Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1062 Demon Emperor

Chapter 1062 Ghost Emperor

"Liangyi greets the master."

The 'Liangyi Ghost Immortal' knelt down in front of Xuanyuan reverently, with all five bodies on the ground, full of piety, looking at the scene in front of him, Xuanyuan felt extremely comforted.

Sure enough, the greedy old man lived up to expectations, and he washed all the memories of the "Liangyi Ghost Immortal" clean, and now that there is a "violent spirit" in control, Xuanyuan is relieved. After all, this matter is related to When it came to the life and death of "Eternal Divine Soul Technique", Xuanyuan had to be cautious.

Because Xuanyuan has always read and believed in a rumor that as long as he can learn the nine kinds of ancient arts to achieve Dzogchen, he can break the "Longevity Gate" and break free from the shackles that even the ancient emperor can only live 30,000 years.

"Tell me, now in the 'Ghost Mountain', how much can you inherit the blood of the nine ghosts and immortals?" Xuanyuan understands that with the status of those ghosts, there are some things that they will never forget. It is impossible to know, just like the world of Fighting Immortals, which the characters of Fighting Emperor will never be able to touch. Some secrets can only be known by people at the level of ghosts and immortals.

"Our nine lineages of ghosts and immortals were originally the head of the group of elders of the 'Ghosting Mountain'. Even if the ghost emperor who founded the 'Ghosting Mountain' has any ideas, we must respect the opinions of the nine elders and dare not have any opinions. The slightest disrespect, the status is extremely high, passed down from the ancient times, our original lineage of the nine ghosts and immortals did have a great influence on the 'Ghost Mountain', and it is life and death for anyone, but because of the struggle between our fathers, Let the lineage of the nine ghosts and immortals completely decline, and now only the boss, me, and the third child can speak in the "Ghost Mountain". It's just a scene, it's nothing at all." 'Liangyi Guixian' was every word, for fear of saying something wrong.

Xuanyuan frowned and said:

"Ghost Emperor? Aren't the nine ghosts and immortals all the existence of ancient sages? Could it be that there is an ancient emperor in 'Ghost Mountain'? This sentence indicates that 'Ghost Mountain' has a supreme Taoist weapon!"

"No, that ghost emperor has only stepped into the realm of the great emperor, and he hasn't asked Gu yet."

"Why is this, the nine ancient sages assisting a great emperor who is not as powerful as them?" Xuanyuan suddenly didn't understand.

"Actually, this matter is very simple. From another perspective, these nine ghosts are thinking about their own future generations. I have to say that they are very far-sighted and far-sighted, but there are many things that the living people It's hard to control, let alone a dead person." The Emperor of War sighed leisurely.

"How to say?" Xuanyuan frowned and thought, paused, he suddenly understood, and said: "Could it be that the meaning of the nine ghosts is to assist an outsider to become the master of this 'Ghost Mountain', just because they don't want their own descendants , for the position of the owner of the 'Ghost Mountain', killing each other, wanting to pass on their blood? As long as the blood of the nine ghosts can be passed on from generation to generation, the nine are united, and the ghost emperor will also look at their faces Acting, even if they are in their positions, as long as the nine people join forces, they will be the real masters of the 'Ghost Mountain'!"

"You're mostly right, but that emperor in the 'Ghost Mountain' was young, talented, and courageous. Even the Nine Great Ghosts admired him very much. If it wasn't for He will not die because of the outbreak of the war of the gods, and the nine ghosts don't have to seal it up because they are worried that the "Eternal Divine Soul Technique" will fall into the hands of the gods, and leave it to their descendants to take charge of it. It has already become history." Zhan Huang's eyes were a little helpless, revealing the vicissitudes of life, all these years have passed, and he has seen everything in this "Huantu Domain" for a long time. It was already very clear.

"It's a pity that the descendants of these nine ghosts and immortals don't understand the good intentions of their ancestors. In order to compete for the "Eternal Divine Soul Art", they even killed each other, so that none of them can get the "Eternal Divine Soul Art". There is only one result for them, and that is to fall, it is really sad!"

"Anyway, this "Eternal Divine Soul Technique" didn't belong to them in the first place. It would be cheap for them if it could fall into their hands. Now I should also take back "Eternal Divine Soul Technique". I can't let "Eternal Divine Soul Technique" directly Cut off the inheritance." Xuanyuan said these words with righteousness and awe, without blushing, as if he was the orthodox successor of "Eternal Divine Soul Art".

"Oh, what a shameless person, and the world is invincible. If you want someone else's "Eternal Divine Soul Technique", just say so, and you have come up with so many high-sounding excuses." Long Bi sneered, shrugged, and twisted his buttocks.

"..." Xuanyuan rolled his eyes, Yuan'er smiled softly, and said: "Of course Xuanyuan is entitled to inherit these ancient arts. This was originally obtained by the 'Princes and Hundred Saints', and it was passed on to this 'Nanyan Immortal State'. Can seeing Xuanyuan awaken the minds of the sages? Haven’t you seen that Xuanyuan can communicate with the spiritual imprints of all the saints? Xuanyuan has saved countless people in the world!”

