Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 266 The newly emerged eighth continent!

"Green scales!"

Seeing that the wormhole was about to dissipate after cutting off the mysterious head, Night Demon Sea King immediately shouted loudly.

Qinglin heard his words and immediately shouted loudly: "Fire!"


Behind the two of them, countless high-pressure water cannons blasted toward the space wormhole that was about to close!

Seeing this scene, everyone immediately understood that the Night Demon Sea Emperor had already planned to kill the abyss race by sacrificing it!

However, the actions of the mermaid princess Tina saved them a lot of energy.


There were bursts of gunfire, and the space wormhole that had not yet completely closed began to tremble violently.


A colorful beam of light shot out from the giant ship.


The space wormhole that was about to close was completely torn apart!

Seeing this scene, Night Demon Sea Emperor showed a satisfied smile on his handsome face.

He had prepared this secret weapon for hundreds of years just to reopen the passage to the outside world at this moment!

Originally, the power of the Night Demon Royal Family was not enough to open the space wormhole, but the abyssal race helped him a lot!

However, Night Demon Sea Emperor was not happy for long, as his expression suddenly changed.


"what happened?"

Everyone showed puzzled expressions.

Then, they looked towards the space wormhole in the void.

Finally, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

I saw that the void there actually bulged out, as if it was expanding!

The next moment, boom!

There was a huge explosion.

That space seemed to have been torn open, and hot magma poured out from the wormhole in the space!

"Run away!"

When the mermaid princess Tina saw this scene, she immediately changed her face and urged.

Then, she controlled the giant sea beast under her seat and immediately ran away in the direction she came from.

Hearing the mermaid princess's shout, everyone suddenly woke up.

They also immediately started running away quickly.

The Night Demon Sea King also fled back to the ship in embarrassment, and instantly escaped from this area at the fastest speed!

In an instant, the area where the sacrificial platform was located was flooded with hot magma!

"What exactly is going on?"

Everyone had puzzled expressions on their faces.

Night Demon Poseidon also had a gloomy face.

He didn't expect that something like this would happen.

The existence in the abyss actually exploded!

It was the mysterious existence that chose to self-destruct, causing a violent explosion that tore the wormhole apart and caused the magma in the earth's core to spew out.

Night Demon Sea King never thought that the head they just chopped off was the last head of the mysterious sea beast.

It's not that the giant sea beast that has survived for endless years wants to explode, but that just now, it has died!

The huge power stored in the body instantly began to lose control, triggering this explosion!


The violent explosion triggered an underwater earthquake, causing a huge disaster in the underwater world.

Boom! Boom!

The originally prosperous palaces and buildings collapsed in an instant.

The creatures in the underwater world began to flee in all directions.

This is a huge disaster sweeping the entire underwater world!

At this moment, Kawashima Kongzi, who was hiding somewhere in the imperial capital, was extremely surprised.

"What happened?"

However, this chaos gave her a chance.

Kawashima Kongzi immediately flew towards a place according to the memory in the inheritance.

All races under the sea began to flee in confusion. This huge disaster destroyed the undersea civilization.

Earthquakes erupt and volcanoes erupt.

The entire underwater world begins to become unstable!

This impact is not limited to the underwater world, but also affects the surface world.


"Severe fluctuations were detected, and a strong earthquake was suspected!"

Chinese earthquake experts immediately made an emergency report.

"What? There's an earthquake? In what direction?"

an expert in charge of earthquakes asked immediately.

In recent times, earthquakes have been quite frequent in China.

"It seems like it's at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean!"

Seismological experts detected the direction of the source of violent seismic waves.

"Undersea earthquake?"

Everyone was surprised.

"I don't know if it's caused by the movement of continental plates or some other reason!"

An old earthquake expert whispered.

"Not good! Could it be that this is another sign of a monster coming?"

The official's expression changed drastically upon hearing this.

He immediately reported the situation as an emergency.

When the elders of Hua heard about this, they immediately paid great attention to it and convened experts to discuss it.

At the same time, meteorological experts also detected that a huge tsunami was about to occur.

Disaster preparedness was immediately launched across the country.

The army was dispatched to urgently relocate the population from coastal areas to inland cities.

Not only China, M Country, Sheep Country, Island Country and other places are also on standby.

Because, based on reliable information.

Every time a giant beast attacks, it will be accompanied by strong earthquakes, even typhoons and tsunamis!

Soon, strong earthquakes occurred all over the world.

Most areas were above magnitude seven, and even unprecedented magnitude nine earthquakes occurred in some places!

Even with adequate precautions, it has caused huge damage to human cities.

Across the world, major earthquakes occur frequently, volcanoes erupt, and major floods occur.

Some small coastal countries have completely disappeared, sea levels have risen throughout the ocean, and the global population has plummeted.

Soon, even more amazing news came, because a satellite captured a magical scene on the Pacific Ocean.

"Oh my God! Land suddenly appeared on the Pacific Ocean! And it's a large area of ​​land!"

The observer saw the picture clearly and said in extreme shock.

"You can't be dazzled, are you? Where can there be any large piece of land in the Pacific Ocean?"

The observer nearby shouted.

However, before he finished speaking, his eyes widened.

Because, according to the images captured by satellites, this is real!

In the Pacific Ocean, a large area of ​​land really appeared!

Moreover, this land is very large, like an undiscovered continent!

This discovery shocked the whole world in an instant!

“A mysterious continent appears in the Pacific!

"There are mountains, rivers, and traces of human existence on it!"

"The mainland is very large, larger than the entire area of ​​Asia!"

"From now on, the world's land area begins to expand, and the seven continents become eight continents!"

This news spread more and more widely, and the Internet began to be abuzz.

Because that piece of land that emerged from the sea is really huge!

"How did this unknown continent appear?"

Many experts discussed it.

However, none of them could draw valid conclusions.

At this time, the big power government made a major decision.

That is, send an inspection team to this continent to explore the specific situation!

Dr. Chen and her sisters are the main members of this inspection team. In addition to them, some awakened people are also participating!

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