Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1004: Shocking Tribulation and Punishment!

The 'Sanqing Daolian' is an extremely ancient fetish, except for the person who brought them to the 'Central China', few others can know it at all!

This is the supreme treasure of the Taoist school, which not only includes the supreme magical powers of the Taoist school "Five Qi Chaoyuan" and "Three Flowers Gathering on the Top", but also includes all kinds of power characteristics contained in the magic weapon itself. It can't be activated.

Taking advantage of this ray of God's thoughts being shocked by the 'Sanqing Daolian', Xuanyuan frantically merged his fighting spirit into the 'Sanqing Daolian', and the three ancient lotus lamps rose and fell in surrender, from the lotus heart, The majestic and boundless power spewed out from above was even more frightening, forcibly dissolving that ray of God's thoughts bit by bit, and then merged into Xuanyuan's body.

The thoughts of the gods are very important, even if it is just a strand of thoughts, as long as they can be refined, it will be of infinite benefit to Xuanyuan at this moment.

When Xuanyuan integrated the thoughts of God into his body for a moment, he felt as if he was the sky, and the sky was himself. Everything in the world seemed to be under his control. Of course, it was only because of Xuanyuan’s feeling when he absorbed the power of this idea. , not real.

However, it allowed Xuanyuan to have a ray of connection with his earth soul in the dark, and Xuanyuan was pleasantly surprised, making his fate soul emit more majestic thoughts and radiate a strong original power:

"Return to yourself quickly."

"Who are you? It feels so familiar!" A thought crossed an unknown distance and reached Xuanyuan's sea of ​​consciousness.

Xuanyuan got excited when he got the other party's answer, he laughed loudly and said:

"I am you, you are me, you are my earth soul, and now I am about to step into the realm of the earth fairy, so you should stop wandering outside and return to your true self!"

"Sure enough, it is indeed the breath of my original physical body. Okay, I will return right away."

That thought seems to have been waiting for this moment for many years. The earth soul and the sky soul often travel outside the sky. They are independent individuals with wisdom. Being able to attribute everything that one's earth soul has seen, heard, and seen over the years to the deity can help broaden one's horizons, just like Xuanyuan knew the "origin of the primordial spirit", and his heart immediately became different. No longer obsessed with small places like 'Central China'.

The "origin of Hongmeng" is Xuanyuan's ultimate goal. Once the horizon is broadened, it will be of great help to cultivation, so why even the "Emperor Hongmeng" and the "Princes and Hundred Saints" traveled to the starry sky and the universe. At the same time as their own cultural background and knowledge of supernatural powers, they are also increasing their own knowledge, which will eventually evolve into their own power and make them stronger.

"Boy, you will regret it. You have refined a ray of God's thoughts. Do you really think that nothing will happen? Don't you know karma? You will definitely regret yourself. The moment your earth soul returns to your body, your time of death will also arrive."

After the thought of God let out an angry roar, his figure gradually dissipated, and little by little power merged into Xuanyuan's body, making him look more and more unpredictable and immeasurable.

The Emperor of War clearly saw the scene in front of him, and sighed, Li Yue couldn't see clearly the battle of consciousness in Xuanyuan Sea of ​​Consciousness, and asked hastily:

"Senior Zhanhuang, what's going on, is it possible that Mr. Xuanyuan is in danger?"

"Well, his robbery and punishment have just begun. I have never admired a few people in my life. This kid can be regarded as half of the one I admire. He is so ruthless that God's thoughts dare to be refined, especially in his life. In this realm, I am afraid that the next robbery and punishment will be devastating, but since he dares to refine, he must have his own trump card, let's see and talk about it, we others can't help with things like crossing the robbery .”

Zhan Huang's eyes were shining, he was looking forward to what kind of catastrophe and punishment would be caused by Mingxian stepping into the realm of Earth Immortal, with Xuanyuan's terrifying strength.

"What did you say, Mr. Xuanyuan refined a wisp of God's thoughts, didn't he, how many people can bear this kind of consequences..."

Li Yue was speechless. He never expected that Xuanyuan would be so domineering. He saw Xuanyuan's body transformed into a green dragon devouring it in the boundless "destroying body and weak water". After a while, "destroying body and weak body" Water' suddenly retreated into the void, and stopped attacking Xuanyuan, obviously knowing that it could no longer cause any damage to Xuanyuan, it could only nourish Xuanyuan, and it would be meaningless to stay any longer.

Xuanyuan transformed into a human form again, feeling the boundless power in his body, looked at Li Yue and Zhan Huang, and said with a smile:

"Stay farther away, there will be even more terrible robbery and punishment, and it will be bad if it hurts you."

"I'd like to see if the catastrophe you encountered when you broke through, this life immortal, can hurt me."

Xuanyuan shrugged and said:

"There should be no threat to you, an old man, but it's hard to say anything about Liyue. Protect Liyue for me."

