Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1040 The Calculation of God's Yao

"Successful, I knew that this brat Xuanyuan would definitely succeed." Zhan Huang was extremely excited, he laughed loudly, he was so proud, his blood was boiling all over his body, and his body was trembling because of it.

On the other hand, Long Bi had a mournful face, that was helpless, and now the entire 'Fierce God's Nest' was about to shake, he seemed to have seen the scene of countless gods blocking this piece of starry sky.

After going through such a long time, the Protoss does not know how many people died. The sun and moon erode this 'guardian barrier', painstaking efforts, effort, and countless years of waiting, but now they return in one day. On that first day, it was even worse than the 'Guardian Barrier' of that day.

At the moment when the 'Guardian Barrier' was repaired, the original 'Zhongtian Emperor', 'North Heaven Emperor', 'Western Heaven Disciple' and 'East Heaven Emperor' were protected by the quasi-emperor figures around them, retreating rapidly, and a piece of Daoist light shot out one after another , a piece of semi-superior Taoist artifacts manifested, protecting them, so they are still in a mess.

Because the power of the 'Guardian Barrier' is recovering, the power of each space has increased sharply. In the field they could step into, even a Protoss Quasi-Emperor would be struggling. Fortunately, they discovered it early and responded quickly, otherwise , I don’t know how he died.

The 'Emperor Zhongtian' spit out a big mouthful of blood, retreated to the edge of the 'Guardian Barrier', his eyelids twitched, watching the hundreds of millions of people of the God Race who were entrenched on it fall down one after another like dumplings, or directly melted For the sake of flying ash, the 'Guardian Barrier' exudes an incomparably vast aura throughout, which shocks people's hearts.

This is a total of billions of people of the God Race, among whom there are many immortals, immortals, sages, and even quasi-emperor figures who are in charge of the overall situation, but at the moment when the power of the 'guardian barrier' is restored.

They fell one after another, and no one can escape. Looking at the situation in front of us now, it means that the hope of the Protoss is shattered. Originally, we only need to wait for the "guardian barrier" to be broken, and the backup army of the Protoss will come. would be trampled to pieces, and now...

"What's going on, what's going on, isn't this 'Guardian Barrier' about to break? Why did it suddenly recover!" 'Zhongtian Dizi' roared angrily, his eyes were red, he It was the first time he was in such embarrassment, the flesh on his body exploded, exposing the white bones, everything happened so inexplicably, it made him hate it.

The 'North Heaven Emperor', the West Heaven Emperor's and the East Heaven Emperor's spirits were a bit small after all, and they didn't dare to go deep. Given the power of the scars on their bodies, they didn't go deep, and a trace of contempt flashed in their eyes, but he really wanted to compete with the 'Death Emperor', constantly attacking and killing to break the barrier and go deep.

Now that the 'Emperor of Death' has not come out yet, could it be that he fell into it?

Just when the "Emperor Zhongtian" was puzzled, a wave of extremely terrifying aura came, each one was the existence of the sage realm, and the gates of the starry sky opened, among the gods, for a while, I don't know how terrible Terrifying existences came one after another, and the majestic atmosphere made everyone breathless.

"What happened, and what did the emperors do?" Suddenly, a terrifying being who was at the peak of the quasi-emperor and not weaker than the war emperor spoke.

"We just entered it to hone it. I don't know why, this 'Guardian Barrier' suddenly recovered its own strength." The "Northern Emperor" looked terrified. If he retreated a little later, he would die unexpectedly.

"So cruel, could it be that the ancient emperors and ancient sages of the human race deliberately did this, we are all the blood of god emperors, this 'guardian barrier' has a second life, it is intentional when we enter it, suddenly break out."

"There is indeed such a possibility. The existence of these human races is deeply scheming, cunning and cunning, and it is impossible to guard against."

"You don't have to guess." Suddenly another voice came.

"Shen Yao, have you deduced something?" The existence of the quasi-emperor peak asked an elderly man beside him.

"The luck of the human race has declined. There is no doubt about it. This 'guardian barrier' did not burst out suddenly, but someone had planned it for a long time. The 'death-killing emperor' is among the human race. The inheritor!" The old man looked helpless, obviously, if it wasn't for the change in the "Guardian Barrier" just now, countless thoughts communicated with the spiritual power of the Hundred Saints in the "Nanyan World", causing chaos in the world and leaking a ray of Heaven's secret, he wouldn't know either.

"What? How is it possible? Then what's the matter with the divine aura on his body? The two existences beside him are also members of my divine clan, and he didn't propose to come to this 'guardian barrier'. It was suggested by the 'Dizi of Zhongtian'." The 'Dizi of Xitian' screamed, lest others would not know that this incident was caused by the 'Dizi of Zhongtian'.

