Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1025 Giant God Liancheng

There are 100,000 stars radiating from the 'Nest of Fierce Gods', each of which is inhabited by members of the Protoss. The closer the stars are to the 'Nest of Fierce Gods', the bigger and more complete they are, while the farther away they are, the smaller they are. , and tattered.

There are countless people of the gods living in it, so it is naturally impossible for Xuanyuan and Long Bi to deliberately slaughter and devour them along the way. They can only take Yuan'er's position and follow the road. It's just to increase your own strength and increase the bargaining chip for saving Yuan'er. As long as you are stronger, you can always have an extra chance.

When they passed by in a turbulent way, they didn't know that after the incident, many senior officials of the Protoss saw the dead stars and discussed them one after another.

"It seems that this time the 'Nantian Emperor' crossed the catastrophe and was seriously injured, so many people's lives were used!"

"Counting these, forty or fifty towns and villages have already been swept away. There really isn't a single one left!"

"Hey, my God Clan people have suffered an indiscriminate disaster."

"If the people of the 'Nantian Emperor' hear your words, you will die without a place to bury you."

"Hehe, you're right. These are just some humble things. They don't have enough strength to reach our position, and they can only succeed us in the end, so don't worry too much about it."

"Hehe, it's also fortunate that I relied on myself to kill all the way to the top, otherwise, I'm afraid I will end up like them."

Suddenly, an incomparably majestic aura descended from the sky. This kind of aura was a natural suppression of the blood of the God Race.

"Emperor! My subordinates pay homage to the 'Emperor of the North Heaven'." Among them was a protoss whose strength was in the realm of the celestial beings. He was the first to sense it and quickly knelt down to salute without even daring to lift his head. Kneeling and saluting, not daring to move.

In front of them is an extremely mighty man with a tall and straight figure. He is wearing an extremely thick battle armor, on which are engraved lines full of the majesty of the emperor. This is the battle armor left by the god emperor, and the aura on it makes them all unable to help but worship it.

The 'Emperor of the Northern Heaven' is full of strength and qi and blood. He is in the realm of a fairy, but he already has the power of a sage. Every figure in the realm of an emperor is extremely terrifying.

His purple hair is flamboyant, and in his eyes, he is proud of the world, as if he can destroy everything. Compared with the handsomeness of the 'Nantian Emperor', he has a bit more domineering arrogance.

"This 'Nantian Emperor' can be injured like this even when crossing the catastrophe. He is really a waste. Now that he is so wasteful of people and money, you think, even if he recovers, can he still compete with us? Hahahaha!"

"Hahahaha! I think he should be turned into a waste directly. The power of the source has been injured so badly. How many people are there? I'm afraid no matter how hard it is to repair it, it won't be repaired." Another arrogant smile The sound came, and it was obvious that another figure of the emperor's level descended, which made the gods who were discussing in private just now even more afraid to move.

"Forget it, this waste is no longer worthy of our attention. This time, it is said that in the 'Giant God Liancheng', a divine material for refining the supreme Taoist weapon has appeared, and it is in the hands of the 'Xuanshen Chamber of Commerce'. The 'Nantian Emperor' I'm afraid I can't come, whoever can get it depends on who's ability."

"Okay, this is the best!"

The three emperor sons and dragons could see the head but not the end. They were still talking for a moment, but they disappeared in the next moment.

The members of the protoss breathed a sigh of relief when they felt the emperor's departure, and the three emperors didn't even look at them at all.

Just when they thought nothing would happen, suddenly an extremely terrifying voice came:

"Die all, you have to understand that slaves are slaves, and matters between emperors and sons are not for you to discuss."

As soon as the words fell, a ray of divine light pierced through the air and killed them. Everything they passed was turned into dust and smoke. The faces of these God Clan members looked desperate before they died.

Xuanyuan didn't know that the emperors of the three gods were about to descend on the 'Giant God City' where they were.

At this moment, Xuanyuan, Longbi, and Zhanhuang have all fallen into the 'Giant God Liancheng'. There is no guard at the city gate here, and it is always wide open.

These giant cities are all connected together. Here, unlike other towns and villages where the crazy killings are full of bloody atmosphere, there is a certain order, but the division of ranks is already very obvious. , People whose strength has not reached the realm of Mingxian can only be slaves here, people with different strengths are not allowed to sit on an equal footing at all, and those who have not reached the realm of Mingxian can keep their heads down!

You know, it is impossible to be a slave even in the world of Dou Qi, even if you are in the world of battle qi. Even as long as you reach the realm of life immortal, as long as you have enough control ability and proficient in governance, you can be in the realm of seven ranks of fighting immortals. To be the deputy palace master and deputy head teacher, but here, you can only be a slave, and let people kill and seize.

