Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1946: Mowentian news

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Chapter 1946: Mo Wentian News

"What's the news, you haven't heard in the hall. Is the Lord of the Lord busy?"

"Yeah, now you report the news, isn't this coming to death?"

"The lord of the world hates being disturbed by others to do the business. You dare to come!"

"A lot of people have been beheaded by the lord. Do you want to be one of them?"

"Seeing you are so anxious, what's the news?"


Outside the hall, countless disciples of Yitianjie swarmed up and talked.

"The news that the kid was mainly looking for has already been sent by someone!"

The disciple who came to the report listened to the discussion, and the body shivered, and there were some trembling words in the voice.

"Someone came to send the kid's news?"

"What are you talking about?"

Listening to the words of the disciples, among the disciples who relied on heaven, a figure stood out, eyes full of radiance.

"Nature is true, man is outside the hall now!"

"But he said that he must tell our Master in person that I can't do anything about it. I just came here!"

The disciple reporting the news said a deep breath.

"Now that you have the news of that kid, you don't have to report it to the owner!"

The disciple who leaned against Tianjie flashed a faint light in his eyes.

"Master, I have important news to report!"

"The news of the kid you're looking for is missing!"

Listening to this man, the disciple who came to report did not hesitate and said quickly.

As the disciple's voice sounded, the man sitting on the main seat in the hall opened his eyes suddenly.

"Master, don't go!"

"You can listen to the message at any time, but this time is precious!"

"Yes, Master, don't go, but you promised everyone to take care of me!"

"Master, don't ..."

"The Lord ..."


Watching Yi Tianlai opened his eyes, around a dozen enchanting women around him, twisted the way of the waist.

"You all get away!"

"This news is important!"

Listening to that figure, Yi Tianlai stood up instantly and said coldly.

At the same time, Yi Tianlai's power was instantly terrible.

"Bang bang ..."

Those figures flew upside down.


A spit of blood spewed out of their mouths.

Their cultivation is not strong at first, relying on Tianlai is a strong man in the emperor's realm, where can they live.

The warrior who is a little taller has an extremely pale face, and the breath on his body fluctuates endlessly.

Cultivated as a lower warrior, fell directly.

"The Lord ..."

Every figure came back to God, his eyes dodged, and his heart was even more fearful.

In that way, it seemed that I was afraid that Yitian would come and kill them.

"Don't hinder me!"

"Let's talk about that guy after I've solved it!"

Yi Tianlai glanced coldly at the figure, and said coldly.

After speaking, Yitian stepped forward and walked towards the gate of the hall.

"Squeak ..."

With a squeak, the door of the hall opened, and a figure came out of the hall.

This figure, not others, is relying on heaven.

"Are you reporting the news?"

"Say, what's the news?"

Yi Tianlai looked at the disciples who came to report outside the hall, and said with a cold face.

"Kai ... Kai Lord!"

"Someone said that he knew where the news on the portrait is now!"

"I asked him to tell us the place, and he said he would tell you in person!"

"I didn't mean to disturb the Lord, and I asked the Lord to forgive me!"

Seeing the appearance of Yitianlai, the disciples of Yitianjie who came to report became more trembling.

"Tell me yourself?"

"Where is this person now?"

"Lead me to it, but I want to see if the news is true or false!"

At the moment, Yitian didn't get angry at this moment, but raised a radian way in the corner of his mouth.

"Yes, Master!"

Seeing that Yi Tianlai was not angry, the disciple who came to report did not hesitate and looked respectfully.

Immediately, Yitianlai and the disciple who came to report went toward the gate of Yitianjie.

Yi Tianlai's body was rolling.

Watching the two figures leave, leaning in front of the hall of heaven, the countless disciples talked.

"Jiezhu didn't get angry this time?"

"Yeah, if anyone in the world has interrupted his good things in the past, he will definitely kill that person!"

"It seems that the Lord of the Realm really cares about the person in the portrait, but the person in the portrait is nothing more than offending Yu Tianjie. How can our Lord be so hearted!"

"But I heard that the relationship between our lord and Yu Tianjie is not ordinary!"

"The relationship is not ordinary anymore, wouldn't you be so motivated?"


Countless disciples of Yitianjie flashed a faint light in their eyes.

In their hearts, they began to speculate.

And while they were talking, Yitianlai and the disciple who came to report came to the gate of Yitianjie.

At the gate, Yi Tian's eyes looked around.

"You're the one to report the kid's news?"

Looking at the person who was surrounded by black robes, the bland breath was extremely indifferent, Yi Tianlai's eyes narrowed.


"I'm the one to report the news!"

"You are the Lord of Heaven who leans on Heaven?"

The man in the black robe admitted it.

To confirm the information, the man in the black robe asked back.

"I am the Lord of Heaven who comes from heaven!"

"Say, you say you know the kid in the portrait, where is that kid now?"

In the eyes of Yitian, the light passed by.

"That kid is in Qitianjie now!"

An indifferent voice sounded.

"Qi Tianjie?"

"Is it Qitianjie at the bottom of the ranking?"

Listening to the man's words, Yitian's brow frowned slightly.

Disciples who rely on Tianjie and Yu Tianjie have searched more than half of Tianxianjie.

But he never thought that Mo Wentian would be in Qi Tianjie, which is at the bottom of the heavenly world.

After all, Mo Qingqing was the emperor and daughter of the Northern Motian Realm, and her status was not simple. He could not imagine that Mo Qingqing would be in Qi Tianjie.

"I should already say it!"

"As for how you do it, this is your business, goodbye!"

Looking at Yitian, the man in the black robe finished speaking, and the figure flickered and disappeared in place.


Watching the man in the black robe leave, Yi Tianlai still wanted to ask something, but the figure had disappeared.

"who are you?"

"Come and tell me the news, why don't you ask for anything in return?"

Suddenly, it seems to be remembering something, leaning on Tiantian's eyes, looking in the direction of the man in the black robe.

Yitian's brow froze tightly, and her eyes were even more puzzled.

In order to get the news of Mo Wentian, he gave the blood, but did not expect that the person who came to provide the news, even left without asking for any return.

How can Yitianlai's heart not be confused?

"Master, do you say the news this person said is true or false?"

At this moment, the disciple reporting the news looked at Yitian and said in a deep voice.

"The news is true or false, just go and see!"

The cold voice sounded, and the breath on Yitian's body soared rapidly.

After speaking, Yi Tianlai's figure flickered and disappeared in place.

When it appeared again, Yi Tianlai's figure appeared in front of the hall of Yi Tianjie.

With the appearance of Yitianlai, countless disciples of Yitianjie bowed down toward Yitian.

"Meet the Lord!"

"Meet the Lord!"


Each figure looked at Yitian with a respectful look.

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