

"That's an octopus tentacle!"

Finnigan said matter-of-factly.

"What? Octopus tentacles? Why didn't you tell me it was a squid? Fuck!"

Demoman Billy couldn't help but curse.

The yellow-haired mercenary also took out his spurs and looked at Finnegan threateningly.

If he doesn't talk nicely, Huang Mao won't mind giving Filligan a knife in the face!

Hanbany glanced at Huang Mao: "Casey! Let him continue talking!"

Casey then put away the spur in his hand, but the look he looked at Finnigan was full of threats.

"Are you sure that's an octopus tentacle?"

Hambani frowned and looked at Finnigan.

"Of course! He was Robin dragged away before my eyes!"

Finnegan said calmly.

"You! You actually refused to save me!"

When Casey heard Finnigan's words, he pulled out the thorn again.

He threatened loudly: "Boss! I will cut off his head! Avenge Robin!"

At this time, Finnegan continued: "I think what we should consider at this time is how to get out of this damn place! The damn octopus tentacles are blocked by us in the cabin, but he will arrive soon!"

"How could it be an octopus? Can an octopus be that big? I saw it with my own eyes opening its terrifying mouth and swallowing a living person in one mouthful!"

After hearing Finnigan's words, Joey doubted his life.

Finnegan sneered: "I usually ask you to read more books, but you don't listen to me. Do you realize your ignorance this time? There is indeed no such a huge octopus in the depths of tens to hundreds of meters known to mankind. "

"But what about 10,000 or even 20,000 meters under the sea? In order to withstand the huge water pressure, they had to evolve a huge body!"

"Twenty thousand meters under the sea?"

Hambani murmured.

Indeed, the deeper you go, the greater the pressure of the seawater. When it reaches 20,000 meters under the sea, it has indeed reached an incredible point!

Remembering that the monster could crush an alloy steel door before, Hanbany already believed it.

"Then what should we do?"

Joey immediately panicked.

"We should get out of this damn place right now!"

Filligan exclaimed.

The surviving mercenaries were very moved.

Staying here, they have no confidence in dealing with the terrifying existence that comes from 20,000 meters under the sea!

"No! We're going to open this vault!"

Hambany retorted loudly.

Seeing Hambani's determined look, Filligan had no choice but to say, "Hurry up! That monster won't give us too much time!"


Faintly, a huge crash could be heard in the distance.

Bang! Bang!

The sound was very dull, as if every sound struck everyone's heart.

"Billy! Blast this vault open!"

Hambany said to Demoman.

"Yes! Boss!"

Billy immediately put the package down.

He then placed a high-explosive bomb on top of the vault.

Originally, this vault was made of special alloy and could withstand the explosion of high-explosive bombs.

However, the location where Billy exploded was very tricky, and he actually chose the place where the lock was opened.


Boom! There was a loud bang, and the door of the vault was blown open by a high-explosive bomb.

"Be careful! There might be someone inside!"

Hanbany loaded the bullet and whispered.

Sure enough, after a moment, several disgraced people rushed out of the vault.

They are Baron Zach, the owner of the cruise ship, and his security captain.

He was accompanied by several highly skilled security personnel.

"Don't move! Put your hands on your head!"

As soon as these people broke out of the vault, Hambani and others had guns pointed at their heads.

"Aren't you from the rescue team?"

Baron Zac looked at everything in front of him in astonishment.

He just heard the violent explosion, and he thought it was the search and rescue team coming!

"Have you called the rescue team?"

When Hanbany heard this, his heart tightened.


Baron Zack nodded.

At that time, they had already made a distress call before hiding in the vault.

Hambany glanced at the people behind him, and then said: "Finigan, give you ten minutes! Empty this vault for me!"

"You shameful robbers! This is the private property of this Baron!"

Baron Zack yelled as he saw Finnigan and Joey rushing into the treasure house.

However, just as he finished speaking, he was shot.


In pain, Baron Zach knelt on one knee on the ground.

"Are you honest now?"

Hambani looked at Baron Zach mockingly.

No matter who the noble is, he will kneel under his bullets!

Baron Zac suddenly showed a look of fear on his face.

Hambany was very satisfied: "Now, tell me what happened on the cruise ship immediately!"

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