Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1911: Not killing is not enough to vent your anger!

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Chapter 1911: Not Killing Is Not Enough To Disgrace!

As soon as Long Xiangtian said these words, the countless disciples of Tianminghai who rushed in instantly burst the pot.

"What? Isn't our treasure house of Tianminghai secret to our old disciples to Tianminghai? The five elders came with people from outside?"

"The five elders are really too much. How can he bring outside people!"

"Yes, people outside know our treasure house of Tianminghai and take away our resources. What kind of cultivation do we take?"

"The five elders have never said anything. The Lord of the Realms, for his honest sake, entrusted him with the outer layer of our treasure house, but he did not expect that he would bring people from outside?"

"This time in the treasure house of Tianminghai, if nothing is lost, if it is really lost, the five elders would like to shirk responsibility!"


Every figure was anxious.

"Longyou, I will kick you out this time!"

Listening to the comments, Long Xiangtian's mouth gave a slight grin, and he couldn't help raising a radian.

No matter what Long You is doing, it will not be side by side with anyone. It can be said that Long You is an alternative. Long Xiangtian wanted to win Long You, but unexpectedly, Long You refused directly.

This made Long Xiangtian's heart very upset. Since then, he wants to kick Long You out.

This time it was an excellent opportunity, how could Long Xiangtian give up.

"The shield was taken?"

"It seems that the boss took the shield off!"

At this moment, Xiaoyao and Huantian not far away, listening to Long Xiangtian's words, they looked at each other, and there was a touch of light in their eyes.

"Long Xiangtian, don't try to shirk responsibility on me!"

The cold voice sounded, the look of Longyou was extremely indifferent.

"Longyou, you ..."

That careful thought in Long Xiangtian's heart was uttered in Long You's phrase. For a moment, Long Xiangtian was so speechless.

In fact, Long You was right, he just wanted to shirk responsibility from Long You.

"Longyou, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you. I'm going to take a look and see who has taken the shield from my treasure of the sky and sea!"

"Is there something missing in my treasure house?"

"If you lose it, you blame it all, I will tell the truth to the Lord!"

"You know the temper of the lord, Long You, there is nothing less in the treasure house, if there is less, I don't think you should have a good life!"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something, Long Xiangtian's eyes flashed a complex light, cold drink.

Having said that, the dragon stepped forward to Tian, ​​and it was necessary to walk towards the treasure house of Tianminghai.

"and many more!"

When Long Xiangtian wanted to enter the treasure trove, Long You stepped out and blocked directly in front of Long Xiangtian.

Looking at Long Xiangtian, Long You's eyes flashed a cold mang.

At the same time, the breath of Longyou was soaring rapidly.

He is no longer a Tianming Hai person. He is a person who asks Mo Wentian. He naturally wants to obey Mo Wentian.

"Longyou, what are you trying to do?"

"Are you trying to stop me?"

Watching Long You stand in front of him, in the eyes of Long Xiangtian, there was a flash of cold mang and sharp drinking.

You know, like Long You, he is the person in charge of this day's underworld treasure house, and they can enter the treasure house at will.

Long You stood out and stood in front of him, which was somewhat beyond Long Xiangtian's expectations.

I can't say why, at this moment, Longyou has a strong intuition in his heart. The Longyou in front of him seems different from before.

"Block the elders? The five elders are trying to block the elders?"

"Is there any contradiction between the five elders and the elders?"

"Even if there are contradictions, they are all the people who are in charge of our Treasury of Heaven and Sea. There is no reason for the five elders to capture the elders!"

"What do the five elders really want?"

"I think the five elders are fighting the elders!"


Looking at Longyou and Longxiangtian, the countless disciples of Tianminghai flashed awe in their eyes.

After all, in their eyes, Long You has always been an indifferent and indifferent person, and it is a typical person who has nothing to do with himself.

But now, Long You stood up to block the elders.

At this moment, countless disciples of Minghai were extremely shocked.

At the same time, their eyes fell on Long You and Long Xiangtian at this moment.

Their eyes did not blink, as if they were afraid of missing a wonderful moment.

"Long Xiangtian, have you brought so many disciples from Tianminghai?"

"What do you mean?"

The sound of that argument came, and Long You's eyes narrowed, and a cold chill was rising in her eyes, and her voice was extremely cold.

"Longyou, you don't want to spurt people, these disciples were not brought by me!"

"When they got up on Tianming Island, they were our disciples in Tianminghai. It is normal for them to come to Tianming Island. Unlike you, you came with an outside monster. What do you mean?"

Listening to Long You's remarks, Long Xiangtian slightly hesitated and returned to God, shouting unwillingly.

In fact, Long You was right in saying this. These disciples were deliberately brought in by him. What he wanted was these disciples, who will testify against Long You in the presence of Tianming Haijie.

"Long Xiangtian, you're old, do you want to make a face?"

At this moment, Xiao Yan really couldn't stand it anymore.

The figure flickered and landed in front of Long Xiangtian, watching Long Xiangtian, Xiao Yan said ironically.

"You ... you little reptile!"

"What is your identity, how dare you talk to me like that!"

It was said that Long Xiangtian was about to explode.

A surge of anger suddenly rose from Long Xiangtian's body. His eyes could not help but widen, the killing in his eyes was not concealed.

"What's wrong with my Lord talking to you!"

"Your dragon is a shameless old thing!"

"Don't you just want these disciples from Tianminghai to come and tell them to testify to Longyou in front of the lord of Tianminghai. In this way, Longyou can be kicked out by you!"

"I have to say that your abacus is really good, but unfortunately, you have met me, your little grandfather I hate it is to frame others, I will not let you succeed!"

Xiaoxiong looked at Long Xiangtian and chuckled coldly.

"What? Is this monster talking true?"

"The elder made us come here intentionally, just to let us testify to him in the future, that it is not his responsibility to lose the resources in the treasure house of the Underworld this day?"

"The elders can't get used to the elders. This is no secret, but it is too much for the elders to do so!"

"Don't listen to this demon beast. This demon beast is not even our heavenly sea. Don't listen to his words!"

"Yes, the elders have always been considerate to us, even better than the masters of the world. We can't believe the words of this monster!"


As soon as Xiaoyan said this, the countless disciples of Tianminghai suddenly made a noise.

They secretly gazed at it.

"Little reptile!"


"You are so abominable!"

"Today, Long Xiangtian, I must kill you. Only by killing you can I eliminate the anger in my heart!"

And at this moment, Long Xiangtian looked at Xiao Yan, killing wantonly.

If it is said that the eyes can kill people, the little sister-in-law at this moment does not know how many times he has been beheaded.

At this moment, the breath of Long Xiangtian exploded rapidly.

An immense amount of mighty power is attacking Xiaoyan.

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