Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1038 Ancient Ideas

In the center of the 'Guardian Barrier'.

The withered 'Guardian Tree' stood quietly, like a wounded warrior. Although his body was riddled with holes, he stood proudly, standing upright, symbolizing the will of immortality.

On the pure land, countless ancient inscriptions flow. These are all formed by the great emperors and sages with their own spirit, energy, spirit, flesh and blood. Their hearts are like this piece of pure land, as pure as glass, crystal clear and flawless.

Xuanyuan was silent for a moment when he heard the words of God's will, and said:

"How can this 'Guardian Tree' bloom and disperse its leaves, and regain its vitality?"

Xuanyuan looked at the pure land full of sacred aura under his feet, and the "Guardian Tree" was withered, but it still gave people an extremely majestic aura. It didn't look tall, but it was about to die. At that time, it still gave people a kind of upright and upright, never yielding idea.

"It's very simple, awaken the thoughts of many ancient emperors and ancient sages in the 'Guardian Tree', inspire the power of faith of hundreds of millions of people in the 'Nanyan World', and integrate them into the 'Guardian Tree', then you can Repair the 'Guardian Barrier', if you can accomplish this, not only will I be able to let her go, but I will also send you a good fortune, you have to think about it yourself!"

This divine thought is majestic, majestic and heavy, making it hard to resist.

Yuan'er is extremely important to Xuanyuan, no matter how big the risk is, he will not hesitate at all, saying:

"Okay, if I can do it, I don't care about your good luck. You just need to refine a supreme body for me and use it for Yuan'er. I want to give Yuan'er the best."


The answer from God's will was very straightforward. This is different from the past. It can bring about three disasters and nine disasters. Xuanyuan doesn't think that this will be so weak, but he doesn't understand. If God wants to protect the human race, he can just destroy the god race himself. Why bother to do this, make a deal with Yuaner, let her guard here, and now let himself wake up the thoughts of the emperor and sages, he like this What's the point of doing it?

Xuanyuan couldn't think of any results, so he didn't say anything more, and let Yuan'er back to the side, Long Bi looked at Xuanyuan, feeling terrified in his heart, and said:

"Zhanhuang boy, do you think this kid Xuanyuan can succeed? It is not that simple to awaken the thoughts of the great emperor and sages."

The Emperor of War paused, and said with a smile:

"I believe he has that strength."

"I hope he doesn't succeed. If he succeeds, the entire 'Fierce God's Nest' will shake. What will we do then? There is no way out at all. I'm afraid we will all die in this starry sky."

Long Bi was crying. If Xuanyuan succeeds, it will definitely cause a huge shock. When the God Clan army arrives, they will definitely see Xuanyuan's identity. If he is with Xuanyuan, even if he is a member of the God Clan, he will be regarded as a human race. To him, it's like wiping yellow mud in the crotch, it's either shit or shit.

The Emperor of War naturally understood what was going on in his mind, and said:

"If the army of the gods comes, who said we have to go out, can't we hide here? They attacked in the first place, and now the 'guardian barrier' is so weak that they dare not break in, let alone repair the 'guardian barrier' 'after!"

"Damn it, I can only do this now, I'm just pitiful, why do I always feel uncomfortable here, looking frightened, so uncomfortable, as if I'm going to die at any moment..." For Long Bi In other words, in "Guardian Barrier", he is like a little white sheep who has entered a wolf's den. Because of his evil intentions and being a member of the Protoss, many forces in the "Guardian Barrier" are extremely hostile to him. If Xuanyuan hadn't been enveloped by the power of 'Hundred Saint Hongguang', even Long Bi would have died here without a whole body.

"Boy, you should think about it. Once you do this, there is no way out." The greedy old man finally reminded Xuanyuan.

"Think about it, Emperor, go forward, what do I want to retreat?" Xuanyuan is very firm, the emperor's road is destined to be a road paved with bones, maybe he will become a stepping stone for others on this bone road , Maybe I will step on this bone road step by step to reach the highest point, who knows?

As soon as the words fell, Xuanyuan came to the 'Guardian Tree'. Yuan'er looked at Xuanyuan. These days, she has maintained it by her own will, and she deeply knows how much power this 'Guardian Tree' needs. Hao Han, even with her three ancient characters, everything is just a drop in the bucket.

"Master, it is extremely exhausting fighting energy on this 'Guardian Tree', don't hurt yourself."

"It's okay, just give it a try and you'll know."

