Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1058 Suspended Killing Order!

Chapter 1058 Suspended Killing Order!

Using ground thorns to attract Xuanyuan's attention, the existence in the dark carefully planned all this, just to create opportunities for themselves.

This slash is enough to crush some heavenly souls who have achieved great success in the realm of celestial beings, but nothing else. This is because the power drawn by Xuanyuan's breakthrough from the gate of the earth is far beyond what ordinary strong people of the same realm can bear.

However, in the face of such a blow, Xuanyuan did not dodge or evade, because after condensing the earth soul for so long, Xuanyuan wanted to test the strength of his earth soul a long time ago, only heard a loud bang, a dragon headed human body, holding two The existence of the knife manifested itself.

The two knives in his hand slashed directly at Xuanyuan's neck, blasting out pieces of dao patterns, but Xuanyuan remained motionless. Now that he has broken through so many earth gates, Xuanyuan's earth soul has become extremely condensed, coupled with the essence of Xuanyuan's earth soul It goes without saying that he is far superior to others, and he has also practiced "Three Flowers Gathering on the Top".

Xuanyuan only felt a pain in his neck, just a pain, nothing else.

The death energy in those two knives could not corrode Xuanyuan's earth soul at all.

This is an evil god in the "Dikuimen". If Xuanyuan wants to step into the peak realm of the earth immortal, he must smash it. This evil god is not only good at attacking, but also proficient in formations. When breaking through the peak realm of the Earth Immortal, he died in this portal.

Seeing that the two knives in his hands were unable to cause even the slightest bit of damage to Xuanyuan, the Evil God was dumbfounded, and his body trembled uncontrollably. At this moment, he realized how powerful the person in front of him was:

"How is it possible that someone's earth soul can be so powerful!"

Every time one of the seventy-two gates is broken through, one can understand the way of the earth. According to legend, only those who have comprehended the way of the earth to the extreme can break through all the way without hindrance.

Just when the evil god was about to pull away, Xuanyuan turned over and slapped his palm on the evil god's chest. There was a sudden shock and a bang, and the evil god was smashed to pieces in an instant.

Xuanyuan originally wanted to play with him, but the 'Jiuli Sect' was completely wiped out, and Xuanyuan didn't have that patience anymore.

This evil deity turned into many ways of the earth and merged into Xuanyuan's fate. Xuanyuan strode forward, and all the formations along the way were crushed. They were all swallowed into Xuanyuan's fate, which made Xuanyuan's fate extremely precipitated. At this moment, it seemed to have the weight to carry everything.

This is an essential leap. Now Xuanyuan has truly stepped into the realm of the peak of the earth immortal. As long as he wants to, he can break through at any time, step into the realm of the heavenly immortal, and attack the thirty-six heavens. See how high it is today!

When Xuanyuan reached the end of the 'Dikui Gate', he could no longer go deep. He finally realized how thick the ground was.

He restrained his earth soul and opened his eyes. The 'Jiuli Cult' in front of him was lifeless. He saw a big drum in Zhan Huang's hand. With overwhelming intentions, decisive killing, and unpredictable fierce power, Zhan Huang said to Xuanyuan:

"This is a secret treasure in the 'Jiuli Sect', named 'Jiuli War Drum', and it is used for war. If you activate those war puppets and urge the 'Jiuli War Drum', they can double their combat power. "

Xuanyuan nodded, and put away the 'Jiuli Battle Drum':

"Thank you, Senior War Emperor..."

While talking, Xuanyuan looked at Long Bi, and Long Bi's expression changed, and he hurriedly said with a smile:

"Haha, don't look at me, I'm poorer than anyone else, your nine clones searched all the way, but I don't know how many times more ruthless than I am, I should cry poor to you, this damn" Jiulijiao, "It's okay to let my body melt into the poison, what is it for, it will be difficult for me to recover some strength, how can it compare to your boy, the 'body of all transformations', can devour the world of luck and transformation Everything in between makes me feel so bad..."

Xuanyuan shrugged, he knew that Long Bi was changing the subject, so he said indifferently:

"Let's go, go in the direction of 'Ghost Mountain', I'm afraid it's too late, and it won't be good if there are some changes."

Xuanyuan knew that there was a war between good and evil factions in the 'Nanyan Xianzhou', and he didn't know if the descendants of the nine ghosts and immortals were safe. One of the nine dead means that the half-step "Eternal Divine Soul Art" has nothing to do with it. He doesn't want to have any accidents. A seal of a starry sky, but that is too far away, 10,000 years is too long, just seize the day and night.

"Huh? You can't wait any longer?" Zhan Huang raised his brows and said.

"I'm afraid that the descendants of the nine great ghosts and immortals will be born, in case there are many nights and dreams, so we can't procrastinate any longer, and we will destroy three big forces in a row. Maybe they will unite together, and when the time comes, they will burn everything together, and they will get nothing. It is better to do other things first, let them prepare hard for a game, and when they relax their vigilance, do a few more votes Big ones, leave 'Nanyan Xianzhou' completely." Xuanyuan said with a smile.

