Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1910: Long Xiangtian

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1910 Long Xiangtian Finds The Difference

"I'm going to see who this is!"

"It took the shield!"

The next moment, it seemed that what was found, in the eyes of Long Xiangtian, there was no limit to killing.

Immediately, the figure flickered, speeding up more and more, and heading towards Tianming Island.

"This is the elder, what's the matter with the elder? How can his breath be so violent!"

"Yes, the elder seems to be going to Tianming Island. I heard that the treasure house of Tianming Sea is on Tianming Island. Could it be our treasure house of Tianming Sea? What happened is not clear?

"It's impossible, our treasure house of Tianminghai, even if we are disciples of Tianminghai, we don't even know the position, let alone other people!"

"Elder Elder's aggressive appearance, something must have happened!"

"Let's follow along and see what happened in Tianming Island!"


Looking at the figure in the void, countless disciples of Tianminghai talked.

The next moment, these disciples of Tian Minghai, without any hesitation, flickered towards the direction of Tian Minghai.

And just when the elder dragon of Tianminghai went to Tianming Island with countless disciples.

In the middle of Tianming Haibao, Mo Wentian has entered the middle.

Just entering the middle level of this treasure house, Mo Wentian felt that an immense amount of breath spread out.

At the same time, there is a strong and medicinal scent coming out.

"It's really the same as Long You!"

"This middle-level treasure house is much better than what is in the outer treasure house!"

"So, isn't it in this inner treasure house, things are better!"

Looking at the dazzling array of artifacts and elixir in front of him, Mo Wentian's eyes rose with a very bright light.

At this moment, Mo Wentian made a determination in his heart. He must go to the inner layer of the treasure house of the Ming Hai this day. Not only that, he also took all the resources in the treasure house.

"Buzz ..."

When Mo Wentian was immersed in joy, the figure of the old man of ancient books appeared again in the void.

Looking at Mo Wentian, the corner of the mouth of the old man could not help but raise a radian.

"Boy, stop patronizing and be happy, don't let things go later, quickly put all these cultivation resources together!"

"But the elder of the Minghai came to this day on the island of Hades, and it won't be long before he arrives!"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something. In the eyes of the old man of ancient books, there was a flash of complicated light, and the sound could not help lowering the word.

"The elder of Tianminghai, will it be here soon?"

Nana whispered in her mouth, Mo Wentian's brows frowned slightly, her eyes flashed a cold coldness.

"Boy, the elders of the Underworld come this day, I know your boy is fearless!"

"But this time is not the elder of Tianminghai, but also tens of thousands of disciples of Tianminghai!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, in the eyes of the old man of ancient books, there was a flash of light, and he said again.

"In addition to the elders of Tianminghai, there are tens of thousands of disciples in Tianminghai?"

"It looks like I'm going to speed it up!"

Listening to the old man of ancient books, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed.

Mo Wentian's expression also became serious at this moment.

Immediately, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate, the figure flashed, and he began to collect the artifacts and elixir in the middle of the Treasure Chamber of the Heavens that day.

I have to say that Mo Wentian's speed is really extremely fast. After three times, five divisions and two divisions, he has already collected all the cultivation resources in the middle of the Treasure Chamber of the Heavens.

"Artifacts in the middle of the imperial class, artifacts in the late period of the imperial class, fifth-level perfect elixir, fifth-level perfect elixir ..."

Nana whispered in her mouth, Mo Wentian opened up the spirit, and counted.

Looking at the countless elixir and artifacts in his pocket, Mo Wentian gave a slight grin, and he couldn't help raising a radian.

And at this moment, a figure had descended on the treasure house of Tianminghai.

This figure is not someone else. It is the elder dragon of the Ming Hai that day.

In front of the treasure house at this moment, Longyou Turtle Lao Xiaoxun and Huan Tian are both there.


"What are you doing here?"

"What are these two things behind you?"

Looking at Longyou, he stood in front of the treasure house of Tianminghai, and the dragon looked at Tian slightly for a while, then returned to God, sulking coldly.

You know, Longyou has 100,000 years and hasn't gone to the treasure house of Tianminghai.

Long You appeared in front of the treasure house of Tianminghai. How did this make Long Xiangtian's heart not surprised?

Unable to say why, looking at Longyou in front of him, Long Xiangtian's heart raised a bad hunch.

"What am I doing here?"

"Elder, what are you doing here?"

Longyou's look was indifferent.

"Longyou, you really think you can't make it!"

"My elder talks to you, that is worthy of you, asking you that you don't even answer, I think you are tired!"

"Give you another chance, what are these two things?"

"How did they appear in front of our treasure house?"

Looking at Long You's indifferent look, Long Xiangtian's heart was full of anger, and the killing in his eyes rose instantly.

Immediately, his eyes turned towards Xiao Yan and Huan Tian.

While looking at Xiao Yan and Huan Tian, ​​the spirits also unfolded, and he wanted to detect the cultivation of Xiao Yan and Huan Tian.

But his spirits unfolded, and at the moment when his spirits spread toward Xiaoyu and Xuantian, it seemed like there was a force blocking him.

His spirit wanted to come, but couldn't.

"This ... how is this possible?"

"My soul, why can't I detect it!"

"What are these two monsters?"

Long Xiangtian's eyes widened, his eyes were even more shocking.

"Elder, what are you here for, so am I!"

"As for them, they are my friends, you have no right to question this elder!"

Long Xiangtian's voice came again. Longyou's eyes flashed a cold mang, and the voice became cold.

"Longyou, I think you are tired!"

"I asked you if you didn't say it, and even said that I have no right to ask questions!"

"Here is the treasure house of Tianminghai. If I remember correctly, we have clear regulations in Tianminghai. Although you are in charge of the outer layer of Tianminghai's treasure house, you must not bring others to expose it. ! "

"You have leaked the secret of our Heavenly Treasure Sea Treasure. I just sensed it. The shield of our Heavenly Treasure Sea Treasure has been taken away!"

"This world is mainly blamed. It's no wonder that I brought you outsiders!"

Listening to Long You's remarks, the elder Dragon's fist to the sky couldn't help but clenched, the killing in his eyes was even more terrible.

The shield had been taken away, and the dragon had already sensed it.

The shield was taken away. As the person who manages the middle layer of the Treasure Sea Treasury, he has the main responsibility.

He was still worried about how he would entertain the Lord of the Heavenly Sea if he could not recover the shield.

But now it is better, Long You even brought two people from outside, he can naturally push this responsibility to Long You.

The numerous disciples of Tianminghai came toward Tianming Island, Long Xiangtian knew.

In fact, the treasure trove of the underworld this day is a secret, and the disciples cannot be known.

But there was a strong hunch in Long Xiangtian's heart that the shields that had entered the middle layer had already been taken away. Not to mention the cultivation resources in this treasure house.

Long Xiangtian talked aloud, that is, he wanted to make this matter known to all the disciples of Tianminghai, and all the responsibility was Longyou.

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