Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1041 Supreme Dao Body

Under the 'Guardian Tree'.

Xuanyuan stood with his hands behind his back, with a calm look on his face, looking at the 'Guardian Tree', with flowers and leaves scattered, it really is one flower, one world, one leaf, one holy way, let Xuanyuan thoroughly feel how terrifying this 'Guardian Barrier' is Xuanyuan was also very happy to be able to recover the power of the 'Guardian Barrier'.

However, at this moment, he is not more concerned about these things. There is only one thing, and that is Yuan'er. He looked into the sky and said slowly:

"Okay, now I have awakened the thoughts of the ancient great emperors and sages, the 'Guardian Barrier' is better than the first one, you should also keep your promise, let Yuan'er leave with me, and replace you I refined a supreme Tao body, I know that Yuan'er is God's favorite, after countless years, you know what kind of Tao body is more suitable for Yuan'er than me."

"Do you know how dangerous your current situation is? Don't you think about the way out for yourself?" God's mind smiled.

"I don't know, I just want you to keep your promise and refine me a supreme body that belongs to Yuan'er." Xuanyuan was decisive. He knew that the coming of the gods was certain, but the gods would not be able to defeat them for a while. Coming in, he naturally didn't have much fear.

"Let me remind you again, if you are for Yuan'er's supreme Taoist body, it is very likely that you will be stuck in this place for the rest of your life, and it will be difficult to leave. Now I have a way to let you leave this starry sky safely." God's thoughts resounded.

"There is only one chance to refine an excellent supreme body for Yuan'er. I have my own opinion on how to escape from the siege of the protoss. I don't need to worry about it. You just keep your promise. Don't squawk like a woman." Xuanyuan clanged powerfully and loudly, completely non-negotiable, while talking, Xuanyuan put the "five elements god stone", "heavenly god bone stone", "blood birth god stone", "ten thousand orifices god stone", "ice muscle god stone" They were drawn into the sky one after another, saying:

"Well, yes, these magical materials are extremely rare, but there are still nine kinds of auxiliary materials missing. Take out all the auxiliary materials on your body and let me choose them." decision.

Xuanyuan directly drew out all the auxiliary materials he had obtained along the way, and the sky was full of resplendent, colorful, and rich spiritual energy sweeping all directions. God didn't seem to expect that there were so many top-quality auxiliary materials on Xuanyuan's body.

For example, Black Dragon Blood Essence, Heavenly Mountain God Silkworm Corpse, Nine Layers Heavenly Jade, etc., all of them are top-grade accessories.

"There is still a lack of one main material." God said after taking out nine kinds of predestined relationship and the best auxiliary materials.

"What material?" Xuanyuan frowned.

"How can you have blood without flesh, let alone bones without flesh?"

Xuanyuan suddenly realized, paused, and said:

"Then it is feasible to use my flesh and blood? I am the 'body of myriad transformations', and I can evolve everything in the world, which is no worse than a miracle."

"Your meat, of course, is good, but compared to an item on your body, it is still much worse." God said in harmony.

"What is it?" Xuanyuan was puzzled, paused for a moment, then reflected, and said:

"I see, 'Blue Dragon Divine Fruit'."

As soon as the words fell, Xuanyuan drew out the 'Blue Dragon Divine Fruit' and raised it in the palm of his hand. This is the medicine of immortality.

It is self-evident for Yuaner's future benefits to use the medicine of immortality. Xuanyuan did not have the slightest reluctance to throw out the 'Blue Dragon Divine Fruit' very decisively.

I saw countless auspicious auras spouting from the 'Blue Dragon Divine Fruit', and an extremely majestic vitality swept across the nine heavens and ten earths, and Long Bi's eyes couldn't help but straighten.

"Damn it, this is the real supreme medicine. It takes countless years to conceive. Only the existence of the ancient emperor level can be qualified to possess it. This kid can get it. Could it be that he will become the ancient emperor in the future? ?"

Long Bi saw the heat, and his heart itched unbearably. If it wasn't that this place was inside the 'Guardian Barrier', he would have gone to grab it a long time ago. Even if he could bite off a bite of the fruit, it would be of great help to him.

"Hehe, the fruit condensed from each plant of the immortal medicine is extremely precious. I only need to take half of this 'Blue Dragon Fruit', and keep the other half for yourself." 'Qinglong Shenguo' is divided into two parts.

Xuanyuan took half of the 'Blue Dragon Divine Fruit' into his bosom, no matter what, as long as Yuan'er could have a supreme Taoist body, he would not be able to get rid of any treasures on his body.

Out of thin air, a mysterious melting pot of heaven and earth manifested, and God's thoughts began to refine Yuan'er's supreme Taoist body.

On the side, Yuan'er was very moved:

"Master, in fact, Yuan'er doesn't need a physical body to do it."

"Without a physical body, it will consume a lot of energy for your soul. I can't bear it. Only by allowing you to have a flawless Taoist god can you make a greater breakthrough. Those are just external objects. Their existence , just to fulfill us, there is nothing to care about." Xuanyuan smiled casually, not caring at all.