"Hahaha, it's really bad luck for anyone who opposes you." Long Bi laughed a few times. It is true that Xuanyuan's behavior along the way seemed lawless, but Xuanyuan's thoughts were extremely delicate, and he had a good grasp of the scale of killing. Very good, at least in this 'Land of Slaughter', it's nothing to wipe out the three major forces at once.

Zhan Huang nodded, heaved a sigh of relief, Xuanyuan kept devouring and searching for everything along the way, he was really afraid that he would hurt Tianhe, and it would damage Xuanyuan's practice, and even his life. alright.

A group of people walked towards the direction of the 'Ghost Mountain', Xuanyuan asked in his heart:

"This time, how much wealth have I accumulated in total?"

All these are counted by the greedy old man. Now the greedy old man is very happy. Being with Xuanyuan for so long, this stage is the happiest, without too much fear.

"There are about 300 million trillion celestial coins. Not bad. There are countless spiritual sources and celestial sources. If you make a lot of money, there are also many magic treasures, fighting charms, celestial pills, and dao pills. Anyway, I will break through the top-grade Taoist artifacts just around the corner." The greedy old man laughed. Dao, that's a pride.

"If these wealth are used to develop the 'Wings of Myriad Transformations', will it be possible to return to the 'Central China'?" This is the focus of Xuanyuan's concern. Now he just wants to go home because it is too difficult.

"It's definitely possible. After all, with such a large amount of wealth, 'Central China' itself is not close to 'Nanyan Xianzhou', but it is not far away. The premise is to know the starry sky coordinates leading to 'Central China', otherwise You aimlessly cross the starry sky, even if there are 3 billion trillion Celestial Coins, you will consume them all. You can see that many ancient figures in the 'Nanyan Xianzhou' want to find the whereabouts of the 'Central Shenzhou', If it didn’t work out, you’ll know.”

Xuanyuan pondered for a moment, and felt that it was still necessary to continue robbing the rich and helping the poor, just in case, the "Ghost Mountain" was a huge force, and he would make the last stroke when he got the "Eternal Soul Technique".

It was on the way Xuanyuan and his party headed to the 'Ghost Mountain'.

The three quasi-emperors of 'Wu Calamity Patriarch', 'Exian Patriarch' and 'Jiuli Patriarch' visited 'Xuanting Gate'.

The 'Xuanting Gate' is not on the land of the 'Luantu Domain', but in the sky.

They regard themselves as the kings of this land, ruling everything, just like the rumored heaven.

The Heavenly Court naturally also learned from the words of the "Princes and Hundred Saints" that they wanted to imitate the Heavenly Court of the "Central China" and use their supernatural powers to open up a giant sky city in the sky of the "Chaotic Slaughter Domain". The momentum is magnificent, and it occupies tens of thousands of miles of airspace.

If it occupies tens of thousands of miles of land on the earth, it is naturally nothing. However, in the sky, floating and standing, the sky city built can be so vast and powerful, which shows how ordinary it is.

It is said that the 'Xuanting Gate' was created by a great emperor who asked the ancients back then. His name is unknown, but from the 'Xuanting Gate' it can be seen that his methods are extremely powerful. 'The siege of the major forces, he has long wanted to name this place the Heavenly Court.

The three quasi-emperors came together, even the 'Xuanting Gate' did not dare to underestimate them, knowing that they came to seek refuge in the 'Xuanting Gate', the owner of the 'Xuanting Gate' was overjoyed immediately, In this way, he can add a strong stroke to his achievements.

When the three quasi-emperors talked about their enemies, the master of the 'Xuanting Gate' didn't look very good either.

"'Zhan Wuya''s God of War kills gold, and there is also an ancient fierce dragon from the protoss. Although he is the only one whose strength has reached the peak of the sages, he is not easy to deal with."

If it was easy to deal with, the 'Evil Immortal Valley', 'Wu Calamity Gate', and 'Jiuli Cult' wouldn't collapse so quickly, and the opponent's methods can be imagined.

"It's better to strike first. If they grow up, their goal will be the entire 'Xuanting Gate'. This is a catastrophe. If we hadn't gone out to find the whereabouts of the 'Righteous Qiankun Sword', we would have I'm afraid I won't be able to stand here."

"Yeah, this fierce dragon is always a big worry for us. If he keeps devouring and slaughtering him, and when he recovers to the realm of the quasi-emperor, there will be few people in the entire 'Chaotic Slaughter Region'." able to stop him."

"I think he is trying to show us off, and he wants to use the power of the 'Death God Valley' to dominate the entire 'Land of the Slaughter' and compete against the righteous way of all races!"

The three quasi-emperors, you and I, every word pierced the heart of the 'Xuanting Gate'. A moment later, a majestic and magnificent voice came from the 'Xuanting Gate':

"Issue the 'Hanging Court Kill Order' to gather the powerhouses of the major forces in the 'Land of Slaughter' to kill that fierce dragon. It seems that I will go out personally."

This is the existence of a half-step emperor, one of the masters of the 'Xuanting Gate', only one step away from stepping into the emperor's mirror completely.

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