"Okay, okay, I won't argue with you little liar, you two are wearing the same skirt, I can't say no to you." Meeting Yuan'er, Long Bi was at a loss.

"Liangyi, let me ask you again, "Eternal Divine Soul Art", does the current master of the 'Ghost Mountain' know?" Xuanyuan asked.

"Naturally, he has always been afraid that the nine of us would unite again and get the "Eternal Divine Soul Technique", so he placed eyeliner in the ghost mountain of our three great ghosts. Before, it was because Lao Qi could not be found, but now Lao Qi He has already returned, I am afraid that he will think of a way to take the "Eternal Divine Soul Technique" from us in the near future, but now he has not been able to find a chance, and he is afraid that one of us will die, and he will die forever. Lost the "Eternal Divine Soul Technique"."

'Liangyi Guixian' said helplessly.

"He? Who are you referring to?" Xuanyuan asked.

"The current ghost emperor."

"What, the current master of the 'Ghost Mountain' is actually a great emperor?" Xuanyuan was taken aback. If this is the case, even if he can deal with the remaining two ghost immortals, he may not be able to deal with this ghost emperor. , because people are also thinking about "Eternal Divine Soul Art", once the nine ghosts and immortals gather together, I'm afraid he will appear, and then everything I have worked so hard to get will become someone else's wedding dress ?

"No, Ghost Emperor is just a title for being the Lord of the 'Ghost Mountain', but his strength is also extremely high. I'm afraid he has already reached the half-step Great Emperor realm. This person is extremely talented and hides extremely deeply. If you don’t make a move, it’s fine, if you make a move, it’s Thunder’s method, and there’s never been a failure, so we brothers are very wary of him!”

After figuring out the situation, Xuanyuan knew what was going on.

"Okay, it doesn't matter, you go back to your 'Liangyi Ghost Mountain' first, remember, at this stage of life, I don't care whether you borrow it or grab it, how much money you can make, just give it to me How much."

"Obey." After taking the order, "Liangyi Guixian" resigned directly, and there was no trace of resentment on his face anymore.

"What are you going to do, kid? Even if you can handle these ghosts, immortals, and ghosts, if you startle the snake, the consequences will still be a bit difficult to deal with. That's a half-step emperor." Long Bi muttered on the sidelines.

"Let's go, go to the 'Sancai Ghost Mountain', I have my own way." Xuanyuan pondered for a moment, and immediately knew what to do with this matter. As long as the next two ghosts are settled, he can immediately go to get the "Eternal Soul" Art".

'Nine Palace Ghost Venerable' and 'Seven Star Ghost Venerable' lead the way.

Xuanyuan, Yuan'er, Longbi, and Zhanhuang headed to the 'Sancai Ghost Mountain'.

It is less than three million miles away from the 'Nine Palaces of Ghost Mountain'. For those who have reached this level, there is no doubt that this is a very easy journey.

Not long after, a group of people descended on the 'Three Talents Ghost Mountain'. The 'Nine Palaces Ghost Venerable' and the 'Seven Star Ghost Venerable' were considered brothers to the 'Three Talents Ghost Immortal'. No one dared to stop them, let alone they had just been here.

"Hahaha, the two brothers are finally here, please, sit inside." Out of the air, a palace was created, and the 'Three Talented Ghost Immortal' invited the group of people inside.

Half an hour later, the 'Sancai Ghost Immortal', like the 'Liangyi Ghost Immortal', knelt down on the ground, accepted Xuanyuan's orders, completely lost their spiritual wisdom, and became Xuanyuan's subordinate.

The strength of the 'Liangyi Guixian' is much stronger than that of the 'Sancai Guixian', even the 'Liangyi Guixian' can't resist, let alone the 'Sancai Guixian', now only the last 'Yuan' is left Ghost fairy'.

"Excuse me, master, what are your orders?"

"It's nothing, can you invite the 'One Yuan Ghost Immortal' to come to your 'Three Talents Ghost Mountain'?" Xuanyuan knew that the location of the 'One Yuan Ghost Mountain' was too close to the 'Ghost Emperor Mountain', and he was afraid that something would happen. What's happening.

"Follow orders." The 'Sancai Guixian' stood up, and a round jade bead appeared in his hand. The 'Sancai Guixian' crushed it on the spot, and immediately sent a thought:

"Brother, hurry up, Brother Jiugong and Brother Qixing brought us something good this time, the 'Sun and Moon Body', you know? They captured a 'Sun and Moon Body' alive , if the eldest brother can get the 'body of the sun and the moon' at that time, how many people can be found stronger than you in the sky and the earth? Come here quickly, or the second brother will snatch it while you are not here, don't blame me!"

"Second brother, how dare he? Hahaha, third brother, I didn't expect you to be thinking of me at the critical moment... Hahaha" A laugh came out.

Not long after, an extremely majestic aura hovered over the 'Three Talents Ghost Mountain', obviously it was the 'One Yuan Ghost Immortal' because he couldn't wait any longer.

"Third brother, I'm here!"

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