Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1061 Suppressing Ghost Immortals

Chapter 1061 Suppressing Ghost Immortals

After going through the great prohibition of 'Baptism of Ten Thousand Transformations', and being controlled by Xuanyuan's 'Fierce Spirit of Seizing the House', the four ghosts have now completely become Xuanyuan's slaves.

Looking at the four great ghosts, now there are only three ghosts and immortals left. Only when they are all subdued, can they have a chance to get the "Eternal Divine Soul Art".

Xuanyuan frowned, looked at the 'Nine Palaces Ghost Venerable' and the 'Seven Star Ghost Venerable', and asked:

"What kind of excuse do you think it would be more appropriate to go to the three ghosts? So as not to make them suspicious?"

"This is indeed a little troublesome. Generally, when they summon us, they only talk to us alone. The other accompanying people are not qualified to see them. The rules are strict. If there is a problem with the first or second place, it will be leaked." If there is even a hint of wind, it will be difficult to find the third one." 'Jiugong Guizun' is also somewhat difficult, after all, what Xuanyuan is doing now is only allowed to succeed, not to fail.

'Seven Star Ghost Venerable' paused, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he said excitedly:

"Yes, we can say that we have captured four human races with special physiques and want to pay tribute to them. In this way, isn't it all right? You must know that the three great ghosts are flocking to special physiques. I also explained in the last conversation We must pay more attention to them, they don't want ordinary special physiques!"

"Well, that's good, then let's do it like this..." Xuanyuan nodded. The existence of special physique is extremely important for ghosts and immortals. Having a strong physical body can make them stronger. They are terrifying, and if they are masters, they will be a humanoid armor, which can display their strength to the fullest. After all, it is disadvantageous to fight against the enemy with a soul body.

A physical body with a special physique is not just as simple as giving them an extra life, it can also play an extremely critical role in improving their realm in the future.

"If that's the case, then I'll make some arrangements." After the 'Nine Palace Ghost Venerable' and the 'Seven Star Ghost Venerable' bowed towards Xuanyuan at the same time, they left the stone palace. The four surrendered ghost masters also left together, each returning to their respective hilltops. Of course, Xuanyuan wanted them to search for as much money as possible before he left.

After all, if he couldn't find a way to return to the 'Central China', Xuanyuan wanted to go back even if he was traveling all the way across the starry sky, because after staying for so many years, it was hard for Xuanyuan to let go of many people in the 'Central China'.

"This 'spirit of seizing the house' is really powerful." Zhan Huang looked at the six departing ghosts and said with emotion.

"Haha, it's nothing. In the face of absolute power, all conspiracies are useless. Now it's only because it can be used against the three great ghosts. If it is against the emperor's realm, everything is in vain. Let’s talk about whether they can see through the opportunity first, even if they can gain their trust and carry out an assassination, it may not be able to cause a little damage to them.” Xuanyuan smiled, disapproving.

"You can't say that. There are some things that can't be fought against, but can be outsmarted. If you despise these 'evil spirits', give me some and let me order them around." Long Bi laughed.

Xuanyuan spat at him:

"Beautiful thinking!"

At this moment, I saw the 'Jiugong Guizun' who had just left not long ago came back from outside the stone hall.

"Master, it's not good, something serious happened."

Xuanyuan frowned:

"What's the matter? Talk slowly if you have something to do, don't worry."

"There is a big man in the 'Xuanting Gate' who is going to kill you. This is the news I just received. It is a half-step emperor figure, holding a supreme Taoist weapon, and wants to kill you completely. He led people to ambush In the 'Eight Fierce Caves', maybe he felt that the master kept plundering and destroying all the way, and the 'Eight Fierce Caves' was the place to pass through, so he set up a trap and waited for the master to drill in." 'Nine Palace Ghost Venerable' The expression is very dignified, the meaning of a half-step emperor is extremely terrifying.

The quasi-emperor is the crown prince, and he is still a growing person. The half-step emperor is the new emperor who has been recognized by all civil and military officials, and he is only one step away from ascending the throne.

Zhundi is only qualified to become a great emperor. After reaching the peak of Zhundi, it is not easy to step into the realm of a great emperor. To be able to take half a step is already extremely remarkable.

Once one reaches the realm of cultivating the heavenly soul, it will be extremely difficult to break through every level of heaven. Every time one breaks through, it will be a baptism of heaven, which will make people completely transformed.

"Oh? That's it. I see. Don't worry. It's nothing. You don't have to worry about it." Xuanyuan waved his hand and didn't care.

Seeing Xuanyuan's expression, 'Jiugong Guizun' felt a lot more relaxed, and immediately said goodbye and left.

"Tsk tsk, you are not so shrewd, you must have thought about it a long time ago, there must be a terrible person to show up, so after you voted for the 'Jiuli Sect', you stopped doing it, It's really a wise move, Emperor Banbu, if you sneak attack with the Supreme Dao Weapon, even if you don't die, you will become crippled." Long Bi sighed with emotion.