"Yuan'er doesn't care about that. What Yuan'er cares about is the safety of the master. Now that such a big thing has happened, there will inevitably be an army of gods outside to block everything. How will we leave at that time? I don't want the master to be It's dangerous, since God can let us leave safely, let's talk about the matter of the supreme body later?" Yuan'er had tears in her eyes, and she smiled slightly, she was both happy and worried at the same time.

"It's okay, let's settle the matter in front of us first." Xuanyuan said loudly, looking into the sky, the thought of the gods began to refine Yuan'er's Supreme Dao Body, and he knew that it would be difficult to refine it for a while, So he crossed his legs and went to comprehend the realm of the earth immortal.

"Yuan'er, why don't you quickly enter the melting pot of heaven and earth, what are you still doing?" God's thought suddenly came out.

Yuan'er's heart froze, she looked at Xuanyuan, Xuanyuan waved her hand, signaling to let Yuan'er go in.

In the end, Yuan'er sighed, rose into the sky, and directly merged into the 'melting furnace of heaven and earth', Xuanyuan was looking forward to the day when Yuan'er was released.

"It would be great if this kid could give me the remaining half of the 'Blue Dragon Fruit'." Long Bi was drooling, staring at Xuanyuan, as long as the 'Blue Dragon Fruit' was refined by him, he was confident that he would be able to Step into the realm of quasi-emperor!

"You can continue to dream." Zhan Huang smiled happily, and was joking with Long Bi at this time.

Long Bi's face turned green, and he was a little envious of Yuan'er in his heart. Almost no one could achieve Xuanyuan's step, a 'Blue Dragon Divine Fruit', such an immortal fruit, even a god emperor would not be willing to give it to himself son.

Xuanyuan closed his eyes, and the voice of the greedy old man immediately came from his heart:

"Haha, I told you boy, half of the 'Blue Dragon Divine Fruit' is gone, if 'Emperor Tun' finds out, he will hide in a corner and cry for three days and three nights."

"That can't be helped. Yuan'er's Supreme Dao Body is the most important thing. I believe that as long as Yuan'er has this Supreme Dao Body, her strength will definitely be able to step into the realm of a half-step sage, or even a sage." Xuanyuan Do not care about the gains and losses of the 'Blue Dragon Fruit'.

As soon as the words fell, Xuanyuan moved the world with his heart, and suddenly, he found that the place he was in was dark in all directions, the gray mist was rolling, and there were deafening waves coming from faintly, one after another, like the tide rolling in barking dog.

In the darkness, Xuanyuan felt that the four sides of the world were staring at him with pairs of bloody eyes.

"Boy, you have mobilized the power of heaven and earth and entered the gate of the earth fairy. This is the first gate to comprehend the realm of the earth fairy. The gate of the earth dog. Use your destiny to fight all the way, and you will understand, what is the truth?" How thick." The voice of the greedy old man came from Xuanyuan's heart.

"Wow woof woof..."

Almost at the same time, I don't know how many red-eyed fangs, bloody and ferocious vicious dogs, full of death, and as big as a bull, pulled towards Xuanyuan to kill.

Xuanyuan didn't move, and directly hooked his own fate, and the 'Holy Emperor Fighting Hongmeng' fell down in an instant.

I saw countless ground dogs being crushed to pieces in an instant, streaks of blood blasted from their bodies, and merged into Xuanyuan's life form one after another. Indistinctly, one could see that under Xuanyuan's life form, there began to appear The phantom of the earth.

Xuanyuan was walking in the darkness, but his perception was extremely sensitive. There was no dog to stop him, and finally he came to a bronze door with a dog's head. There was a sound, and the ground dog door was blasted open in an instant.

The moment Xuanyuan stepped into the Earth Dog Gate, a mysterious and mysterious power of the earth merged into Xuanyuan's fate. Xuanyuan suddenly felt that he was connected to the earth. strength.

He has been accumulating in this realm for a while, and he has devoured and refined how many origins of the gods along the way. His strength is already enough, and now it is easy to break through the first portal.

When Xuanyuan stepped into the second portal, it was a quiet world, with no sound, and strange figures flashed past.

"This is the Earth Thief Sect. The Dao thieves here don't steal other things, they only know the Dao's insights and supernatural powers from others..." The greedy old man smiled, obviously not very concerned.

The vision of "Holy Emperor Fighting Hongmeng" fell down, and in an instant, various figures let out miserable howls:

"What kind of character is this, so scary?"

Xuanyuan showed no mercy at all, everything he passed was shattered, and just like that, he stepped into the third door 'Diyaomen'.

The result can be imagined, the fifth way is 'Dijian Gate', the sixth way is 'Dixie Gate', the seventh way is 'Dizhuang Gate', the eighth way is 'Dixing Gate', and the ninth way is 'Diyin Gate' ...

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