Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1059 Hunting

Chapter 1059 Hunting

The word "hanging court".

The Court of Hanging Heaven, in the dark, has a somewhat meaning of the Court of Heaven, and the expression is not obvious, just because in the ancient times, the "Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor" and the "Princes and Hundred Saints" had great prestige in the "Nanyan World" In the eyes of countless people, the "Heavenly Court" they exist is supreme. If the "Xuanting Gate" dares to use the word "Heavenly Court", it will be wiped out immediately.

Although many major forces in the 'Land of Tu' are unwilling to admit it on the surface, the 'Xuantingmen' is the master of the 'Land'.

But when encountering major events, such as competing for the "Righteous Qiankun Sword" with the Zhengdao Wanzu, they still unite with the "Xuanting Gate" as the leader, because the "Xuanting Gate" is very powerful, and they have to admittedly.

The 'Xuanting Gate' is like the Heavenly Court in the 'Land of Slaughter', ruling all directions, as long as an order is given, all major forces dare not refuse to follow.

This time, 'Xuanting Gate' didn't know that the three quasi-emperor figures, 'Ancestor Wu', 'Ancestor Exian' and 'Ancestor Jiuli' wanted to use the power of 'Xuanting Gate' to avenge them , the 'Xuanting Gate' also wants to take advantage of this incident to establish its own prestige thoroughly, and let the major forces in the entire 'Luantu Domain' pay tribute to them and submit to them, in order to get the blessing of the 'Xuanting Gate' , from a long-term point of view, this significance is great.

Let them know that the 'Xuantingmen' also got three quasi-emperor figures, and their strength has greatly increased.

After all, there are very few quasi-emperor figures like this, and the three big forces can barely squeeze out three. Each of these figures can become the master of ordinary big forces.

And the so-called 'Xuanting Killing Order' represents the highest will of the 'Xuanting Gate'. Once this order is issued, all major forces in the 'Luantu Domain' must obey the order of the 'Xuanting Gate' and kill the 'Xuanting Gate'. Hanging gate' the person to kill.

So as long as someone dares to offend the 'Xuanting Gate' in the land of 'Luantu Domain', there is no way to escape.

Hearing that the master in the "Xuanting Gate" issued the "Xuanting Killing Order", the three quasi-emperor figures were as if they had been beaten with chicken blood, and they were extremely excited, because there had been no "Xuanting Killing Order" for many years. The order to kill is issued, and the major forces sometimes have to rely on the "Xuanting Gate", so as long as the "Order to Kill" comes out, they can only follow through.

Now that the 'Xuanting Gate' is willing to make a move, there is a chance to get revenge. Although the other party is also an extremely terrifying existence, compared to the 'Xuanting Gate', it is obviously not a bit worse.

Because the "Xuanting Gate" was created by an ancient emperor, its background is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary big forces. There are only two supreme Taoist weapons in such a huge "Luantu Domain", and one of them can be mastered In the hands of the 'Xuanting Gate', this is why the major forces in the 'Luantu Domain' are all headed by the 'Xuanting Gate' at critical moments. Only with the Supreme Dao Artifact can they have The right to speak.

As long as the Supreme Taoist Artifact comes out, even the fierce dragon who has never been in the past, and the "God of War Killing Gold" at the peak of Zhundi will definitely not be able to resist, even the master of "God of War Killing Gold" Zhan Wu Ya only has one semi-superior Taoist weapon.

Once the 'Hanging Court Kill Order' is issued, Xuanyuan and his party will have nowhere to hide in the 'Land of Slaughter'.

"The sects of the few of you have been wiped out? How is the situation? Tell me about it!" Suddenly a majestic voice asked.

"That's right, all the people in our sect were killed up and down, and they robbed all of our life savings. Now, on them, there are at least ten billion trillion heavenly coins worth money!"

"Ten billion trillion!" Even the head of the 'Xuanting Gate' couldn't help gasping when he heard this. This amount is too big. This is only their preliminary estimate. The forces were completely wiped out, all were looted, all added up, with such a huge wealth, he still believed it, and even more.

Because 'Er Xiangu', 'Wu Calamity Gate' and 'Jiuli Sect' are all famous powers in the 'Luantu Domain', since the creation of the sect, the means of collecting money are not ordinary big powers. can be compared.

However, they still don't know that for Xuanyuan, all the snatched things are far from enough. They are afraid that if they know Xuanyuan's thoughts, they will be so angry that they vomit blood.

"That's right, everything we have collected over the years has been taken away by them. Some things are even priceless in the market. They cannot be bought with money. The value is immeasurable. The door owner must pay for it We call the shots."

The three quasi-emperors spoke vaguely and vaguely, but because of this, they were able to seduce others.

"Do you know where they are now?" The voice of the half-step emperor came out, obviously he also wanted to make a move. , can also be killed, he believes that what the three quasi-emperors said is true.

