Devouring and Evolution from Monsters

Chapter 268 Sea Clan Artifact!

Everyone was silent after hearing Major Lin's words.

In this global catastrophe, too many people have died.

At this time, Colonel Hans, the commander of Country M's trip, stepped onto the deck. He glanced at everyone, and then said: "Here, China is the host. I propose that the representative of China be the captain. Do you have any objections? "


The representatives from various countries were very surprised when they heard this.

Some of them do not understand why Country M always strives for leadership in previous global operations.

But this time, they actually gave up!

Is it really because this new continent is close to China?

Many people have thoughtful expressions on their faces. They are thinking about what is the intention of Country M!

"I understand! Country M is doing this because of the Chinese dragon! Moreover, this continent is indeed close to China. If there is danger, it will be closer to the rescue troops from China!"

one person whispered.

He cleared everyone's doubts with one word.

At this time, the representative of the Sheep Country took the lead and said: "We from the Sheep Country have no objections. In this operation, all members of the Sheep Country expedition team will obey the command of the Chinese captain!"

The representative of the Polar Bear Country hesitated for a moment and then said: "We the Polar Bear Country also agree!"

When the representatives of Maple Leaf Country saw Country M's proposal, they naturally had no objection and chose to vote in favor.

Soon, the representatives gathered here agreed that someone from the Chinese inspection team should serve as the captain.

On the Chinese side, Colonel Lin laughed loudly and said: "In that case, I will be disrespectful!"

Then, he said to Dr. Chen: "Chen Ling, you will have full command of this operation!"

"What? The captain of this operation is actually a female soldier?"

The other country representatives were very surprised to see Colonel Lin handing over this important task to Chen Ling.

"Yes! Colonel Lin!"

Chen Ling came out of the queue and gave a military salute to Colonel Lin.

Then, she turned around and said loudly: "Everyone, let's go!"

Although those from other countries participating in the exploration had some doubts about Chen Ling's strength, they did not refute it publicly.

They all got into the prepared helicopter.

As for the Polar Bear Mecha and the Raider Mecha, they walk on the sea.


Several helicopters quickly flew over the new continent and then stopped.

"Oh my God! It stinks here!"

Just after getting off the plane, an M country soldier covered his nose.

"Not good! There may be a virus, everyone put on chemical protective clothing immediately!"

An M Army commander said immediately.

So the soldiers immediately opened their backpacks and put on their chemical protective suits.

They were surprised to find that the explorers from China walked forward without wearing any protective equipment.

"This smell is like the smell of some kind of rotten animal!"

In the team, Dr. Jones whispered.


Liu Xuanfeng also nodded.

"Could it be that some sea fish died of lack of water after they surfaced?"

Chen Lin asked in a low voice.

"Let's go! Let's go deeper!"

Dr. Chen nodded.

Afterwards, everyone continued to go deeper.

The area at the edge looked deserted, with no vegetation at all.

Continuing deeper, you can see some dead fish scattered on the ground.

Seeing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"The picture taken from the satellite, continue to the north, there will be some giant buildings!"

A flat plate appeared on Dr. Chen's finger.

The above is the main goal of this trip.

This continent is very big, even bigger than the Asian continent. It is definitely impossible for everyone to walk all over it.

Therefore, before the operation, the headquarters determined the main exploration targets.

"keep going!"

After everyone looked at the map for a while, they continued to move north.

At this moment, in the original sea capital.

Night Demon Sea King waited until the commotion outside subsided and then released the defenses above the city.

In an instant, the sun shone down from the sky.


A scream sounded.

Countless Night Demon soldiers screamed and turned into clouds of smoke!

"How is this going?"

Night Demon Poseidon was shocked.

Then, he looked towards the sky and said in surprise: "The sun! We can actually see the sun again!"


All the sea creatures and the royal family were extremely shocked.

Ten thousand years ago, they lived on land.

However, as an unprecedented crisis struck, the entire continent sank to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean!

It took thousands of years for the undersea races to gradually adapt to the living environment on the ocean floor, and gradually developed their own undersea civilization.

Ten thousand years have passed, and all the races under the sea have returned to the surface!

"Could it be caused by that accident?"

Night Demon Poseidon's eyes flickered.

This huge crisis under the sea may be both a crisis and an opportunity for the undersea races!

However, there are many things that need to be addressed.

For example, these ordinary underwater races cannot live without sea water.

They need to make special armor.

Let them survive on land!

However, such armor has long existed in the Sea Palace.

Because when the underwater races were able to come to the surface world, they specially developed such armor.

"Qing Lin, you immediately order the craftsmen to make one million sets of Night Demon Armor!"

Night Demon Poseidon said loudly.


Prime Minister Qinglin left immediately.

Not long after, a group of soldiers arrived at the Sea Palace.

The leader said loudly: "Your Majesty, we have searched the mermaid tribe's territory and found no trace of them!"

"Look! You must find them for me!"

Night Demon Poseidon said loudly.

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

The commander immediately left with the soldiers.

After they left, Night Demon Sea Emperor frowned tightly.

He could still remember what happened after the disaster.

At the beginning, endless magma poured out from the torn space wormhole.

Underwater world, discover tsunamis, earthquakes.

All races under the sea are running frantically for their lives.

It seems that all creatures under the sea will be buried in this unprecedented catastrophe.

Suddenly, a giant protective shield rose from the ground.

This protective shield actually protected everyone!

Night Demon Poseidon recognized it at a glance, it was an artifact!

Someone activated that artifact!

Only the power of the artifact can withstand that huge disaster.

Ten thousand years ago, it was this artifact that allowed the undersea races to take root at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean!

"As long as you are still here and dig three feet into the ground, I will definitely find you!"

Night Demon Sea King clenched his palms, and a black anger flashed in his eyes.

As long as he can master this artifact, he can truly control the seven races under the sea!

At that time, he, the Night Demon, will truly have the power to dominate the world!

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