Among the portals of the Dao of Earth Immortals, Xuanyuan was invincible along the way, and no portal could resist him for a moment. Every time Xuanyuan entered a new portal, his power became stronger and stronger, soaring upwards. The creatures that Xuanyuan encountered on the road were also horrifying. Any random one could make it difficult for an earth immortal of the same level, but for Xuanyuan, there was no threat at all, and they could be destroyed with a snap of a finger.

In Xuanyuan's vision, the ground under his feet became thicker and thicker during the "Holy Emperor's Battle of Hongmeng", just because Xuanyuan broke through layer after layer along the way, breaking through door after door, which made his understanding of the earth more profound , Xuanyuan also began to understand the meaning of this sentence, how thick the soil is.

Destroyed, like a broken bamboo, Xuanyuan broke through sixty-nine earth gates in a row, and finally stopped at the seventieth gate, the 'diyong gate'.

At this moment, between Xuanyuan's gestures, he already had the thickness of the earth and its boundless power. The fighting spirit that the earth soul can hold has become wider, and his understanding of the heaven and earth road has become more profound.

The last three gates are not because Xuanyuan can't break through, but because he wants to strengthen himself, to fight steadily, and to make a breakthrough at the moment when his savings reach the fullest. This has always been Xuanyuan's way of promotion, after all, his physique is special , it is always good to be cautious.

Xuanyuan plans to condense his earth soul to the state of full Dzogchen, and then break through the last three great gates and step into the peak state of earth immortal. The soul of the earth is condensed to the realm of Dzogchen.

Along the way, when Xuanyuan's comprehension of attainments in the realm of earth and immortality skyrocketed, Xuanyuan's understanding of "War of Ten Thousand Transformations" also became deeper, and he was already able to imitate other people's supernatural powers, as long as he took a look at him , will be deduced, unless it is the supreme Taoism, the supreme ancient technique, the supreme thaumaturgy, if Xuanyuan reaches a certain high level, it is not impossible to deduce it.

Seven days and seven nights passed, and Long Bi and Zhan Huang who were standing beside him clearly felt that every step of Xuanyuan's strength improvement was extremely terrifying. Now Xuanyuan was about to step into the realm of the peak of the earth immortal, and at this moment, even if he met The half-step sages can also attack and kill each other head-on without the slightest fear.

Any confidence comes from human strength. Xuanyuan is confident that with his current strength, he will return to the 'Central China'. Even the major forces must take a good look at themselves.

"It's terrible, this kid's physique is too heaven-defying." Long Bi took a breath, full of horror, the power of the 'Physical Transformation' was far beyond his imagination.

"Although it is against the sky, but he wants to condense his soul. The resources he needs are beyond the reach of ordinary people. This kind of physique can only be born in troubled times, killing and devouring non-stop, so that he has the opportunity to rise step by step. , in a peaceful and prosperous age, ordinary powerful forces, even with such a physique, cannot afford to cultivate. He was able to break through the gates of the earth one after another. , to be able to develop so quickly, no wonder this kind of physique is called a demon physique!" Zhan Huang was extremely emotional.

At this moment, Xuanyuan opened his eyes, stood up, looked at the two, and asked in a loud voice:

"How about it, have you observed the protoss army outside the 'Guardian Barrier' in the past few days?"

"There are protoss patrolling guards in twos and threes patrolling across the starry sky, but obviously things are definitely not as simple as they seem on the surface, so you kid should not plan to go back at this time, otherwise, you will only be courting death. It doesn't matter if you die, But don't take me with you."

At this time, it is even more impossible for Long Bi to let Xuanyuan die. While Xuanyuan's strength has been continuously improving in the past few days, he feels that his physical body has become stronger involuntarily. Let the avatar follow suit, maybe you can't get rid of Xuanyuan's body, and you can use his incarnation as a sojourn. As long as Xuanyuan's strength and status soar, there will be a day when you will come out.

However, after all, Longbi is comparable to the existence of the ancient emperor, and it is impossible to give in to a person in his heart. Even though Xuanyuan is talented, talented, unique, and unparalleled in wisdom, but in the face of absolute strength, all these are nothing. , only power is the symbol of eternity.

"That's right, I think there should be a bigger ambush waiting for us." Zhan Huang nodded, the distance was too far, although he didn't sense the ambush of a master, but over the years, he felt that things were far away. It's not as simple as what I saw, this time it really made him very special. If there are twenty or so figures who are immortal, they can barely leave the "fierce god's nest", but all these things now , there is no hope.

