Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 267 Advance to level nine!

In the Pacific Ocean, there is a reef hidden in the water. When fish approach this huge reef, they will choose to leave.

On this reef, there is a huge light film.

This light film is constantly growing. It was only 100 meters at first, and soon expanded to more than 120 meters.

In the huge light film, a giant creature with golden scales slept in it.

It was Lin Feng.

At this time, half a month had passed since Lin Feng began to fall asleep.

The island where he chose to sleep was also submerged by the sea.

"Hey! Congratulations, master! This evolution has been completed and you can break out of the cocoon!"

As the evolution time ends, the smart assistant reminds.

"Is it finished?"

Lin Feng heard the sound and suddenly opened his eyes. He began to use his sharp claws to tear open the light film covering his body.

Immediately, the seawater rushed in immediately.

Lin Feng was slightly surprised: "Huh? Why am I in the sea? I remember, didn't I choose a small island with no one to disturb me?"

"Master, after you fell asleep, a great change occurred on the earth!"

The smart assistant explained.

Then, it prompted: "Master, your evolution was very successful this time. Do you need to analyze the specific effects of evolution?"

"Analyze immediately!" Lin Feng ordered.

Intelligent assistant: "Under analysis... Analysis completed, host, your evolution this time is mainly reflected in two aspects: strength, speed, and defense. Strength: increased by 1.4 times, speed: decreased by 0.1 times, and defense increased by 3.1 times. "

"I'll go, this advancement, it seems, the effect is not very significant, right?"

After Lin Feng checked the evolutionary attributes, he couldn't help but said with great disappointment.

"Master, you must be content. Your previous evolutions, strength, speed, and defense are all close to the limit of a monster. This time, your size has increased by 1.2 times. As a result, your weight has reached 140,000 tons. However, these are not The main direction of improvement!”

The smart assistant said.

"Oh? This promotion is not focused on these aspects?"

When Lin Feng heard this, a bright light emitted from his golden eyes.

"Yes! Through this evolution, your destruction light has advanced into a gravity beam!"

The smart assistant said.

"Gravity beam? In other words, at this moment, my innate ability has finally returned to the form in the movie?"

Lin Feng was slightly excited.

"Yes! Your current gravity beam can rival Godzilla's atomic breath!"

The smart assistant agreed.

“I can’t wait to try it!”

Lin Feng felt a little excited.

Then, he quickly rushed out of the water.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Feng was stunned.

Because, he found that the surrounding environment had changed drastically!

"How could this be? Shouldn't there be small islands dotted around it?"

Lin Feng was surprised.

The intelligent assistant said: "Master, you don't know something. While you were sleeping, great changes occurred on the seabed. The continent that sank to the bottom of the sea 10,000 years ago has resurfaced again!"

"The continent that sank to the bottom of the sea surfaced again? What is the reason for this?"

Lin Feng was surprised when he heard this.

"It should be caused by changes in the center of the earth and expansion!"

The smart assistant guessed.

"It's incredible!"

Lin Feng felt as if he had entered a strange world.

The overall sea level has risen significantly, and there is an extra continent in the Pacific Ocean!

Lin Feng asked curiously: "Intelligent assistant, are there humans living on this continent?"


The smart assistant said affirmatively.

"There are actually undersea humans living on this continent?"

Lin Feng was surprised.

Suddenly, he remembered the humanoid creatures he had seen when he dived to the bottom of the sea from the Bermuda Triangle.

Could it be that, after living under the sea for ten thousand years, humans have degenerated into half-human, half-fish creatures? "

"When I figure out the evolutionary attributes, I must go and take a look!"

Lin Feng said secretly.

At this moment, the sea was endless, filled with blue water. Lin Feng flew for a long time before he found an isolated island.

Judging from the appearance of this isolated island, it is not difficult to see that this isolated island was probably the peak of a mountain peak in the past.

Lin Feng closed his eyes and began to comprehend the memories that came to his mind.

Soon, he opened his mouth and spit out three golden lightning bolts from his mouth.

"Huh? Did I spray out three golden lightning bolts at once?"

Lin Feng was slightly surprised.

Soon, he figured out that this was not three spurts that came out of his mouth at once.

Instead, just now, two golden rays of light shot out from his eyes!

"Oh my god! Can my eyes actually shoot out gravitational beams?"

Lin Feng was extremely surprised.

In the past, his eyes had always been one of his weaknesses.

However, at this moment, it seems to have become one of the most powerful places to attack in the whole body!

If anyone wants to attack Lin Feng's eyes.

Then, he would find that in an instant, two indestructible gravity beams were sprayed out from Lin Feng's eyes!


The golden beam hit the mountain peak instantly!

Lin Feng noticed that the top of the mountain was instantly flattened by a powerful gravitational beam!

Seeing this scene, his heart brightened: "I understand! The difference between a gravity beam and a destruction beam is that the power of gravity tearing is increased!"

Lin Feng was extremely satisfied with this evolution, and he began to fly towards the continent emerging from the bottom of the sea.

He wanted to see what humans looked like thousands of years ago!

On an M Army warship in the Pacific Ocean.

Dr. Chen and others took a plane and landed quietly.

This time, each major country sent its own armed forces to explore this unknown continent.

Before the exploration, all parties agreed that if there was a crisis in the New World, all exploration teams must help each other and not add insult to injury.

"That's the mecha of the Polar Bear Kingdom, the Polar Bear!"

Major Lin pointed to a Gundam mecha and introduced it in a low voice to Dr. Chen and others around him.

"What a big guy!"

Liu Xuanfeng took a look at the polar bear mecha and couldn't help but sigh.

Chen Lin on the side murmured in a low voice: "I hope it's not just a fancy thing but not a useful one!"

Major Lin looked to the other side again and introduced to everyone: "That's the Maple Leaf Country's mecha, the Raider!"

Everyone looked over and saw that the Raider mecha looked shorter than the Polar Bear mecha, but to everyone, it was still a giant!

"We are going on an inspection trip this time, and we brought these two big guys with us. It's really arrogant!"

Chen Lin glanced at it and whispered.

Obviously, she seemed a little unsure.

"Don't worry! When the time comes, if you encounter danger, I will protect you!"

Liu Xuanfeng saw Chen Lin's thoughts at a glance and said with a smile.

"Who needs your protection? I'm super fierce!"

Chen Lin glared at Liu Xuanfeng fiercely, and then she clenched her little fists.

"Hey, our neighbor didn't come this time!"

Dr. Chen noticed that the island country did not send anyone over this time.

Regarding this, Major Lin lamented: "In this catastrophe, most of the island country sank into the sea, and only a part of the elite entered the pre-built underwater city!"

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