Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1065 Means? background!

Chapter 1065 Means? background!

Broken Heart Cliff Top.

Xuanyuan's avatar sat cross-legged, he had long expected that the ghost emperor was definitely not a simple character, and he attached great importance to the "Eternal Divine Soul Art", as one can imagine, as long as he can get the "Eternal Divine Soul Art", it will be very important. Possibly, the 'Ghost Mountain' can become one of the overlords of the 'Luantu Domain'.

So he must be very cautious, because this is his chance to stand up, but Xuanyuan did not expect that it would come so soon.

The huge pressure of the ghost emperor fell down, and the whole heart-breaking cliff seemed to collapse, but Xuanyuan's avatar did not move, but smiled faintly: "It turns out that the ghost emperor is here, and I am here Enlightenment, seeking a breakthrough, I don't know why the ghost emperor wants me?"

"You, not Yiyuan, he would never talk to me like this, who are you? He doesn't have the confidence in speaking!" Xuanyuan's incarnation was seen through by the ghost emperor at the first time, the ghost emperor As soon as his expression changed, he always felt that something bad was about to happen.

"Haha, the Ghost Emperor is indeed wise, but it's a pity that he discovered it a bit late." Xuanyuan stood up, looked at the Ghost Emperor, and said slowly but forcefully:

"The "Eternal Divine Soul Technique", it is impossible for you to get it."

"The descendants of the Nine Great Ghost Immortals, where did you go, hurry up and tell me honestly, have you been arrested by you?" The Ghost Emperor's expression turned cold, obviously not in the mood to talk nonsense with Xuanyuan.

"I don't know about this, I just know that we are now in a starry sky leading to the ancient art, and the "Eternal Divine Soul Art" will be in our pocket, and you will not be able to get it." Xuanyuan said truthfully , without the slightest consideration.

"Looking for death!" The ghost emperor was extremely furious, and the people in the 'Yuanyuan Ghost Mountain' who were tens of miles away from Duanxin Cliff were all shaken to ashes by the ghost emperor's breath and died silently.

"Looking for death or not, I don't know, but the 'Ghost Mountain' will be destroyed sooner or later, don't you think that 'Ghost Mountain' can be compared to 'Exian Valley', 'Jiuli Cult' and 'Wu Calamity Gate' Maybe it was possible in the past, but now the inheritance of the descendants of the Nine Great Ghost Immortals has almost been cut off, I’m afraid it’s no longer possible.” Xuanyuan’s clone smiled very calmly, with a calm expression on his face, as if everything was under his control , ready to go.

Looking at Xuanyuan's expression, the Ghost Emperor had the urge to tear him apart, but he couldn't. This kind of self-confidence came from the depths of his heart, and it wasn't a strong outsider who was able to quietly crush the Nine Great Masters. The fact that the descendants of Guixian were taken away from under his nose is enough to show that Xuanyuan's ability is extraordinary.

"Could it be, do you really think that my 'Ghost Mountain' really can't deal with the four of you?" Ghost Emperor said coldly.

"Maybe it was possible a long time ago, but now it's not working. You tried your best to set a trap for the previous Nine Great Ghost Immortals and let them kill each other, but you didn't let yourself get the "Eternal Divine Soul Technique", that's" Ghost Mountain' is beginning to decline." Xuanyuan smiled calmly, walked in front of Ghost Emperor, looked at his majestic handsome face, black and white beard and hair, and the aura revealed in his eyes. Very vicissitudes.

Obviously this ghost emperor is old and cannot live for a long time. Not everyone can get the "Eternal Divine Soul Art", even if he is a ghost emperor, he can't, because it is his ancestors, and he has never obtained it. So he planned and tried his best to obtain the inheritance of the "Eternal Divine Soul Technique". Now he has disintegrated the nine ghosts and immortals step by step, but they fell apart. He wanted to but suddenly killed Xuanyuan and his party halfway.

Seeing Xuanyuan talking to him, just wanting to delay himself, the ghost emperor stopped talking nonsense with Xuanyuan and directly moved towards Xuanyuan, he said coldly: "There are some things you don't want to say, Then I'll see for myself."

The moment the ghost emperor shot, Xuanyuan's avatar shattered and turned into dots of dao light, dissipating between the sky and the earth, leaving only a voice: ""Eternal Divine Soul Art" originally did not belong to the "Ghost Mountain". Borrowing your great favor for so many years, now we are just returning the property to the original owner, so don't bother with it, it's useless."

"Who the hell are you?" Ghost Emperor grabbed it with one hand, even the space was torn apart by him, but Xuanyuan was not left behind, returning it to its original owner? These four words made Ghost Emperor feel uneasy. Could it be that this person has something to do with 'Central China'?

He didn't get a reply, his expression was extremely ferocious, and he roared crazily in his heart: "The "Eternal Divine Soul Art" will always be mine, you don't want to get it, since my 'Ghosting Mountain' can't deal with you, then let the 'Xuanting Gate' come." I will not hesitate to deal with you, even if it is to share the ancient art with them."

The Ghost Emperor ignored those existences on the 'One Yuan Ghost Mountain'. Sooner or later, these people would be his own. It is an indisputable fact that the power of 'Ghost Mountain' began to decline from the very beginning.