Xuanyuan closed his eyes and put his hands on the trunk of the 'Guardian Tree'. Xuanyuan knew that only the 'Hundred Saints' in his body could awaken those ancient emperors and ancient sages in this 'Guardian Tree' idea.

From Xuanyuan's body, the brand marks from Baisheng shone brightly, and they started to work, and the 'Baisheng Hongguang' burst out in an instant.

Every "Hundred Saints Hongguang" is the idea of ​​a sage. On that day, the "Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor" led all the saints to fall into the "Nanyan Xianzhou" to spread his own enlightenment articles and Taoism. Therefore, the "Nanyan Xianzhou" 'The human race has reached a peak, and it has also infected the demons, monsters, and ancient tribes. They all respect the sages of the emperor of the human race and learn from them.

The human race is humble, does not use power to overwhelm others, lives on the same level as one, passes on the ancestral precepts, and has good relations with all races for generations, so there is the grand occasion of the "Nanyan World" today.

Xuanyuan integrated his spiritual thoughts into the 'Guardian Tree', and only felt a majestic and vast aura, as if he was sleeping, as if he was in another vast starry universe.

The bleak enlightenment chapters are engraved in the starry sky, lonely and silently expounding their most selfless, pure and holy thoughts. , appearing one by one, Xuanyuan's heart was shocked, and the scream of the greedy old man came from his heart:

"This, this is the supreme Taoism left by an ancient sage, you kid is lucky, in it, you can almost learn the magical methods left by the saints, It may not be complete, but if you can learn them all, if you combine them into one, no one in the world can be your opponent. They are the symbols of the supremacy of the "Central China", and even the ancient peoples must be in awe and surrender! "

Xuanyuan's mind was shocked, he was surprised and delighted:

"I didn't expect to be able to see this here. You must know that even in the 'Central China', some families left by sages have been destroyed in the long river of history, collapsed, and there is not even a trace of blood left. Needless to say, the supernatural powers that have been passed down are naturally manifested in this 'Nanyan World', and this 'Guardian Tree' is simply a supreme treasure."

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, boy, hurry up and memorize them all." The greedy old man said excitedly.

"I'm afraid it won't work. The lines depicted on it are extremely ancient lines. In the ancient times, hundreds of sages contended, and the characters created by each sage had their own different meanings and different understandings. Now, I can’t understand it, so let’s forget it.” Xuanyuan looked at the different ancient characters, and could only sigh, there are some things that can’t be cultivated just by saying that he wants to practice. "Enlightenment Chapter" has allowed me to comprehend for so long, let alone there are hundreds of them here, even if Xuanyuan learns to die, he may not be able to learn them.

There are not only the chapters of the masters and saints, but also the heart, virtue and holy law of the emperor to govern the world, all kinds of minds, everything!

The 'Guardian Barrier' is the ancient emperor, the sages all inherited the 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor', the enlightened spiritual will of the various sages, the Taoism and the great art gathered together, and with their selfless heart, they condensed this road that can protect the 'Southern Heaven' Yan world' among the barriers of ages and ages.

However, with the passage of time, and the gradual forgetting of the great war, the decline of the luck of the human race has led to the weakening of the power of the "Guardian Barrier".

Xuanyuan used his heart to communicate with these ideas in this starry sky.

"The younger generation pays homage to the great emperors and sages."

But no matter how Xuanyuan shouted, he couldn't feel any response from them.

Those chapters of enlightenment in the four directions are still dim, with only a few dots left, and the chapters that have been maintained will soon be silent.

Xuanyuan knew that if these chapters were silent, the 'Guardian Barrier' would begin to break, and eventually the Protoss would usher in the world, and the surrounding world centered on 'Central China' would face a devastating blow.

Xuanyuan knows that what he sees is the world inside the 'Guardian Tree', the 'Hundred Saints' radiating from his body is infecting the 'Guardian Tree', but he wants to wake up the 'Guardian Tree' It is extremely difficult for the thoughts of the great emperors and sages who are already exhausted and about to be silent.

Xuanyuan was mobilized by his own boundless fighting spirit, and evolved into a series of chapters of the masters and saints, possessing their spiritual will, and merging into the "Guardian Tree" bit by bit.

I saw that the whole body of the "Guardian Tree" was shining, as if it had been dew after a long drought, absorbing Xuanyuan's fighting spirit and integrating it into the teaching chapters condensed by the "Hundred Saints Hongguang". The mysterious runes began to emit light bit by bit, and the originally withered and silent breath was suppressed.

"Okay, that's great, there is hope for repairing the 'Guardian Barrier'." Zhan Huang was very excited.

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