Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1037 Guardian Tree

Yuan'er didn't expect Xuanyuan to be so determined, threatening her own life so that she wouldn't dare to act rashly.

In fact, when Xuanyuan arrived at the 'Nanyan World', Yuan'er had already sensed that it was a ray of her true spirit. In the same world, how could she not sense it?

On that day, Yuan'er was both happy and surprised. She originally thought that she would never see Xuanyuan again in her life, but she didn't expect that Xuanyuan came so quickly, which made her very scared.

She is afraid that in this world, Xuanyuan has no relatives and no reason, so he will inevitably encounter many dangers, and now that Xuanyuan is not strong enough, there will inevitably be various dangers. She is worried about Xuanyuan every day and every night, for fear of any accidents happening to him .

She could have spoken to Xuanyuan through sound transmission, but she knew that even the quasi-emperor might not be able to protect herself in the place she was in, so she could only restrain her urge to talk to Xuanyuan, because she didn't want Xuanyuan to know about her. where.

As long as Xuanyuan can't find herself in this world and despairs in her heart, she will definitely go back, because there are many people who love him in the 'Central China', and then she can rest assured that Xuanyuan can come here to find her, which has already made him happy. She felt very satisfied, without the slightest regret, even if she would be completely annihilated in the next moment, she still has no regrets, and being able to have a master like Xuanyuan is the greatest luck in her life.

"Yuan'er, tell me, how have you been here these days?" Xuanyuan's tone became gentle, and asked

"I, I don't know, I made a deal with God's thoughts that day, it sent me down, and he sent me here, let me suppress this place with the method of sealing and suppressing..." Yuan Let's talk about it!

"Then where are you now?"

"Me? It should be in the center of this 'Guardian Barrier', there is a tree." Yuan'er sighed, she knew Xuanyuan very well, she would follow her words, and now she was afraid that Xuanyuan would not give up if she didn't save herself , I just want to go, will God agree?

Although she is God's darling, she has exchanged everything with God with her freedom, and she has no choice.

"Okay, Yuan'er, then you wait for me, and I will definitely rescue you." Xuanyuan said heavily.

"Master, can you listen to Yuan'er say a few words?" Yuan'er sobbed.

"Yuan'er, tell me." Xuanyuan's heart softened.

"That day I used my free body to make a deal with God. The price is that I must live here forever, seal and suppress with my own power, and maintain the power of the 'Guardian Barrier'. Even if you can find me, you can't Taking me away will only offend God, and it will implicate you at that time. Knowing that the master will come here to save Yuan'er, Yuan'er is really happy and satisfied, so master, you go back, Yuan'er is here, It's still a very happy time!" Yuan'er's voice was crying and laughing, which made Xuanyuan feel very distressed.

"Don't worry, Yuan'er, what is God's will, as long as I let this place have no worries, it will be fine. If I want to take you away at that time, God has nothing to say." This determination to 'guard the barrier'.

"It's God's will to trick people..." The greedy old man sighed from the depths of Xuanyuan's heart. He knew that it was imperative to repair the "Guardian Barrier". Only by guarding the barrier can Xuanyuan take away Yuaner, Xuanyuan will do it at all costs, and he has nothing to say, Yuaner is a person who can sacrifice himself for Xuanyuan and fulfill Xuanyuan, even a greedy old man Being touched, he could no longer say anything to stop Xuanyuan from going.

"Haha, this is fate." Xuanyuan laughed.

Xuanyuan was not hindered by the 'guardian barrier' at all. From his body, the 'Hundred Saint Hongguang' was scattered in all directions, making this 'guardian barrier' very close to Xuanyuan, as if he was close to the source of his mother. , very happy.

Because the "Hundred Saints Hongguang" on Xuanyuan came from the spiritual imprint of the hundreds of saints, it was extremely pure, and now Xuanyuan's arrival was greeted by all the auras of the "Guardian Barrier", without the slightest hindrance.

Under the illumination of the 'Baisheng Hongguang', those broken walls of light are growing and recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The Emperor Zhan looked surprised, he laughed loudly and said:

"It seems that the stability of my 'Nanyan World' can be maintained again. The 'Baisheng Hongguang' on you is the biggest supplement for this 'Guardian Barrier'. You will definitely be able to completely remove the 'Guardian Barrier'. repair!"

Xuanyuan's performance surprised Yuan'er:

"Master, what's going on here? The rays of light on your body seem to be the source of the power of the 'Guardian Barrier'!"

At that time, "Hongmeng Tiandi" led all the saints to preach in "Nanyan Xianzhou". Many ancient sages inherited the orthodoxy of all the saints. The spiritual brand is the purest, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is maternal.

"A lot of things happened at this stage, and I don't know how to tell you. When I save you, I will tell you in detail."

Xuanyuan laughed, I'm afraid those emperors will be struggling at this moment, but there are people at the peak of Zhundi to protect them, as long as they don't go too deep, nothing will happen.

