Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1948: Rely on the New Realm of Heaven

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Chapter 1948 Relying On The New Realm Of Heaven

"It seems that they already want to change it too. I put it forward at this time, it must be successful!"

Listening to the comments, the elder Tai Shang's eyes raised a dazzling light, and the corner of his mouth raised a radian.

But it was only a moment. At the next moment, the elder Tai Shang returned to seriousness, and his voice became cold.

"Do you want to change the world?"

"In Yitianjie, several elders have been taken away by Yitian. The highest one in Yitianjie now is me!"

"If you want to change the realm, then you must be the person who cultivates to be a higher person. Do you want to be the master of this realm that relies on heaven?"

Elder Tai Shang looked at the countless disciples who relied on heaven and said coldly.

"The elder Tai Shang is right in saying this. In Yi Tian Lai, Yi Tian Lai and several elders have already left!"

"The rest of the people who cultivated themselves as the strongest were too elders. If we want to change the leader, we must change to the strongest so that we can convince the public!"

"In this way, we can only rely on the elders of heaven to be too competent!"

"The elder too is a master of Yitianlai. He always loves Yitian forever. Will he be our master?"

"Don't you understand? This is actually the meaning of the elder too much. He just wants to be our lord of relying on heaven. Those elders who follow Yitian to leave are his intentions!"


With the elder Tai Shang's remarks, countless disciples who relied on heaven talked.

In fact, these disciples who rely on heaven are not stupid, and they are not ignorant of the dim thoughts of the elders.

Since the elder Tai Shang is quite the lord of the heavenly kingdom, and now he is the most suitable to be the lord of the heavenly kingdom, these disciples naturally have no opinion.

After all, this elder elder, while relying on Tiantian's absence, has become the lord of Tiantian, which is bound to tear his face with Yitian.

It is impossible for Yitian to come back to Yitian after he comes.

This is exactly what these disciples mean. Since the elder Tai Shang wants to do it, why don't they be a good friend?

"For tens of thousands of years, I have finally become the master of heaven!"

"I waited this day, it's been too long!"

Listening to the comments, taking a deep breath, in the eyes of the elder too much, a flash of brilliant light rose instantly.

At this moment, the elder Tai Shang was extremely pleased.

He knew very well that his purpose would soon be achieved.

These disciples who rely on heaven have agreed to become the new master of the realm.

"Too elder, you come to be our new master!"

"Yeah, too much elder, only you become our new realm master, can we make heaven and earth better and better!"

"Too elder, we ask you to be our master!"

"The elder too, for the sake of our disciples, for the sake of our future in the heavenly realm, you come to be our master!"

"Too elder, we ask you to be our master!"


Seeing the elder Tai Shang did not react in the slightest, countless disciples who leaned on heaven bowed down towards the elder Tai Shang.

They looked at the elder elder with a sincere look.

This is exactly what they thought. They preferred this elder elder to be their Lord of Lords instead of relying on Heaven to become their Lord of Lords.

At least this elder elder will not be violent and will kill them, and their lives will not be threatened at any time.

"Do you really want me to be your master?"

A rumor came again, the elder Tai Shang frowned slightly, his face serious.

"Too elder, we are telling the truth, we want you to be our master!"

As soon as the elder Taishang said these words, all of them sounded loudly.

If Yitian is here, watching this scene, Yitian is estimated to be blasted.

The countless disciples who leaned on heaven fell to the elder Tai Shang, and their looks were respectful that had never been before him.

If Yitianlai is here, relying on Yitianlai's state of mind, he will be directly out of his internal injuries.

"You are so sincere, if I don't agree, I'm sorry for you!"

"I know that it ’s a bit violent to rely on heaven to come to the Lord, but I also hope that you don't blame him!"

"He went to Qi Tianjie to kill the kid. If he comes back, he is still the one who depends on Tianjie, and you must respect him!"

With a gentle cough, the elder Tai looked at the countless disciples who relied on heaven and said coldly.

"Too elder, no, our new owner is really kind!"

"Yeah, Yitian came back, even the Lord of the World still let us respect him!"

"Returning to Yitian is no longer our master who relies on heaven. If I relied on heaven, where would I return?"

"It's a shame to come back. We won't respect him again when he comes back!"

"Want to come back? I hope he never comes back!"


Listening to the elder Taishang's words, countless disciples relying on heaven, I felt that the Taishang elders were extremely charitable.

For a while, they respected the elders too much.

At this moment, these disciples who rely on heaven have changed their titles to the elder elders and become masters.

This small change shows that in their hearts, they have identified the elder elder as their master.

"Well, starting today, I will be your Lord of Heaven!"

"You are all my disciples who rely on heaven, and you are also my disciples who rely on blessings!"

"I must protect you well and protect you from harm. I also strive to improve our strength in relying on heaven, and let us rely on heaven to get better and better!"

His powerful voice sounded, and Yifu's eyes were full of firmness.

"Yes, Lord, we all listen to Lord!"

"In the future, whether we go to the sword mountain or go to the sea of ​​fire, we all swear to follow the Lord!"

"As long as the Lord treats us well, we must be a hundred times better!"

"That's right, as long as the Lord of Heaven doesn't treat us like Yitianlai, we must be good to him!"

"We all obey the Lord!"


Looking at Yifu, the countless disciples of Yitianjie vowed with all their faces.

That look made people doubt the authenticity of their words at all.

"Well, you all go to practice first!"

Suddenly, it seemed to be remembering something, and Yifu's eyes flashed a trace of refined light.

"Yes, Master!"

"Yes, Master!"


All the figures agreed quickly.

For a moment, the countless figures went back to the courtyard to practice.

In situ, there is only one person relied on.

Yifu's eyes looked at the direction in which Yitian came to leave.

"Relying on heaven, it is no wonder that I am relying on the identity of the heavenly world master, which is originally mine!"

Nana whispered in her mouth, and Yifu's eyes narrowed.

At the same time, Yifu's fist could not help but clenched.

And just when he relied on heaven to change his kingdom, at this moment in the heavens and gods.

"Boss, these three days have come. Are we going to conquer other forces?"

Xiao Yan's figure flashed, not far from Mo Wentian, watching Mo Wentian, could not help saying.

"Xiao Yan, this battle is your most active!"

Mo Wentian shook his head and said with a curse.

"Boss, I just like fighting a little bit, you don't have to say that!"

When Mo Wentian said so, Xiao Xiao was still a little embarrassed, pouting.

"Well, don't talk about you!"

"It's three days, and you have Qi Yun lead 10,000 disciples. Let's go and conquer the next world!"

Looking at Xiaoyan's appearance, Mo Wentian couldn't help raising a radian.

But the next moment, it seemed to be remembering something, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a light, cold voice.

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