Xuanyuan uses the 'Human Emperor's Pen' as the attack and the 'Swallowing Wanhua Dao Tool' as the defense. He is as immovable as a mountain and has absolute defense. He can resist the attack of the sound waves of the 'Extreme Dao Emperor Bell'. He is like a great emperor, shaking the heavens , mighty and extraordinary, inspiring.

Xuanyuan saw that a crack had been punched on the top of the 'Jidao Emperor Bell'. You must know that Xuanyuan, who has stepped into the realm of the earth fairy, is not what it used to be. How much it has been refined before, and the control over the power of the Qinglong inner alchemy has become even stronger.

Xuanyuan took advantage of the victory to pursue, and in the sea of ​​consciousness, a round of clear moon hung high, with eleven times the combat power running, the "Human Emperor Brush" in his hand burst out with world-wide splendor, using Xuanyuan's blood essence as ink, he drew another stroke, broken!

Xuanyuan is attacking with his own source of life. Instead of blindly resisting and consuming his source of life, it is better to fight and kill. Killing to stop killing is the best way to fight against the way of heaven. broken.

With an explosion of eleven times the combat power, it smashed out and hit the 'Ji Dao Emperor Bell', a terrifying roar of clang swept all directions, and only a faint phantom of the 'Ji Dao Emperor Bell' was seen Completely shattered and turned into fragments of the "Extreme Emperor Bell", Xuanyuan's "Body of Myriad Transformations" manifested black holes one after another, swallowing the fragments of the "Extreme Emperor Bell" directly into his body, wanting to its refining.

Seeing this scene, Li Yue felt indescribably excited, her whole body was boiling with enthusiasm, as if she had already seen the day when Xuanyuan Jun came to the world.

On the other hand, Zhanhuang had a face that he had expected for a long time, and smiled happily:

"Okay, this kid really has some abilities, it's not in vain for me to use my own origin to enhance the power of the 'Xuanhuang Tianjin' in his body, and it really didn't disappoint me!"

Xuanyuan raised his head and looked up at the sky. He knew that the catastrophe was just the beginning, and he didn't know how terrible it would be. He refined that ray of God's thoughts just now, which completely angered God, but he didn't care. Originally, his physique Even if it is not tolerated by the heavens and the earth, there is no need to please it. It is enough to break the shackles of God on oneself with absolute power.

"Greedy old man, refine the Dao fragments of the 'Extreme Dao Emperor's Bell' to enhance my strength, and the subsequent catastrophe will only become more and more terrifying! I must maximize my own strength!" Xuanyuan Xin said .

"No, boy, the avenue fragments of the 'Extreme Dao Emperor Bell' were derived from the heavens. With my current strength, I can only seal them. It is not impossible to refine them, but it will take an extremely long time. And it takes a lot of Celestial Coins to do it, and the 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Artifact' won't be able to take care of you, so we can only wait until later." The greedy old man said.

Xuanyuan frowned, and just as Xuanyuan was talking with the greedy old man, a huge melting pot manifested.

Eighteen levels of hell are engraved on this melting furnace, which manifests all kinds of ferocious evil spirits, ominous spirits, ghosts and gods, layers of terrifying hells are manifested, and the smell of sulfur, sea of ​​fire, and magma is everywhere. Tongue pulling hell, scissors hell, iron tree hell, evil mirror hell, etc., many tragedies are revealed in front of everyone!

This is the power of hell, which makes one's soul tremble uncontrollably. This is the place that all souls do not want to go to. Once they go there, it will be the beginning of an eternal nightmare.

Zhan Huang narrowed his eyes slightly, and said to Xuanyuan word by word:

"This is the power of God interweaving and manifesting the eighteen levels of hell, condensing them into a big melting pot, trying to refine you in it, so that your soul will fall into hell forever, and you will never be reborn forever. Suffer all the pain!"

"Really? Then I'll see if he has the ability to refine me!" Xuanyuan smiled coldly, holding a pen in one hand and a shield in the other. Facing the falling 'hell furnace', he didn't retreat in the slightest. Go straight into this 'hell furnace'.

Looking at everything in front of her, Li Yue felt her heart was about to jump out, and said in shock:

"Master Xuanyuan, what are you doing, don't be tempted by it!"

"Don't worry, don't pay attention to him, he did this on purpose, this kid, I like him more and more, he wants to completely smash God's self-confidence, what a boldness!" Zhan Huang laughed, his eyes were incomparably concentrated, Watching Xuanyuan walk into the 'hell melting pot'.

When Xuanyuan was in the 'Hell Furnace', the flames of hell were blazing in all directions, sweeping over the sky and covering the sky, staining every inch of his skin, obviously burning Xuanyuan to death. There are distorted faces, which contain various negative emotions, such as fear, anger, madness, cruelty, violence, sadness and so on.

This is the appearance of all beings in hell. In my ears, there are continuous ghosts crying and howling. It seems that there are hundreds of millions of ghosts.