"The 'Xuantingmen' is the master of the 'Luantu Domain', at least the major forces in the 'Luantu Domain' have recognized his status, we are undoubtedly slapping them in the face by doing this, and the matter has spread throughout the 'Luan Tu Domain' The people in Tu Yu' know it, and they will naturally come forward, it's about the reputation of the 'Xuanting Gate', how can they stand by and think about it with their asses, Zhan Huang, how much do you know about it?" Xuanyuan looked at Zhanhuang and asked.

"How should I put it, the founder of the 'Xuanting Gate' was an existence of the level of an ancient emperor. He made a lot of contributions in the battle with the gods that day, and that ancient emperor was also there. Died in the battle, let the descendants sit here day and night, with the passage of time, people's hearts are not old, they have long forgotten the original intention of the ancient emperor, and become the overlord of the "Luantu Domain" today. "

The Emperor of War is very helpless, he can't change it, he has been in the 'Land of Slaughter' for many years, he is naturally very clear about the situation here, but sometimes, although these people do a lot of evil, but he doesn't want to do it, because killing too many people, If there is peace in the sky, he will hurt himself even more, so he can only watch with cold eyes,

No matter how powerful a country is, if it wages wars again and again, causing too many deaths and hurting Tianhe, no matter how great the luck of the country is, it will be exhausted and eventually perish. No one can change the truth in the dark, and it has been the case throughout history.

"When I'm leaving the 'Luantu Domain', even if I can't kill him, I'll take half of his life, 'Xuanting Gate'? Remember it!" Xuanyuan smiled slightly and sat cross-legged.

Now, I can only wait for the news, this is the only thing I can do.

A day later, the 'Nine Palace Ghost Venerable' and the 'Seven Star Ghost Emperor' came back, their faces flushed with joy.

"Master, the 'Sancai Guixian' has summoned us, but before that, if we are going to offend, the master must be tied up." said the 'Jiugong Guizun'.

"Hehe, it's okay, just do it!" Xuanyuan put his hands behind his back, and saw a sinister ghost lock wrapped around Xuanyuan's body, binding Xuanyuan tightly. Of course, as long as Xuanyuan wants to break free, even if it is this Guisuo couldn't stop him, let alone Yuan'er, Long Bi, and Zhan Huang.

With the consent of Yuan'er, Long Bi, and Zhan Huang, they were also tied up.

Just when the 'Nine Palace Ghost Venerable' finished all this, a laugh came from outside the stone hall:

"I said, Brother Jiugong, Brother Qixing, you two are so eccentric. You caught a person with a special physique, and you actually went to find the third child, and he didn't come to me. Open the door quickly. I want to pick one and nourish me. You are yourself."

'Nine Palace Ghost Venerable' and 'Seven Star Ghost Venerable' heard the words, their expressions changed, and they said in surprise:

"This is the 'Yangyi Guixian'. I didn't expect the news to reach his ears so quickly. It seems that in the place where the 'Sancai Guixian' lives, there are many 'Yangyi Guixian' planted eyeliners. That's why they came to you so quickly, and someone has already become the confidant of the 'Three Talented Ghost Immortal'."

"Master, what should we do, the strength of this 'Liangyi Ghost Venerable' has reached the realm of great accomplishment, can we control it?" The expression of the 'Seven Star Ghost Immortal' changed.

"Hehe, what are you afraid of? He wanted to send it to my door, but it just made me feel relieved. After killing him, I went to find the 'Three Talents Ghost', and after finishing the matter, I went directly to the 'One Yuan Ghost'." Xuanyuan hehe With a smile, the appearance of not caring at all reassured the 'Nine Palaces Ghost Venerable' and the 'Seven Star Ghost Venerable', after all they were at best only in the realm of the peak of immortals, and they were far different from the three major ghosts and immortals. Of course.

The gate of the stone palace opened, and the 'Sancai Ghost Immortal' stepped straight in. He saw Xuanyuan and his party were bound tightly by ghost locks. He knew that this must be the 'Nine Palace Ghost Venerable' and the 'Seven Star Ghost Venerable' who were going to flatter them. Yes, I didn't think much about it.

"Haha, what is the second brother talking about, but the third brother's place is closer to me, so I went to his place to inform first, and now I am going to send one to the third brother's side, and then rush to the second brother's side What?" 'Jiugong Guizun' laughed along, his waist was about to break, and he looked uncomfortable, it seemed that with his expression, 'Liangyi Guixian' didn't care about him anymore.

After taking a look at Yuan'er, he immediately pointed out:

"I want this girl, and the rest, you can use it to honor the third and the boss."

However, at this moment, Zhan Huang and Long Bi, under Xuanyuan's eyes, made their moves together, and a huge aura descended, instantly suppressing the 'Liangyi Ghost Immortal', making him unable to move, after all He is a quasi-emperor and a great leader of the Protoss who once asked the ancients and is now down, but still not to be underestimated.

"You are!" The expression of 'Liangyi Guixian' was indescribably terrified.

"Stop talking nonsense!" The great prohibition of the 'baptism of all transformations' enveloped it in an instant, and a ghost fairy was suppressed.

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