"Monsters! There are monsters on this ship! They're everywhere!"

After hearing Hambani's words, Baron Zak immediately said excitedly.

"What kind of monster are you talking about?"

Golden Retriever Mercenary Casey asked loudly.

As he spoke, he glanced at Filligan.

The meaning is obvious. If Filligan lies, it will definitely make him look good!

Baron Zach recalled the situation at that time, his eyes were horrified and his body was shaking a little: "That monster was terrifying! It looked like a huge python. Its body was dozens of meters long and thicker than a human body!"

"Huh? Is it a python?"

Hambany immediately looked at Filligan warily.

If what Baron Zach said is true, then Filligan must have lied!

So, he was the one who killed Robin!

At this time, Baron Zack continued: "Wait! I remember! That monster is more like a squid..."


Hanbany and a few mercenaries couldn't help but want to beat Baron Zac to death!

Is your squid so scary?

Baron Zach continued: "Yes! It's like a squid! There's disgusting mucus on its tentacles, and it smeared all over me. It stinks!"

Hambani looked at each other with the remaining mercenaries.

Combined with Baron Zack's words, Filligan was not lying.

By this time, Filligan and Joey had already moved everything out of the treasure house.

"Wow! So many gold bars and jewelry?"

Golden Retriever hired Casey, and his eyes immediately lit up when he saw it.

Hambany immediately said: "After we go out, we will divide all the property into 11 parts. Among them, everything that belongs to Robin and Harden will be given to their families!"

"Yes! Boss!"

Casey and Jack both shouted in response.

This was something that all mercenaries respected Hambani for.

Although he is cold-blooded and will do all kinds of bad things for money, he keeps his word and is loyal to his brothers!

"We have one too?"

Joey was a little dumbfounded.

"Of course! I just said I would let you join the gang, so of course I will count you in!"

Hambany glanced at Joey and Filligan.

"Let's escape first and then think about dividing the treasure!"

Filligan did not look at the gold and silver jewelry.

Only when you are destined to go out can you have the opportunity to enjoy it!

Hambany pointed a gun at Baron Zac: "This is your ship. You know best on the ship. Apart from the elevator, where else can you quickly access the escape route?"

Generally speaking, on cruise ships, there are escape routes.

Also, there will be a large number of lifeboats.

As long as they get into the lifeboat, they can escape from this death cruise ship.

"follow me!"

Baron Zack looked at the gun in Hanbany's hand, and then said.

However, as soon as he moved, he immediately screamed.

Obviously, the shot he had just taken in the leg had restricted his movements.

Hanbany turned his gun to Andrew, the security captain of Baron Zac: "Go and carry him!"

Andrew immediately went over and carried Baron Zach on his back.

Then a group of people walked towards the road to the lifeboat.

"I want to leave at this time, but I'm afraid it's too late!"

Lin Feng kept looking at the scene on the boat. He saw that the giant octopus had used its tentacles to surround the dough inside.

There is no way out for these people!


The crowd hadn't gone far when there was movement from all around.

Bang bang!

There was a crashing sound all around.

Immediately afterwards.

Boom! There was a loud noise, and a door that Hambany and others were going to was slammed shut!

"What the hell!"

Seeing this scene, Hanbany punched the alloy wall hard.

"How could that happen? It, it closed the door?"

Joey was very surprised.

This monster actually closed the door they wanted to pass through in advance!

"This monster is very smart!"

Filligan glared at Joey and then said.

The others nodded. So far, the monsters have been around and have not attacked them.

It seemed to be driving them to one place.

This gave the mercenaries a bad feeling.

"Is there any other way?"

Hambani looked at Baron Zach.

"Yes! There is another passage, but you have to sneak through this passage!"

Baron Zack nodded repeatedly.

"You lead the way!"

Hambany pointed a gun at Baron Zach to prevent him from playing tricks.

Soon, everyone walked towards another passage.

There were constant crashing sounds all around, reminding everyone that the monster was all around and never left!


Suddenly a person walking at the back let out a scream.

Hambany turned back immediately.

Just in time to see it, a disgusting tentacle dragged Baron Zac's subordinates back.


Hanbany looked indifferent.

He pointed the muzzle of the gun at the tentacle that was constantly being pulled back and pulled the trigger.

Da da da!

A series of bullets were shot out.


The sound of bullets entering flesh continued to sound.

However, everyone discovered that the bullet hitting the disgusting tentacle did not penetrate it!


Hanbany said harshly.

Then, he turned around and continued walking forward: "Let's go! We must leave this place quickly!"

After experiencing this scene, the fear in everyone's hearts was infinitely magnified.

Whenever there was any sign of disturbance, they would look around vigilantly, fearing that they would be the next person to be dragged away by the tentacles.

Soon, everyone came to the place that Baron Zac mentioned.

Everyone looked and saw that the passage was filled with water.

"Where does this lead to?"

Hambani looked at Baron Zach warily.

"To the deck!"

Baron Zach forced a smile on his face.

Hambany took out his communicator and issued an order to the mercenaries on the fishing boat outside: "Cage, Bieber! Adjust the torpedoes. If we fail to get out of the cruise ship, you will blow up the cruise ship!"

"What? Boss, what happened on the cruise ship?"

After hearing Hambany's words, Cage asked loudly.

In so many missions, this was the first time he heard Hambani sound so desperate.

"Do as I say!"

Hambany finished this sentence and then cut off the communication.

Then, he gave the order to sniper Hanno: "Pay close attention to the surrounding situation!"

After making all the arrangements, Hambany looked at the skilled people: "Me and Filligan will swim over first. If there is no danger there, I will fire a gun. Remember, it is three gunshots!"

"Okay! Boss!"

Casey nodded.

Then, they closed the gate at one end of the passage.

Even so, everyone was not reassured, but stayed far away, fearing that they would be dragged away by the sudden appearance of tentacles.

Hambany asked Casey to give Filligan a submachine gun, and then looked at him: "Let's settle our grudges when we go out!"


Filligan nodded.

He also knew that no one was sure to survive on this weird cruise ship!

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