Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1602: leave early

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Chapter 1602 Leave Early

"do not worry!"

"The Emperor is to be the first person in this history!"

In Mo Wentian's eyes, a flash of light flashed, and a corner of his mouth was raised.

"Lao Shenzhu, this kid is in the emperor's realm, and the spirit has already broken into a thousand feet. When his cultivation reaches the realm of heaven, or even the realm of the heavenly emperor, how much should he cultivate?

And just when Mo Wen Tianyun's breezy words sounded.

The ears of the old man of the **** bead sounded the old man's voice.

"This kid is infinite!"

The old man of Shenzhu breathed a light breath.

While worried about the Devouring Kingdom Hall, two figures appeared outside the Devouring Palace Hall.

"Master Ji, come in here!"

Mo Wentian's eyes flashed.

Those who came were Ji Wujing and Ji Ming.

"Ask the Emperor, I don't see you coming when I see you discussing things!"

After hearing the words, Ji Wujing's eyes flashed a complex light.

Immediately, he stepped forward and walked directly into the hall.

"Master Ji, have you come to find the Emperor, is there something wrong?"

Mo Wentian's eyes looked at Ji Wujing with a very cold look.

"Ask the Emperor, I forgot to tell you something!"

"The last time I was in the Tianji Mountains, I didn't kill the old machine!"

"I got the news. Just yesterday, the Dragon Dragon Sky Map appeared again in the ancient relics!"

"The Dragon Dragon Sky Map was taken by him!"

Ji Wujing's expression suddenly became serious.


"Tianji Laozui also won the Shenlongtongtiantu?"

"It seems that it will not be so easy to kill him now!"

Slightly stunned, Mo Wentian came back to God, his eyes were stunned slightly, the voice could not help lowering a few words.

"Ask the Emperor of Heaven, although this machine has now won this map of Shenlongtongtian, but as long as you find him, it is not difficult to kill him!"

In the eyes of Ji Wujing, the slightest rays of light passed by.

"no need!"

"This passage to the heavenly realm requires the integration of the Shenlong Tongtian map to open it, not to mention whether it is possible to find the old clutter, even if it is found!"

"If he didn't have his picture of the magical dragon, we wouldn't be able to enter the heavenly world!"

"If you want to kill him, it's not too late to kill him in the heavenly realm!"

The icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

"Ask the Emperor ..."

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Ji Wujing's eyes flashed a light.

It seemed to remember something, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but in the end, he didn't say anything.

"Master Ji, apart from this, what else can you do?"

Suddenly, the thought of Ji Wujing coming is definitely not easy, so he asked again.

"Ask the Emperor, Lord Ben came, there is indeed something to discuss with you!"

In the eyes of Ji Wujing, the slightest flash of light passed.

"Master Ji, let's talk straight!"

Do not ask the look of heaven, extremely indifferent.

"Ask the Emperor, do you know if you know the Dragon Map? There are nine in total!"

"I got the news. So far, six pictures have been born, and all of them have been taken away!"

Ji Wujing groaned for a moment, as if he had been fully prepared.

"A total of nine?"

"Six were born and have all been taken away?"

"It seems that there are many ancient hidden forces in this ancient relic, in addition to the demons, demons, beasts, demons, and beasts!"

Listening to Ji Wujing's words, Mo Wentian's expression suddenly became serious.

You know, the five major races in the ancient relics have all surrendered at the foot of his kingdom.

In addition to these six pictures of Shenlong Tongtian, in addition to the one he won, and four of them, he was taken away!

Thinking this way, Mo Wentian's brow tightened.

The more hidden forces in this ancient relic, the less secure his Kingdom of Devouring Heaven!

"Of the ancient relics, there are many hidden forces!"

"But you do n’t need to worry about asking God!"

"These hidden forces are definitely afraid to attack you!

Ji Wujing seemed to see the worry in Mo Wentian's heart, and quickly said.

"Willn't you shoot at me?

"Who has the strength does not want to be the supreme king!"

"It seems that the Kingdom of Devourers, I need to strengthen the protection!"

Mo Wentian's eyes looked at the distant void, his eyes shrinking, and his voice became cold.

"Ask the Emperor of Heaven, let Ji Ming set up a battle for the protection of the Kingdom of Heaven, and the ban can be done!"

"You have more important things to do!"

Seems to be thinking of something, Ji Wujing's eyes skyrocketed.

"whats the matter?"

Mo Wentian is almost a subconscious blurt.

"Nine pictures of Shenlong Tongtian, six have been born, and three remain!"

"Ask the Emperor, do you not want to take more?"

"Take a few more pictures and ask the emperor. You can not only exchange this supernatural dragon sky map with those forces that need it, but also offer conditions to them!"

Ji Wujing's voice became cold.

"That's a good idea!"

"Ji Shaozhu, here are the three pictures of the Dragon Dragon that will soon be born. Do you know where they are?"

Upon hearing Ji Wujing's remarks, Mo Wentian instantly understood, and asked quickly.

"The remaining three dragon-dragon sky maps are in the Nether Valley!"

Ji Wujing's eyes looked in the direction of the Nether Valley.

"Ghost Valley?"

"Xiaoyu, Magic Sky, you follow this emperor to the Nether Valley!"

"And Sky Fox, follow the Emperor to the Nether Valley!"

"The matter of eating the kingdom of heaven is left to Chi Xiao and Ji Ming!"

Wen Yan said that Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, looking at Xiao Yan and Huan Tian, ​​said Shen Sheng.

"Okay, boss!"

"Okay, boss, I immediately let Sky Fox come!"

Xiao Yan and Xuan Tian agreed quickly.

The next moment, Xiao Yan's figure flickered towards the small courtyard of Tianhu.

"Jiming, you are going to arrange the formation and the big formation now!"

"This is an array of spells. Unless this powerful method is beyond the realm of heaven, it will never be broken!"

Watching Xiao's figure leave, Ji Wujing's mind moved, and a rune appeared in his hands.

An indifferent voice sounded, Ji Wujing looked at Ji Ming and said coldly.

The mysterious rune fell into Ji Ming's hands.

"Young Master, this ..."

"This is for you, my lord, you ..."

Ji Ming looked at the rune in his hand, his expression changed suddenly.

This rune was given to Ji Wujing by the patriarch of the Ji family when he came to the ancient relics, and there was only one.

This is to save Ji Wujing's life, but now, Ji Wujing even took this out and gave Mo Wentian!

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