Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1024 How Deep the Ground Is

Ever since Xuanyuan integrated the 'Eye of Reality' into the center of his brows, the Earth's eyes have been infected by the power of the 'Eye of Reality', and from time to time he can appreciate the power of the 'Great Trend Ancient Art' in the depths of the 'Eye of Reality'. The mystery that came out, the combination of strands and strands, made Xuanyuan's earth eyes deeper and deeper, and became more intimate with the earth, and became stronger. Many things that I could not see through before, can now be easily seen. .

The eye of the earth, once cultivated to the level of Dacheng, can peer down into the Nine Netherworld. Now Xuanyuan feels that he can pass through the eye of the earth to peek into another world, which is full of extremely terrifying power, probably in the "Da Luo Tian Shu" The recorded Jiuyou.

At this moment, Xuanyuan landed on the ground, with a light step on the ground, the earth and rocks are extremely solid and extremely dense, and there are countless powers of stars coming and going. There was nothing to hide, and after an hour, Xuanyuan saw something in the extremely deep underground, his whole body was in chaos, exuding wisps of aura that were extremely heavy, as if the world would be crushed, the light was not bright, but it was almost Eternal, Xuanyuan's expression was shocked, and he said in a shocked voice:

"In the southwest, three thousand miles underground, there is a hidden piece of magic material."

Originally, Long Bi was just talking casually, wanting to delay for a while, so that he could digest the power he had devoured, but now hearing Xuanyuan's words, his eyelids twitched wildly, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he screamed in his heart:

"No, it's really such a good thing. This place is already riddled with holes. Even if there is a magic material that has been dug up, there is still a hidden magic material that has not been discovered? Is this kid's luck? Very good!"

"Three thousand miles underground, it's a bit difficult." Xuanyuan frowned, and would definitely disintegrate, but the land of the stars is solid, and it's not easy to penetrate three thousand miles. When clearing the way.

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome."

The Emperor of War stepped out one step at a time, and saw the pattern of the avenue of fighting spirit all over the sky intertwined and evolved into a golden giant sword, which slashed straight down from the sky, with terrifying power sweeping across the vast expanse, tearing the sky and the earth apart. The Xingchen Village was directly cut into a very deep ditch by the Zhanhuang's great power, as if as long as the Zhanhuang wanted to, he could break through the entire star at any time!

A star rock the size of a fist was pulled out by the battle lines of the Emperor of War. He looked shocked and said:

"I didn't expect that such a 'chaos star stone' was bred here."

"What, it turned out to be the 'Chaos Star Stone'?" Even Long Bi couldn't help screaming, wanting to snatch that 'Chaos Star Stone', but he didn't dare to make a move. Xuanyuan smiled openly and said :

"It turned out to be the 'Chaos Star Stone'. This is the divine material for refining the supreme Taoist weapon. Among the stars in the universe, there are indeed many magical materials. I don't know how many years it has been conceived. Traveling in the starry sky is probably all for their attention!"

The Emperor of War didn't think much about the 'Chaos Star Stone'. The Supreme Dao Artifact cannot be sacrificed by ordinary people. He already has a semi-Supreme Dao Artifact, which is enough, unless he steps into the realm of the ancient emperor, otherwise , absolutely can't be refined, not everyone is the "Swallowing Emperor", he is the only one who refines the supreme Taoist weapon with the realm of the ancient quasi-emperor, according to the evaluation of the pig-headed emperor, that is, Although he is a quasi-emperor, he is comparable to a great emperor. If he can step into the realm of an ancient great emperor, he must be the supreme emperor of heaven!

Xuanyuan received the "Chaos Star Stone" from the hands of the Emperor of War, and felt extremely heavy, as if it was heavier than this star, and his hand was about to break under the pressure. It is definitely an extremely precious magic material, and a black hole evolved out of it. , the 'Chaos Star Stone' was collected by the greedy old man, Xuanyuan looked at Long Bi and said:

"Let's go, we have to speed up next time, I don't know why I always feel a little uneasy in my heart."

Long Bi frowned, and when he heard Xuanyuan's words, he thought to himself:

"It can't be that this kid knows that I am talking nonsense, and he wants to scare me. Why do I feel that there is nothing wrong?"

Before leaving, Xuanyuan scanned the stars with the eyes of the earth. After all, he just dug out a 'Chaos Star Stone', which is no small matter. This time, Xuanyuan naturally searched more carefully. After searching back and forth three times, After discovering that there was nothing worthwhile, he first used his myriad powers to transform the terrifying power of the War Emperor just now into the power breath of the gods, and then used various methods to erase all traces, so that People can no longer find out, after finishing all this, he, Long Bi, and Zhanhuang stepped into a space jump point and teleported to the next star village.

Long Bi was amazed, Xuanyuan was really thoughtful, if this happened, even the people of the Protoss would have no way to investigate.