The face of the "Emperor Zhongtian" became extremely ugly, and his hands were curled up like chicken feet with anger, thumping, thumping, paused, he suppressed the anger in his heart, and said:

"Forget it, since the matter has already happened, there is no point in pursuing anything further. What should we do now? After so many years, the resources of this starry sky have been eaten away by us. It is impossible for us to endure it for so many years. .”

Hearing the words of 'Emperor Zhongtian', many people fell silent. It is true that pursuing any responsibility now will not help the matter. If they are trapped here again, I am afraid that they will never make a comeback and destroy the world of Nanyan ' Chance is up.

"There is only one way now." Shen Yao's old eyes seemed to be able to see the deepest part of the legendary "Guardian Barrier", and he said forcefully, word by word:

"Only by beheading the existence pretending to be the 'Emperor's Son', can this 'Guardian Barrier' decline again."

"How is it possible, now that the 'Guardian Barrier' has recovered to be stronger than when it was in its heyday, even if we activate the supreme Dao weapon 'Fierce God's Nest', it will be difficult to kill him, let's take ten thousand steps back , Even if he is hacked into pieces, it will be of no use, right?" Immediately, a quasi-divine emperor of the Protoss asked doubtfully.

"No, I can feel that this person is an existence with astonishing great luck. He is the communication bridge between the 'Guardian Barrier' and the spiritual power of the saints. This person is an existence that can revive the race. If it is killed, it is tantamount to killing the last hope of the human race. At that time, the luck of the human race will decline faster, and this "guardian barrier" will not be able to sustain it for a long time, but we will have to wait for a long time. "

Among the protoss, there is also the technique of calculating everything between heaven and earth. The strength of this divine line, even compared to the terrifying existence in the "Tianji" of "Central China", is only stronger than weaker. His calculations are extremely accurate. It's just that in order to calculate this piece of information, he became even older and lost 10,000 years of life, which is a major blow for his age.

"Other than that, isn't there a way to break through this place as soon as possible?" asked the 'Emperor Zhongtian' respectfully.

"There is also, that is to capture the person pretending to be the 'death-killing emperor' alive, and use the supreme method of my gods to plunder the luck on his body and integrate it into the body of the emperor. The emperor is a symbol of me and the gods. Once Swallowing up his great luck will definitely make our Protoss thrive, and influence the secrets of the heavens in the dark, so that the 'guardian barrier' can be broken in the fastest way."

Shen Yao didn't want to use this method at first, he just wanted to kill Xuanyuan, he was afraid of accidents, after all, it's hard to say whether there will be an army of people to support him, and it is much more difficult to capture alive than to kill, especially such a statue A person with great luck.

"If that's the case, then capture him alive, our Protoss can't wait any longer." Hearing Shen Yao's words, the eyes of the princes were as bright as a 100,000-watt light bulb, coveting Xuanyuan's luck .

Hearing the reactions of several great emperors, Shen Yao sighed:

"Forget it, then please ask the gods to block this piece of starry sky to prevent this person from escaping. Remember, once you find that you can't capture him alive, you must kill him completely, otherwise, it is very likely to become the biggest disaster for my gods .”

"Is the matter so serious? It's nothing more than a lowly human race. Is the elder Shen Yao worrying too much?" 'Zhongtian Dizi' saw Shen Yao showing such an expression for the first time, a man who was even lower than himself Wait, and a person who is weaker than himself in strength and realm, can make a character like Shen Yao, and can have the great luck of saving the world, so that he can bear hatred in his heart. Who is this "death-killing emperor"?

"I just caught a ray of heavenly secret from him, and I lost my life for thousands of years, which is equivalent to the time that the ancient emperor of the human race can live for a lifetime, and no one has ever made me feel uneasy when I calculate. Unless it is to calculate the secret..." Shen Yao sighed and disappeared in front of everyone.

The 'Emperor Zhongtian' had a very ugly face. If he had known earlier, he should have killed the 'Emperor Desperate', so that such a big incident wouldn't have happened, but he didn't know everything earlier.

"Everyone hides in this cosmic starry sky with the secret technique of the gods, and manifests in twos and threes to patrol this star field. I don't believe that he can hide in it for a lifetime and never come out." A quasi-emperor peak state Existence, after an order, also disappeared in front of everyone.

Xuanyuan didn't know at this moment that outside the 'guardian barrier' he was already surrounded by countless terrifying existences of the Protoss, and they had set up many ambushes. Once he got out, he would definitely be unable to fly.

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