Xuanyuan instantly felt his skin being attacked and torn apart by a ghost, but he was resisted by the power of the 'Body of Myriad Transformations', but this is not a long-term solution, if his own strength is exhausted If you don't, you can only be tortured to death. His heart moved, and he said quickly:

"Greedy old man, protect your body with the Dao fragments of the 'Extreme Dao Emperor Bell'. Since you can't refine it, then I will use the fire of hell to refine him. I'm afraid the gods can't think of it!"

"Hahaha, be careful!" the greedy old man laughed, and did what he said, from the surface of Xuanyuan's body, there were layers of fragments of the avenue of the "Extreme Dao Emperor Bell", protecting it tightly, a terrifying hell The fire, burning blazingly.

Xuanyuan has already made up his mind to pay attention, the power of robbery and punishment is not endless, as long as the power of robbery and punishment is exhausted, everything will stop, and now the fight with this "hell melting pot" is who can delay it longer , This is the truth that Xuanyuan realized from the "Ji Dao Emperor Bell", either directly destroy the robbery with boundless mighty power, or resist the robbery until the moment when the power of the robbery dissipates.

The avenue fragments of the 'Emperor Bell of Jidao' were calcined by the 'fire of hell', and the two completely different avenues collided with each other, and the fragments trembled slightly, even if they were smashed into pieces by Xuanyuan, their power remained the same. It should not be underestimated. It is not so easy to refine it. Countless fragments of the avenue of the "Ji Dao Emperor Bell" emit a series of subtle sound waves, shattering those distorted and hideous faces. Zhong' is full of righteousness, boundless, and bright breath, which is the complete opposite of 'Hell Furnace', and there is a stalemate between the two.

Even so, Xuanyuan could still feel that the 'Ji Dao Emperor Bell' was at a disadvantage, and it was only a matter of time before he was refined. After all, he was broken into pieces by himself, and it was not an independent whole. What he hopes in his heart is to resist with the fragments of the "Golden Emperor Bell" now. On the one hand, he can consume the power of the "Hellfire", and on the other hand, he can help him refine the fragments of the "Emperor Bell", killing two birds with one stone!

Xuanyuan sits cross-legged in the 'Hell Furnace', and for a while, he can protect himself from any worries. This is the best time for him to condense the earth soul and practice supernatural powers.

For a long time, Xuanyuan wanted to step into the realm of the earth fairy, because he could comprehend the "War Law of Ten Thousand Transformations" and allow himself to evolve all the ways of warfare in the world. In a short period of time, you can feel it wherever you go, and you can turn it into magical powers to attack and kill, catching the enemy by surprise.

At the moment when Xuanyuan broke through to the Earth Immortal, he had already comprehended the essence of "War of Ten Thousand Transformations". From within Xuanyuan's sea of ​​consciousness, ten thousand black villains were developing all kinds of magical powers that Xuanyuan had devoured in his life. Dao, all the supernatural means that Xuanyuan has learned in his life are all attributed to the "War of Ten Thousand Transformations".

Every condensing, every gathering, makes Xuanyuan's earth soul become more clear, thorough, powerful, and swallows the vast power of myriad transformations. At the same time, the pure spiritual source in Xuanyuan's body, even the pure fairy source I don't know how many there are, burning blazingly, turning into majestic battle energy of heaven and earth, blending into Xuanyuan's earth soul for condensing.

I don't know how long time has passed, but on the surface of Xuanyuan's body, the avenue pattern of the 'Extremely Dao Emperor Bell' began to shatter and be refined. All the veins of the Dao were absorbed and integrated into his body, and they were all integrated into it one by one by Xuanyuan's comprehension of "Warfare of Ten Thousand Transformations".

I saw the tens of thousands of black villains practicing back and forth, gradually integrating and condensing them from the refined fragments of the "Extreme Emperor Bell" avenue, when the fragments of the "Extreme Emperor Bell" on Xuanyuan's body were completely The instant the refining was done, Xuanyuan's exercise of "War of Ten Thousand Transformations" was completed.

Xuanyuan raised his hand and struck, suddenly, a tripod complete "Ji Dao Emperor Bell" was knocked out and hit the "Hell Furnace", causing the whole "Hell Furnace" to tremble, with a majestic roaring sound Resounding throughout the nine heavens and ten earths.

"Hahaha, boy, it's very good. This "War of Ten Thousand Transformations" has been refined to the highest level, which is to use one's own way to evolve the opponent's way. There is no need to refine, move as you want, fight as you want, and evolve the world's war You have just scratched the surface of the world's offensives." The greedy old man laughed.

The blow of deriving the 'Extreme Dao Emperor Bell' consumes a lot of power in Xuanyuan's body, but for Xuanyuan who has stepped into the realm of the earth fairy and started to condense the earth soul at this moment, the battle energy in his body is almost endless, unless It is to activate the absolute Taoist weapon, the supreme Taoist weapon, otherwise, for him, he can still bear this level of supernatural attack.

Seeing that Xuanyuan evolved the 'Extreme Dao Emperor's Bell', using his own way to return it to his body, Zhan Huang couldn't help but screamed:

"This kid, you are really against the sky. This kind of physique is really like the legend, no wonder it is not tolerated by the heavens and the earth!"

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