When they came to the sky above another star, the semi-supreme Taoist weapon in Zhan Huang's hand manifested, turning into a terrifying mountain, about to smash towards the dilapidated star village, Xuanyuan hurriedly With a sharp shout, he said:

"Senior War Emperor, stop!"

The Zhanhuang held the 'Zhanshen Peak', the terrifying power of the semi-superior Dao weapon swallowed and swayed in this piece of heaven and earth, falling in all directions, countless spaces could not bear it and collapsed, Zhanhuang looked at Xuanyuan, and said:

"Although these protoss don't care about the life and death of their people, they care about the gains and losses of the stars. If you destroy this village of stars, they will definitely look into it, because people can be reborn after death, and now they are trapped here , The star is broken one by one, for them, this is a precious resource, it is meaningless for you to destroy it at this time, and it will make them suspicious, which is not good for us!" Xuanyuan dissuaded .

"That's right, because none of the people of the Protoss will destroy these stars, not even the high-level ones. If you do this, you will make them feel that the 'sun and moon tides' cannot stop the human race, and will make the entire 'violent god Nest' has entered a state of high alert!" Long Bi nodded, indeed he did not want to be discovered too early, he had a lot of secrets in him, once his identity was discovered, he might not be able to survive.

"You just want to speed up the plan of the ancient great emperor of your human race, the ancient sages, but I can tell you clearly that this is impossible, even if you destroy all the stars in this starry sky, at least in one day. Within ten thousand years, the protoss will still not die because of the exhaustion of these resources, so do you think the protective barrier will be able to stop it for ten thousand years?"

The Emperor of War frowned, paused, said no more, and put away the 'War God Peak'. Indeed, as Long Bi said, the original power of the Protoss is very strong, and he wants to consume them. From the current point of view It is already impossible, and since the ancient emperor and the ancient sages arranged this way, there must be their reasons, but all these are top secrets, and I am too simple to see their intentions.

In this way, along the way, Xuanyuan and Long Bi were like crazy demons. Wherever they passed, there was a dead silence. All the people of the God Race would be swallowed and refined whenever they met them. Long Bi's strength continued to grow , Xuanyuan's earth soul, constantly condensed, became extremely substantial, thick, powerful, and full of power.

Along the way, they passed through eighteen star villages and towns. I don't know how many people of the Protoss were devoured by them. Before they knew it, three months passed. The road to the stars is destined to be a long one.

At this moment, Xuanyuan's body is full of mighty power, which makes people feel as thick as the earth and is hard to shake. Compared with three months ago, his physical body is many times more terrifying. Received a middle-grade Taoist weapon, who in the earth immortal can have such a skill?

In Long Bi's words:

"It's so fucking unreasonable. A physique like the 'Physical Transformation' is indeed a perverted physique."

In the words of the Emperor of War:

"It's so fucked up. In this world, there is actually a physique like yours. It's a bottomless pit. The original power of so many protoss can only condense your earth soul to the level of mastery. Even I can't help it. I have to bow down!"

Indeed, along the way, Xuanyuan also felt very frightened. Fortunately, he came to this land. If he was still in the "Central China", he didn't know how much money he would have to spend to buy the spiritual source and the immortal source to provide him with , Concentrate the earth soul, that kind of consumption, even many big forces can't bear it, but fortunately the "body of myriad transformations" is unique, once it appears, it is the only one.

At this moment, in front of Xuanyuan's eyes, is a huge star covering an area of ​​30 million miles. On it, there are big cities, intertwined with various runes of the gods. Obviously, if there are external forces to attack and kill, these big cities will be destroyed. The formation above will definitely be activated in an instant to kill the powerful enemy. Xuanyuan feels that even with his current strength, as long as the restrictions of these big cities are activated, he will die without a place to die.

Xuanyuan runs the surging fighting energy in his body, the blood is rolling, roaring, like thunder, if there are ghosts in his heart, people with weak minds, approaching Xuanyuan, they will not be able to withstand the energy emitted by Xuanyuan, his fists Clenching tightly, looking into the distance, at this moment, if the 'Nantian Emperor' of that day appeared in front of him, Xuanyuan had the confidence to kill him completely.

"Greedy old man, why do I feel that although the soul of the earth has been continuously enriched, its strength has also increased dramatically, and the fighting spirit in the body has become more majestic, but it seems that the comprehension of the Dao of heaven and earth has not changed at all? Is it right? Because it’s in an extraterritorial starry sky?”

"No, you can also move the heaven and the earth with the soul of the earth. If you want to step from the earth fairy to the heavenly fairy, you must break through the seventy-two earth gates, and finally you can step into the realm of the heavenly fairy. How high is the sky and how deep is the earth. "

"Forget it, let's go here first, I feel like I'm getting closer to Yuan'er." Xuanyuan looked towards the west, as if Yuan'er was right in front of his eyes.

After three months of trekking, they finally came to a decent place. Xuanyuan knew that here, he and Long Bi would not be able to do whatever they wanted.

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