Along the way, Xuanyuan used the 'Hundred Saint Hongguang' as a mask to protect Zhan Huang and Long Bi, and moved forward very smoothly.

Zhan Huang was calm in his heart, and he was not afraid. He was in a good mood, and the problem he had been worrying about for a long time was finally resolved.

On the contrary, Long Bi was terrified, and felt that all directions were sharp swords derived from the chapters of human civilization, and they were all aimed at him. A sword of integrity from the "Great Emperor" almost wiped out his original origin. Now there is benevolence The sword of righteousness, the sword of righteousness, the sword of wisdom, the sword of etiquette, all kinds of avenues of sword formations hang down in all directions, full of hostility to him, if it wasn't because Xuanyuan protected him with the "Hundred Saints Hongguang", I'm afraid he would have been killed by Wan Jian pierced.

"Great God, tell me how this happened? This kid is going against the sky. Will I be trapped here for generations in the 'Evil God's Nest'? Will I be subject to this kid for the rest of my life? ?”

It never occurred to Long Bi that entering this 'guardian barrier' was like entering the master of Xuanyuan. Things were far beyond his imagination.

In the 'Guardian Barrier', there are countless avenues, and layers of space evolve, containing endless power, cutting off all evil spirits, Xuanyuan walks freely in it, he is looking for a ray of true spirit from Yuan'er, Finally came to a piece of pure land.

This piece of land is as pure as glass, and every inch of it is crystal clear and flawless. You can see that there are human races, demon races, monster races, and the oldest inscriptions of all ancient races written on it. Although the ancient inscriptions are different, you can see it from above. They work together to defend against foreign enemies.

From the whole piece of pure land, the breath of the Dao is breathed out, giving people an indescribable holiness. Standing here makes people yearn for it.

In the center of the pure land, there is an old tree growing. It is extremely dilapidated, its branches and leaves are withered, and the lines of various avenues on the trunk of the branches are extremely dim. Obviously, this must be the center of the formation eye of the 'Guardian Barrier'.

Beside the ancient tree, a woman in a water-green blouse, ups and downs from the three ancient characters around her, surrounded by this ancient tree, the supreme seal suppressing power in the ancient characters, a little A drop melted into the ancient tree, awakening the power of the avenue lines and ancient inscriptions on it.

This woman is none other than Yuan'er.

The moment Yuan'er saw Xuanyuan, she stood up. When she saw Xuanyuan with her own eyes, she still felt as if she was in a dream. There were tears in her eyes, but there was a satisfied smile on the corner of her mouth.

Seeing Yuan'er, Xuanyuan was extremely excited. He walked up to Yuan'er, wanting to hold Yuan'er in his arms, but unexpectedly passed through Yuan'er's body.

"Master, Yuan'er just survived with the body of a soul. It is invisible and has no substance. It is not of much use anymore." Yuan'er's tears condensed on her long eyelashes, and there was an indescribable loss deep in her eyes.

Xuanyuan felt a pain in his heart, it was all because of himself.

"It doesn't matter, Yuan'er, as I said, I will give you an unsurpassed Dao body, which will definitely increase your strength by then."

As soon as the words fell, Xuanyuan took out the "God's Bone Stone", "Blood-born God's Stone", "Five Elements' God's Stone", "Ice Muscle God's Stone", "Tianmai God's Stone", and "Myriad Orifices God's Stone" from the "Swallowing Myriad Transformation Taoist Artifact". One is a treasure that is hard to find in the world.

Use the "Ice Muscle Stone" as the skin, the "Tian Shen Bone Stone" as the bone, the "Tian Mai Shen Stone" as the veins, the "Five Elements God Stone" to transform the five internal organs, the "Blood Health Stone" to transform the Qi and blood, and the "Wan Qiao God Stone" to transform the whole body Orifice, with the supreme secret method in "The Great Trend of Ancient Art", you can refine a supreme Taoist body for Yuan'er.

Just when Xuanyuan took out these magical materials and wanted to refine a supreme Taoist body for Yuan'er, suddenly an extremely huge aura descended, covering the sky and covering the earth, making people's hearts tremble. Xuanyuan was very fond of this aura. Familiar, this is the breath of God. In his body, two thoughts of God have been refined, so naturally he will not be unfamiliar.

"Do you want to take her away?" An extremely majestic voice came.

"That's right, are you going to stop me?" Xuanyuan frowned, and looked at the sky above this piece of pure land without the slightest fear.

"If you want to take her away, you will only let her disappear into thin air. She has already made a contract with me to guard this place for generations until everything with this place is destroyed!" This voice came again, causing Xuanyuan to be struck by lightning. .

"What do you want?" Xuanyuan frowned.

"Unless you can make the 'Guardian Tree' bloom and disperse its leaves and regain its vitality, otherwise, you will never be able to take her away."

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