Just as everyone was talking, the ancient rune imprints rose up from under their feet, the ground as clear as glass glowed with glistening light, and in the 'Guardian Tree', hundreds of leaves and flowers bloomed, and all kinds of auras , All kinds of Dao textures formed are integrated into the furnace of heaven and earth, and become a part of refining Yuan'er's supreme Dao body. I don't know what kind of medicine is sold in God's gourd.

Immediately, Xuanyuan felt the extremely majestic power contained in the melting pot of that day, and these powers quickly gathered together. Xuanyuan knew that this supreme Taoist body was about to become...

Sure enough, on the eighth day, the mind of God let out a leisurely sigh and said:

"Well, it's time for me to leave now. I hope this Supreme Dao Body can help you leave."

As soon as the words fell, the thoughts of God disappeared completely, and Yuan'er descended from the sky, dressed in blue silk flying, dressed in water green neon clothes, and a pair of exquisite and perfect bare feet stepped on the void, crystal clear.

Her eyes are like stars, bright and charming, on the white and pointed chin, there are white teeth, and her smile is like a flower.

Yuan'er slowly fell down and came to Xuanyuan's side. This time, Xuanyuan felt it thoroughly. Happy, he took Yuan'er's hand, and he crossed the void outside the territory, just for Yuan'er.

"Yuan'er, come home with me."

"Yuan'er understands, but if we want to leave, master, it will not be easy. Although I can control some power of the 'Guardian Barrier' now, it is still too difficult to break through the obstacles of the Protoss with them." Yuan'er's expression was very worried, she was holding Xuanyuan's hand, and she liked the real, warm and reassuring feeling of being held by Xuanyuan.

This time, refining the Supreme Dao Body, the main materials and those auxiliary materials, the preciousness of the 'Qinglong Divine Fruit', needless to say, God's thoughts are also integrated into the sacred idea of ​​the 'Guardian Tree' in this pure land , blending into Yuan'er's body, making Yuan'er give people an indescribable sacredness, people can't help but respect and dare not profane, these are all from the heart.

"Huh? Along the way, I did keep an eye out, but now that the gods are so powerful, I really can't be careless, otherwise, if I make a mistake, it will be difficult to recover." Xuanyuan thought for a long time, looking around, he knew this It is the center of the 'Guardian Barrier', and no matter how powerful the protoss are, it is impossible for them to enter.

"Yuan'er, you said you can now control the power of this 'protective barrier', how far is it?"

Yuan'er closed her eyes, felt it carefully, and said affirmatively:

"It's about 100,000 miles away. If it is farther away, the strength will be weakened a lot. In other words, as long as we are within 100,000 miles of the 'Guardian Barrier', we will still be safe and sound. Master, what are you going to do?"

"Boy, it's really hard for you to fly with your wings. This cosmic starry sky is often tens of billions of miles away. Is it because this starry sky is too small, and there are so many gods that it is difficult for you to escape. Basically every There will be a net of gods everywhere, and you will never be able to break through." Long Bi knew deeply that among the gods, there are countless large formations, and relying on the strength of a group of people, it is difficult to escape from the trap.

Even if he was as strong as the Emperor of War, he couldn't help but nodded, agreeing with Long Bi's statement for the first time, saying:

"That's right, indeed, and the 'Fierce God's Nest' itself is a supreme Dao weapon, even if they can't exert the power of the 'Fierce God's Nest', they can wipe us out and kill us."

Xuanyuan felt a little troubled, the pig-headed emperor gave him the jade platform of the ten emperors, but even if he used up all the jade platforms of the ten emperors, he might not be able to escape the danger. After all, the Supreme Dao Artifact is incomplete. The other party controls the Supreme Dao Artifact. With a single blow, he can kill himself. In addition to trapping himself here and cultivating to the realm of the Great Emperor, it may not be enough to be a quasi-Emperor, but Xuanyuan's relatives and friends in "Central China" can't wait, and they don't know what kind of changes have taken place in "Central China" these days.

How many people hate them because of Xuanyuan, how many people want to get news about Xuanyuan from them, how many people want to eradicate the green dragon gate that is still in its infancy, there are too many.

But now, I can't think of a better way.

"What method?" Seeing Xuanyuan's flickering eyes, the two old men, Long Bi and Zhanhuang, became energetic in an instant, knowing that once Xuanyuan thought of a method, it would definitely work.

"That is, I will single-handedly challenge the Four Great Emperors. If I win...hehehe..."

For some reason, Long Bi always felt that Xuanyuan's smile was a little sinister, creepy and cold all over.

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