As soon as Xuanyuan entered the 'Giant God Linked City', he felt that the place was extremely difficult, and there seemed to be an extremely terrifying aura from ancient times. Xuanyuan couldn't help but feel frightened, as if something big was about to happen, and Long Bi went crazy all the way Seeing such a fresh, powerful, and full of life essence, the life of the Protoss has already made him want to start a massacre.

"Great, too many supplements. As long as I can swallow all the people of the God Race on this star, I can start to slowly approach the peak of the sages."

Long Bi sent a voice transmission to Xuanyuan and Zhan Huang, not daring to go too far.

The Emperor of War frowned, obviously he already felt that there are earth immortals and heavenly immortals everywhere here, and half-step sages, not to mention a few sages, even he felt that there were a few quasi-emperor-level protoss.

"Is this one of the main cities of the Protoss?" Zhan Huang frowned and asked.

"No, how is it possible? A place like this is at most a place ruled by a person of the sage realm, and the main city is not considered at all! There will be no masters, even if I have it, I can solve it!" Long Bi said to The pattern of the Protoss is the most clear.

"Then why are there at least six half-step quasi-emperors in this 'Giant Gods Linked City', and even a few real quasi-emperors." Zhan Huang is extremely sensitive. He can sense it naturally.

"What?" Long Bi was so excited along the way that he didn't search carefully at all. After Zhan Huang said so, he used the secret method of the gods, and he really sensed the aura of the quasi-emperor, and there was even an aura in it. He is still very familiar with him, but he is the confidant of one of his deadly enemies back then. He did not expect to have already stepped into the realm of half-step quasi-emperor. Among other things, if he let this person know about himself, I am afraid that he will be in the first place. , died cleanly.

"It seems that this time you can't do it casually. In the eyes of the high-level gods, although they don't care about the people under their command, if you dare to kill people under his nose, you are despising his authority and ignoring his authority." If it exists, it will die a miserable death."

Xuanyuan fell into silence, and only when he came here did he truly experience the horror of the 'Fierce God's Nest'. You must know that the existence of half-step Zhundi, the quasi-divine realm, may not be found much in the world of fighting spirit. A Ouyang Zhun The emperor sitting there is enough for Ouyang Han to cultivate without any worries, and most people dare not attack him at all. However, in the 'Nest of Fierce Gods', there are so many half-step quasi-emperors, quasi-emperors.

And this is only a small part of the "Fierce God's Nest", and the "Fierce God's Nest" was just a vanguard force used by the Protoss to attack the "Central China". It can be seen that at this moment, Xuanyuan finally knows how terrifying it is in a world where even the realm of the ancient emperor can only be regarded as ordinary strength.

That world is called 'Origin of Primordial Origin', and it is still very far away for me to step into that realm.

Entering the "Giant God Linked City", Xuanyuan saw many people walking with their own slaves. It's not that there are no battles here, but it's not as crazy as in those towns and villages, and there are already some groups of forces here , fighting each other.

"Forgive me, I swear, I will be loyal to you from now on..." A divine being in the realm of immortality was captured and knelt on the ground, and he kept begging for mercy to another existence in the realm of earthly immortality in front of him.

"Hey..." I saw that God Clan of the Earth Immortal Realm, with ferocious claws in his hands, he shot like lightning, directly lifted the cover of his skull, blood splashed, he directly dug out the brain of the Immortal with his hands, He swallowed it, and after a while, he licked some of the brains on his mouth with his scarlet tongue, and said with a grin:

"Tsk tsk, it's really delicious!"

That life immortal had already died long ago, and I only heard the earth immortal say a word:

"Chop him up for me, and give his flesh and blood to my slaves. Just say that today I am in a good mood to reward them. Whoever can break through to the realm of life fairy, I will reward you a lot."

This scene happened to be seen by Xuanyuan, and he couldn't help frowning. This kind of scene disgusted him very much.

Compared with those towns and villages who slaughtered each other for survival and fought for self-improvement, Xuanyuan felt more uncomfortable.

As if seeing the change in Xuanyuan's expression, the existence of the earth immortal looked at Xuanyuan. At this moment, Xuanyuan turned into the appearance of Tianyouqing. In this world, Tianyouqing doesn't have to be afraid of being chased and killed.

"You, get over here. What are you frowning for? Are you dissatisfied with me? Kneel down." The god-clan powerhouse of the Earth Immortal Realm pointed at Xuanyuan, dictating.

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