"Ghost Emperor, do you want us to accept these nine ghosts? Aren't they seeking wealth? We will take them as our own. No matter what they do, they will come back to receive this wealth sooner or later. What do you think? "The ghost emperor's confidant, a ghost fairy in the realm of sages, said solemnly.

"No, the Nine Great Ghosts have long been deeply rooted in their hearts. Now that they have taken over the Nine Great Ghost Mountains for no reason, they will only be forced to resist. It will take a lot of effort to suppress them, and the gains outweigh the losses. Look at the Seven Star Ghost Mountain "That line of people knows that even if the 'Seven Star Ghost Immortal' dies, the people I sent were still emptied of entering it. As soon as the 'Seven Star Ghost Venerable' rose up, they immediately welcomed the 'Seven Star Ghost Venerable' back .”

"These four people have come to my 'Ghost Mountain' now. This matter is difficult to be good. This time, I will use the power of the 'Xuanting Gate' to suppress the people of the nine ghosts and immortals. If they promise to be loyal That's all for me, if I don't agree, I will use the hands of the 'Xuanting Gate' to suppress them. As long as the 'Xuanting Gate' can completely get rid of the serious trouble for me, we will surrender to the 'Xuanting Gate', which is not Can't."

The Ghost Emperor had already prepared for the worst, he was very unwilling, but he had to do so, the 'God of War Killing Gold' at the pinnacle of the quasi-emperor and the terrifying dragon of the protoss left him without enough energy. grasp.

Anyway, as long as you are in the 'Ghost Mountain' and not threatened, you can be your own ghost emperor, that's fine, even if it's superficially surrendering to the 'Xuanting Gate', it's not a shameful thing, after all, the other party has The Supreme Dao Artifact is something that he cannot compare with. The Ghost Emperor knows that each of the nine ghost immortals has left nine unrivaled Dao Artifacts in the Nine Great Ghost Mountains. Once activated, it will be devastating. of.

In a vast and boundless starry sky.

The sun, moon and stars flowed, and the 'Eternal Ancient Jade' exuded its unique power, floating in front of everyone, looking for the starry sky where the "Eternal Divine Soul Art" was sealed.

Wherever they went along the way, within the range affected by the power of the 'Eternal Ancient Jade', all disasters in the starry sky could not affect Xuanyuan and his party.

"Tsk tsk, this 'Eternal Ancient Jade' is so powerful, I didn't expect that even the starry sky disaster like 'Nine Star Meteor Catastrophe' would be subsided in an instant under the illumination of that 'Eternal Light'. My dear, I really don’t know how those nine ghosts got it that day.” Long Bi’s eyes suddenly lit up, obviously thinking about the ‘Eternal Ancient Jade’.

"No matter how you look at it, it's useless. It's destined not to belong to you..." The Emperor teased.

"You, if you don't sing against me once along the way, you just won't be happy, right?" Long Bi's face turned green.

"If you had kept to yourself, I wouldn't have sang these contradictory tunes to you. I was afraid that you would go astray and do something with your brain all of a sudden, and I was impulsive all of a sudden, and I couldn't control my strength. You This life is over." Zhan Huang looked at the sky, filled with emotion.

Xuanyuan rolled his eyes, these two people are really natural enemies.

"By the way, this ghost emperor is really not a simple character. He has already discovered that we came to get the "Eternal Divine Soul Art". My incarnation is considered finished." Xuanyuan said.

"Then what should we do after we get the "Eternal Divine Soul Technique", they must be waiting for us to go back." Yuan'er was a little worried.

"I'm not afraid of this. There are not many people in 'Ghost Mountain' who can threaten me and Long Bi." Zhanhuang is confident enough, after all, with 'Zhanshen Peak' in his hand, even if he is facing the half-step emperor It can be shaken.

"This ghost emperor is a character who would rather be broken than broken. It is impossible for the people of 'Ghosting Mountain' to fight us. If my guess is correct, he should use the strength of 'Xuantingmen' to deal with it. We, at the price of sharing the "Eternal Divine Soul Technique", I think he is completely capable of doing such a thing."

Xuanyuan frowned, this was what he had been worried about all the time, he looked at the descendants of the Nine Great Ghosts and Immortals, and said: "When the time comes, the army will be overwhelming, and all of them will be strong, even if we can't resist, don't we? Do you want to be exiled in this starry sky for the rest of your life?"

"Master, don't worry. Since we have received the inheritance of the Nine Great Ghosts and Immortals, ordinary people don't know about some of the backhands. The Nine Great Ghost Mountains are our greatest wealth. At worst, we will burn everything together. No one can get the benefits."' Yiyuan Guixian is very confident.

"Oh? How do you say that?" Xuanyuan was puzzled.

"Our ancestors, the Nine Great Ghosts and Immortals, were all sages who asked the ancients. They each created a peerless Taoist weapon, and they were only one step away from stepping into the realm of the semi-superior Taoist weapon. The Nine Great Grades Dao artifacts, combined with the formations they left in the Nine Great Ghost Mountains, can destroy everything, and in our Nine Great Ghost Mountains, there are a group of elite dead soldiers who belong to us, which are passed down from generation to generation and left behind for us. It's also the reason why the Ghost Emperor has been daring to attack us!" said the 'Liangyi Guixian' heavily.

"Okay, if that's the case, I don't worry." Xuanyuan's eyes glowed with divine light. The method of the ghost emperor collided with the foundation left by the nine ghosts, but it was not known who would win.

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