Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1603: Terrible prohibition!

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Chapter 1603 Terrible Prohibition!

"Ji Ming, Master Ben asked you to do it, you just do it!"

Before waiting for Ji Ming to finish speaking, he was interrupted by Ji Wujing.

Glancing at Ji Ming coldly, she looked indifferent.

"Little Lord……"

Hearing words, Ji Ming kept talking.

In the end, when it reached the mouth, it was swallowed back.

"Master Ji, this rune is important to you!"

"I don't think so. In this ancient relic, there should be no forces to disturb me to eat the kingdom of heaven!"

Looking at the changes in the looks of Ji Wujing and Ji Ming, Mo Wentian seemed to know something, and his eyes flashed.

"Ask the Emperor, no problem!"

Ji Wujing's voice was extremely indifferent.

"Jiming, go quickly!"

"When the matter of eating the kingdom of heaven is solved, we should go where we should go!"

The next moment, it seemed to remember something, Ji Wujing's eyes fell on Ji Ming, and said in a cold voice.

"Yes, Master!"

Ji Ming quickly agreed.

Immediately, he took a deep look at Mo Wentian, took the rune, and walked towards the hall.

As Ji Ming left, only Mo Wentian, Ji Wujing and Phantom were left in the hall.

"Thank you, Master Ji!"

Mo Wentian's eyes flashed, and his face was sincere.

Ji Wujing said the pattern, but only when the strong beyond the realm of heaven came, can be removed.

Don't ask me to know how precious this pattern is!

But this pattern, Ji Wujing hesitated, took it out to him.

At this moment, Mo Wentian could not help but strengthen Ji Wujing's favor.

"Ask the Emperor, between you and me, no thanks!"

Ji Wujing slightly raised his mouth.

"If you ask the Emperor really want to repay me, after entering Tianxian Realm, ask the Emperor to join my Ji family!"

The next moment, Ji Wujing's eyes skyrocketed, and his heart secretly said.

Although in this ancient relic he shot many times, helping each other and asking questions, but could not tell why, Ji Wujing had a strong hunch in his heart.

When Mo Wentian enters Tianxian Realm, relying on Mo Wentian's strength and talent, it is likely that he will not join his Ji family!

But even so, in the mind of Ji Wujing, Mo Wutian was only identified, but Mo Wentian was just identified.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly.

Two figures appeared in the hall.

One of these two figures is a small tadpole, while the other is a sky fox that Mo Wentian asked him to come to.

"Ask Brother Tian!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, Tianhuo hurried forward, and the fair and delicate cheeks instantly became crimson.

If it weren't for Ji Wujing next to Mo Wentian, Tianhu would be in Mo Huatian's arms.

"Ancient Sky Fox Family?"

At the moment, Ji Wujing, watching Tianhu's figure appeared, his eyes narrowed suddenly.

The ancient fox family, he has heard of it in the heavenly world.

"Tianhu, first introduce you!"

"This is the young master of the Ji family, Ji Wujing!"

Don't ask Heaven to take a step forward and introduce Tian Wu to Ji Wujing.

"Master Ji, this is the Emperor's Sky Fox!"

Later, Mo Wentian also introduced Tian Wu to Ji Wujing.

"Ahem ..."

"Ask the Emperor, is this Sky Fox an ancient Sky Fox family?"

The voice of Mo Wentian came, Ji Wujing turned back to his mind instantly, his eyes looked at the sky fox, lowering the voice.


Mo Wentian just quietly nodded.

For the understanding of the identity of Tianhu, Mo Wentian learned from the mouth of the beast owner and the old man of the **** bead.

However, there is a hunch in Tian Mo's heart. Neither the beast owner nor the old man of the **** bead knows the identity of the fox.

Sky Fox's identity will not be so simple!

"It really is the ancient fox family!"

"I did not expect that in this ancient relic, we could still meet the ancient fox tribe!"

After receiving Mo Wentian's affirmative answer, Ji Wujing's eyes skyrocketed, and his heart was even more excited.

But his excitement was not based on the beauty of Sky Fox, nor was it the nine-day **** fox method that favored Sky Fox, nor was it extremely powerful.

It is the identity of the ancient fox family of Tianhu!

Thinking about it this way, Ji Wujing's mind has been secretly calculating.

"Master Ji Family?"

At this moment, Sky Fox looked at Ji Wujing with a doubt on his face.

Ji Family? In the ancient relics, she has never heard of the existence of the Ji family!

"Master Ji is not from the ancient relics!"

"He comes from the martial arts shrine, Tianxianjie!"

Now that Tianhu is to be brought into Tianxian Realm, Ji Wujing's identity will be known sooner or later.

Thinking about this, Mo Wentian informed Ji Wujing's identity of Tianhu.


"Ask Brother Tian, ​​why do I think Master Ji is a little familiar?"

Sky Fox didn't feel anything at first, but when he heard that Ji Wujing was from Tianxian Realm, Sky Fox only felt a familiar feeling.

That familiar feeling seems to be Ji Wujing in front of me, where I have seen it before.

But let Tianhu think of it, but he couldn't think of it.

"Familiar with?"

"Tianhu, you and I naturally have a sense of familiarity!"

"After waiting in the heavenly realm, you will naturally know!"

As Tianhu said this, Ji Wujing approached Tianhu, and the corner of his mouth raised a radian.

"Booming ..."

But at this moment, the whole Kingdom of Devouring God was shaking violently.

A mysterious force of protection spread towards all parts of the Kingdom of Heaven.

A mysterious pattern of gods, even more firmly enveloping the Kingdom of Devouring Heaven.

Suddenly, the entire kingdom of heavenly gods was discussed.

"What happened? How do I feel that there is a force of protection that envelopes us all?

"This seems to be a formation, no, it's a ban!"

"I heard that the emperor mainly left early. Could it be that the emperor mainly imposed a ban on us before leaving!"

"The emperor is for us, but it breaks my heart!"

"I must practice well in the future so that I can stand up to the emperor!"


Each figure looked at the hall of the Kingdom of Devouring Gods. When they talked about Mo Tian, ​​everyone's faces rose with respect.

And while the outside world was talking, it was in the hall of the Kingdom of Heaven.

A figure appeared quietly.

"Young Master, ask God!"

"I have set up a restraint formation!"

Ji Ming looked at Ji Wujing and Mo Wentian, and said respectfully.

"Ask the Emperor, you can rest assured now!"

But Ji Wujing looked at Mo Wentian, his mouth slightly raised.

"rest assured?"

"I'm relieved!"

"Thank you Master Ji!"

Slightly hesitated, after returning to God, Mo Wentian quickly thanked Ji Wujing.

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