"Hahaha, you don't need to tell me, I know it too. If there is something wrong with this girl, I will never be able to get through the 'Sun Moon Tides' in my life." Zhan Huang laughed, standing with Li Yue, let Xuanyuan felt relieved.

Liyue was worried in her heart, her brows were tightly frowned, and she couldn't smile at all.

At this moment, a ray of spiritual light passed through the void and directly merged into Xuanyuan's body. This ray of spiritual light was none other than Xuanyuan's earth soul, which returned in an instant from an unknown far away place.

The moment the earth soul merged into Xuanyuan's body, countless memories manifested. Over the years, everything that the earth soul experienced, all kinds, directly merged into Xuanyuan's sea of ​​consciousness. Xuanyuan saw the boundless "Abi Hell", inside I saw all kinds of evil spirits, and they were bearing all kinds of criminal laws. Good and evil will be rewarded. Some people have committed evil deeds in life, and they will fall into hell after death.

Various methods of punishment and killing in hell, countless ghosts and gods in hell, each of which is extremely terrifying in strength, Xuanyuan knew that this must be another plane, a world far above the "Central China", which is unattainable now.

At this moment, Xuanyuan finally understood how the supreme Taoist artifact "Abi Demon Prison" of the "Mozhou Dynasty" came from. This is a real world, but not everyone's earth soul is It can be felt, so it is a bit false to spread it!

The earth soul has traveled to countless places, its own power is extremely majestic, and Xuanyuan can't digest the countless insights for a while, but now it returns to the body, allowing Xuanyuan's power to increase steadily along with it.

With Xuanyuan's thought, the power of the "Swallowing Dao Jue" directly penetrated into the earth soul, and the earth soul was condensed first.

The supernatural power of "Swallowing Dao Jue" made his earth soul directly turn into a black hole, devouring everything, and evolved another appearance of Xuanyuan. At this moment, Xuanyuan felt the pleasure of the power in his body constantly increasing.

"Here we come..." At this moment, Zhan Huang looked at the top of Xuanyuan's head, and his brows were tightly frowned as the terrible catastrophe came.

The power and power emanating from this catastrophe made it difficult for people in the realm of celestial beings to breathe. Li Yue was shocked. The catastrophe that Xuanyuan will face in the future is even more terrifying. It is simply unimaginable what kind of robbery and punishment Xuanyuan will face in the future.

An ancient bronze bell manifested, and the War Emperor's voice trembled, saying:

"This is a phantom of the 'Extreme Dao Emperor Bell' that is about to step into the ranks of divine weapons. It was derived from the Dao of God. This kid is in danger."

Before the Emperor of War finished speaking, the ancient bronze bell shook lightly, and the bells rang throughout the sky. Wherever the bell wave went, everything was turned into ashes. The "vessels" are combined into one, flesh and blood are connected, and the "swallowing myriad transformations Taoist instrument" is running. Xuanyuan is brave and fearless, holding the "human emperor's pen" in one hand and the "swallowing magic shield" in the other, protecting him in front of him.

I saw Xuanyuan heading straight for the faint phantom of the 'Extreme Dao Emperor Bell', colliding fiercely with the power of Zhong Bo, Xuanyuan used the 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations' to melt away the horror within The strength was resisted by the 'Devouring Demon Shield', and he breathed out the fighting spirit all over his body, and resisted abruptly.

Xuanyuan's attack was extremely fierce, and the "Human Emperor's Pen" in his hand pierced directly into his heart, using his blood essence as ink, he wrote the word "beat" in mid-air, accompanied by Xuanyuan's thoughts.

With the word 'strike', a giant mallet covered with blue dragon scales and integrated with the power of the five elements directly hit the phantom of the 'Ji Dao Emperor Bell'!

There was only a loud bang, the space in all directions collapsed, and the terrifying power of the Great Dao collided and ravaged the nine heavens and ten places. If it weren't for the War Emperor to protect Li Yue, I'm afraid that under the aftermath of this wave, Li Yue would also die. It was extremely difficult to resist.

"It seems that this kid really angered God. He actually refined a ray of God's thoughts. He just ate the heart of the sun and the moon. Now God personally evolves calamity and punishment to deal with Xuanyuan. It depends on whether this kid can do it." It's over." With an excited smile on Zhan Huang's face, as long as Xuanyuan can comprehend his "God of War Killing Gold" supreme fighting style and move forward indomitably, maybe he can survive it.

"So, isn't Master Xuanyuan doomed?" Li Yue asked anxiously.

"Well, that's not true. God is unpredictable. His existence must have his reasons. Even if he has boundless power, he can't kill a person himself with unconventional means, unless that person The crime is extremely heinous, and now that this kid has been recognized by the 'All Sages', it shouldn't be like this, you see, the 'Emperor Bell' was cracked, but unfortunately it didn't break!" Zhan Huang stared at Xuanyuan intently , he really wants to see how Xuanyuan can overcome this difficulty, this catastrophe is just the beginning, what will happen next is what he is most looking forward to.

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