Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1947: Go to Devourer

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Chapter 1947: Going To Eat The Heavenly God Realm

"Let's all get up!"

It is indifferent to rely on heaven.

With Yi Tian's words coming out, countless figures stood up.

"The Lord of the Realm got reliable news. The man Bendi is looking for is in Qitianjie!"

"All the disciples who rely on Heaven will obey the order and follow the Lord of the Realm to Qi Tianjie to kill that person!"

The cold voice sounded, and Yi Tianlai's eyes were boundless to kill.

"Really got the news of the person in that portrait?"

"The anger on the lord is so strong. The lord is completely angry. I think the rumors are correct. The person in the portrait may be the old man who came to us to find fault in heaven!"

"Yeah, otherwise why would our Lord be so angry!"

"Offended our Lord, I think that kid is dead!"

"It turned out that the kid was hiding in the world's last ranked Qitianjie!"


All the figures talked about in an instant.

They looked at the appearance of Yitianlai. The breath of these disciples who depended on heaven also rose sharply.

"Master, all these people go to Qitianjie, will some of them look down on that kid too much?"

"What's more, there must always be someone here in Yitianjie who looks at it. If all the people who rely on Tianjie have gone to Qitianjie, this will cause turbulence, and it can also let people deliberately take advantage of people!

At this moment, among the crowd, a figure stood out, watching Yitian come, and said in a deep voice.

This figure is not someone else, it is this elder who relies on heaven.

"The elder is too good to say this!"

"To solve the boy and Mo Qingqing, why should I rely on all members of the heavens to dispatch!"

Listening to the words of Elder Tai Shang, Yi Tianlai's eyes flashed a light.

"Master, if you want to go, you are enough to bring some elders!"

"The remaining disciples, stay in Yitianjie. The boy who came to find faults is not strong. As for Mo Qingqing, she is not your opponent!"

Elder Tai Shang approached Yitian, said in a deep voice.

"The elder Taishang said so much, I took some elders with me. During the time when I was not relying on the heavens, leaning on the heavens was handed to the elder Taishang you!"

Wen Yan, Yi Tianlai's eyes raised a touch of Ming Wu, could not help but nodded.

"Yes, Master!"

"I must manage this reliance on Heaven, and wait for the Lord of the World to triumph!"

The elder Tai Shang didn't hesitate, and agreed quickly.


Mo asked Tianqing, and nodded.

"Five elders followed me to Yitianjie!"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something, Yi Tianlai's eyes flashed a light, cold voice.

"Yes, Master!"

"Yes, Master!"


Yi Tian came to this remark, and each figure quickly agreed.

The elders who originally relied on heaven were beheaded and killed by Yitian. Now these elders are re-established by Yitian.

These elders' cultivation is worse than the previous elders.

But the worst, Xiu Wei has already reached the peak of Tianzun. It is only a step away from Tianzun's completeness.


With a cold drink, Yitianlai flashed and disappeared into Yitianjie.

Seeing this, the figures of the five elders flashed and quickly followed.

Yi Tianlai's figure appeared outside Wanzhang when it appeared again.

"Regardless of who you are, if this information is true, I'll owe you a favor, thanks to you!"

Yi Tian's eyes looked at the direction of the man who came to report the black robe, and said secretly in his heart.

In the heart of Yitianlai, he already has a plan at this moment. If the news is true, he vowed to kill Mo Wentian.

As for Mo Qingqing, he must also learn some hard lessons.

He does not kill Mo Wentian, what is his reputation for relying on the Lord of Heaven?

He was rebelled by all the disciples who relied on heaven. All of this was blamed on Mo Wentian. If it was not Mo Wentian, how could he be rebelled by all the disciples, how dare they rebel?

"Boy, if you are in Qitianjie, I will kill you!"

In the eyes of Yitianlai, there is no limit to killing.

At the same time, the breath on Yitian's body quickly skyrocketed.

And when Yitian came to lead the five elders out of Yitian Realm, in the heavens, the eyes of the elder elder had flashed a complex light.

"Rely on heaven, you are not worthy of being the master of my heaven!"

"It seems that this position should still be taken by me!"

The elder Tai Shang looked at the direction in which Yi Tian came and left his mouth a little grin, raising a wicked smile.

Thinking this way, the elder Tai Shang didn't hesitate at all, the figure flashed, and he stood proudly in the void.

"One thing, I want to ask for your opinion!"

"After all, relying on heaven is not me relying on heaven, but all of you relying on heaven!"

Elder Tai Shang looked at the countless disciples who relied on heaven and said coldly.

"Too elder, whatever you tell me to do!"

As soon as the elder Tai Shang said this, a figure stood out among the crowd, looking at the elder Tai Shang with a respectful expression.

"Yes, there is something for the elder too much, despite the orders, we all listen to the elder too!"

"When the Lord of the Realms left, he entrusted us all to Heavenly Elders, and what Heavenly Elders said was nothing!"

"Jie Zhu? If it were not his terrible strength, we are not his opponents, I really do not want him to be our Jie Zhu!"

"Yes, he's too cruel, and the people who report the news don't know how much he was beheaded!"

"I don't know how we chose him to be our master at first. If we could choose, I would never choose him to be our master!"


Every figure swiftly discussed.

Their eyes were looking at the elder too much at the moment.

For Yitianlai, their hearts do not have any good feelings, especially after Mo Wentian's provocation in Yitianjie, Yitianlai killed and killed countless Yitianjie disciples. The disciples of Yitianjie can be said to be cold to Yitianlai Already.

If it were not for the terrible strength of Yitianlai, they would never have surrendered to Yitianlai's hands.

"It seems that you are very dissatisfied with relying on heaven to be the master of relying on heaven?"

Listening to the comments, the elder's mouth gave a slight grin and raised a radian.

The more dissatisfied disciples rely on heaven, the better it is for him.

Although he is already the elder of Yitian, his rights are always limited. It can even be said that as long as Yitian comes, he has no right to speak.

Although Yitianlai is his disciple, his rights are always seductive. He also wants to become the master of this heavenly realm.

Now countless disciples who rely on Tianjie are not satisfied with Yitianlai's approach. Yitianlai also left with people he trusted. This is exactly his opportunity.

"Too elder, I know your relationship with our lord, but I said to myself, I really don't want to rely on heaven to be our lord!"

"Yeah, relying on heaven to be our master, we all don't know when it will be our death!"

"Too elder, I also hope that you, for the sake of our disciples, change to another master!"

"Too elder, we beg for another master!"

"No matter who is our master, we can just ask for another master!"


It's okay if Tai Shang elder said nothing, and when Tai Shang elder said this, the countless disciples of Yitianjie bowed down in front of Tai Shang elder and asked with a look of pride.

Their look was even more sincere at the moment, and they seemed to have such a plan for changing the world.

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