"My 'Jiuli Cult' has just been destroyed, and they should be in the area of ​​the 'Jiuli Cult' now. I think with their greedy personality, the next big force will inevitably be the next big force, 'Eight Fierce Caves. ', we just need to rush to the 'Eight Fierce Cave', and when they attack the 'Eight Fierce Cave', we can kill them completely by surprise." How could he not be angry if his baby was poached away like this? He can't wait to kill a big one. The other party is only four people, and they have wiped out the entire 'Jiuli Sect' in this way. He wants to kill tens of thousands of people to relieve his hatred.

"Okay, as you say." Emperor Banbu issued an order, and once the "Hanging court killing order" came out, the masters of all major forces would receive the killing order immediately and gather in the "Eight Fierce Caves".

"But just in case, if they didn't go to the 'Eight Fierce Cave', people from all major forces should inquire about the whereabouts of these four people." The appearance of the people has been inquired clearly, and now they have evolved with supernatural powers and appeared in front of everyone. As long as the "killing order in the air" is issued, they will naturally have nowhere to hide.

"Well, what the 'Exian Patriarch' said is very true."

As soon as the voice fell, with the 'Xuanting Gate' as the center, a series of cold lights flew through the air to the major forces. The will of the 'Xuanting Gate' and the information conveyed were all in it, and the major forces received the news Afterwards, I couldn't help but feel a huge shock, especially the 'Eight Fierce Caves' as if I was facing a formidable enemy.

"The disciples of the 'Eight Fierce Cave' listened to the order and activated the 'Eight Fierce Locking Dragon Formation' to block any powerful enemies that might be approaching, waiting for rescue."

"Cave Master, what's going on? Are the rumors true?"

"That's right, 'Er Xiangu', 'Wu Calamity Gate' and 'Jiuli Cult' were all destroyed. I thought they were singing a big show, but I didn't expect it to be true. Presumably all the major forces will also receive the news Bar."

"It's actually such a young man who destroyed the 'Exian Valley', 'Wu Calamity Gate' and 'Jiuli Cult'. What, that fierce dragon is still alive?"

"At this stage, the 'Chaotic Tuyu' is really troublesome. Could it be that the 'God of War Killing Gold' took action because of the war with the righteous people in the previous stage?"

The leaders of the major forces who may be violated at any time in the surrounding area were shocked and talked a lot.

In the remote areas, the big forces that have not yet received the information also expressed their shock.

"What, 'Exian Valley', 'Wu Calamity Gate', and 'Jiuli Sect' have been wiped out. What kind of person has such great supernatural powers?"

"Hey, I never expected that there would be such a thing in 'Er Xiangu', 'Wu Calamity Gate' and 'Jiuli Cult', hahaha."

"Hmph, it's none of my 'Ghosting Mountain' business, it's impossible to come to my place after such a distance, anyway, for the sake of 'Xuanting Gate', let the people below go find out the news Otherwise, 'Xuantingmen' will lose face."

Indeed, the 'Ghost Mountain' is the farthest away, because they will fight with the human race from time to time at the junction of the righteous way of the human race. How can they care about these miscellaneous things? Although it is said that three major forces have been destroyed, but for him Speaking of it, it has nothing to do with it at all. Naturally, he didn't want to waste effort, but the ruler of the 'Ghost Mountain' didn't expect that Xuanyuan and his party had already headed straight for the 'Ghost Mountain'.

All of a sudden, the appearances of Xuanyuan, Yuan'er, Zhan Huang, and Long Bi were known to all the major forces in the entire 'Luantu Domain'.

A hunt for Xuanyuan and his party has begun.

"I said, are you tired, boy? With our current strength, do we still need to change our appearance? As long as I make a move, there will be no match in the world!" Long Bi complained, because his current appearance is not as good as before. handsome.

"At any time, especially when the enemy is dark and we are bright, don't underestimate your opponent. Now that we have turned light into darkness, it is beneficial to us." Xuanyuan looked very calm. Consider it carefully, because it is an important place for transportation extending in all directions. There were people from all major forces. On that day, I made a sudden attack. Many people had the foresight to escape in advance. Presumably, countless people already know what my group looks like now. , coupled with the fact that he had wiped out three big forces in a row, in the 'Luantu Domain', there would naturally be local snakes.

That was the 'Xuanting Gate', and on the map Li Yue gave her, the 'Xuanting Gate' was marked in purple.

This represents the most powerful existence in the 'Luan Tu Domain', and is the leader of the major forces in the 'Luan Tu Domain'.

Now that I am lawless in the 'Luantu Domain', to a certain extent, I am slapping the 'Xuantingmen' in the face, I am afraid they will not tolerate me.

Sure enough, everything was as Xuanyuan expected, the 'Xuanting Gate' issued a killing order, and wherever they went, they saw their original appearance, and there were extremely generous rewards. People recognized them, and two days later, they descended in the sky of 'Ghost Mountain'.

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