Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1066 Starry Sky Ancient Region

Chapter 1066 Starry Sky Ancient Domain

'Eternal Ancient Jade' seems to be aimlessly leading Xuanyuan and his party forward, around, and back and forth in this starry sky. The speed is not fast, just like walking in this starry sky.

This process is boring and tedious, and it's so quiet that it seems to be going nowhere, and the feeling of not being able to find the direction makes people confused. Even the "One Yuan Ghost Immortal" couldn't help frowning: "Could it be because after too long years, So 'Eternal Ancient Jade' has forgotten where the starry sky is? So it can only take us around this starry sky, and we have to find the rest by ourselves?"

"It shouldn't be possible. Our ancestors have passed down from generation to generation, and have engraved an immortal brand on the 'Eternal Ancient Jade', which will definitely not be remembered wrongly, and it is also mentioned in the ancestral training. Let us wait patiently, there will be no Wrong, if there were mistakes, our fathers would not have had such a big fight." 'Liangyi Guixian' said firmly.

"Then why has it been so long? I always feel as if we are constantly circling in circles, unable to find a direction at all. It seems that the distance between where we are now and the distance we came in is not too far away at all." 'Three Ghosts Xian' also had great doubts in his heart.

"You bastards, what do you know? The trajectory of the starry sky of this 'eternal ancient jade' coincides with the way of heaven and is unpredictable. It's just that your strength is too low to feel it. In fact, we have already traveled a long way. But you can’t see it, this is the path of the Tao, and many people can’t touch it in their lifetime.” Long Bi pointed at the noses of the three and reprimanded them, the three ghosts and immortals could only touch their noses, with a look on their faces Long Bi reprimanded him for being disheartened.

"Tell it as if you know it." Xuanyuan rolled his eyes and said contemptuously.

"Of course I know. In the starry sky, there will be another ancient starry sky hidden, which is extremely hidden. Only those who know the way of heaven, understand the way of tomorrow, and know the way of heaven can follow the trajectory of the starry sky to find out. Where the ancient starry sky is located." Long Bi slobbered wildly, patted his chest, and said confidently: "Among the ancient jades in the starry sky, they are often sacred places for cultivation, and they are extremely rich, with extremely rich and mysterious treasures of heaven and earth. The oasis in the desert, in the boundless starry universe, also has a place where monks can inhabit, but it is extremely difficult to find, and it is not easy to find it."

The Emperor of War nodded, and said: "That's true. This "Eternal Divine Soul Art" is a supreme ancient art, and it is not surprising that it will be hidden in the mysterious ancient starry sky."

"So let's wait patiently. Just follow the 'Eternal Ancient Jade'. I feel that "Eternal Divine Soul Art" is not far away from us." Yuan'er's beautiful face showed a bright smile , the bright eyes, the white teeth, the gentle curvature of the mouth, and the moving demeanor make people's hearts sway.

Hearing Yuan'er's words, the descendants of the Nine Great Ghost Immortals couldn't stop trembling. You must know that "Eternal Divine Soul Art" is a supreme ancient art, and you will be able to see it soon. Can you not be excited?

Xuanyuan felt uneasy, looked at Yuan'er, paused, and asked: "Yuan'er, I know you are God's darling, you have a perception ability that is unmatched by ordinary people, and you can predict bad luck and good fortune. At that time, it has already been reflected. Now, with your cultivation, I am afraid that you will be more diligent in this aspect. Recently, I have been uneasy in my heart, as if something bad happened to "Central China", but I I’m not sure, can you explain it to me? Of course, maybe I’m just thinking too much.”

Yuan'er's expression moved, and she thought for a long time, the battle between heaven and man in her heart, looked at Xuanyuan's eyes looking directly at her, and finally sighed softly: "Actually, your feeling is not wrong, now there has been an alternation of luck, That is to say, the luck of the ancient ten thousand races and the luck of the human race are fighting fiercely. In other words, in the 'Central China', the ancient royal family has been born and has begun to attack the human race!"

"What, it's only been more than a year. Why did such a huge change happen as soon as I left the 'Central China'?" Xuanyuan's heart was shocked. He never expected that his feeling was correct. So now What happened to 'Qinglongmen', you must know that 'Qinglongmen' is just a small faction, in this kind of war between big clans, it is easy to become cannon fodder, he doesn't know that today's 'Qinglongmen' has become The huge 'Qinglong Holy Land' has been opened.

"Because you are a person of great luck in the human race, once you leave the 'Central China', in the dark, the luck of the human race will be difficult to suppress the luck of the young heroes of the ancient royal family, so the luck of the two great clans will appear As long as you return to the 'Central China', you will be able to suppress the luck of the ancient peoples with great luck, and then maybe the war will be relatively calm." Yuan'er is helpless, but now she wants to It is really too difficult to get to "Central China" from "Nanyan Xianzhou". In fact, she really wants to go back to "Central China" to see Yan Ziyun, Mo Chou, and that greedy Pengfei.

"I don't know what's going on with the 'Qinglongmen' now..." Xuanyuan was extremely worried. Bai Youniang, Fang Yuyou, Mochou, Zhixie, etc., were all in it. Worrying, 'Qing Ming Huang' will never treat her badly, Tsing Yi will also take care of herself, but it is a large group of people from 'Qing Long Men' who lead their families. If there is a war, I am afraid that the casualties will be extremely heavy.

"Master, please be mentally prepared. The situation is not optimistic. I can only perceive the general situation. I can only know the details when we return to 'Central China'." Yuan'er knew that some words to comfort Xuanyuan were not right. If it works, it's better to let Xuanyuan know in advance and prepare for the worst, so as not to be unacceptable when the time comes.

"Hahaha, it sounds very interesting. In the 'Central China', are the human races and the Primordial Ten Thousand Clans incompatible? The original power of the Primordial Ten Thousand Clans is also extremely powerful, comparable to my Protoss. They are also in the 'Origin of Hongmeng' The strength of one party's overlord should not be underestimated, it seems that this time I go to the 'Central China', I will hopefully return to the emperor's realm..."

Long Bi is very happy, smiling and beaming, "Physical Body of Myriad Transformations", the favorite thing is war, which can be devoured endlessly, which is why this kind of physique is considered the root of evil, you know What Long Bi now possesses is an incarnation of the 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations', which is second only to Xuanyuan's deity.

The Emperor of War frowned. He knew that this was not a good thing. Once the war between the two big clans broke out, the consequences that would follow would be unimaginable.

Xuanyuan didn't care about Long Bi's schadenfreude, he felt helpless and asked the greedy old man:

"How could the ancient royal family make such a decision? Are they not afraid that those fierce gods will break the seal, and it will be harmful to them at that time? Could it be that they are so unclear about the situation?"

"Xuanyuan, do you still remember the war between the ancient royal families in the 'Hundred Thousand Mountains'?" the greedy old man said.

"Huh? What do you want to say?" Xuanyuan's heart tightened, with an ominous premonition.

"They broke out the war for no reason. I suspect that it is very likely that the power of the ominous god has infiltrated and made a deal with a few members of the big clan, or they have been controlled by 'Xu' , This is not impossible." Although the greedy old man was a little alarmist, Xuanyuan had to believe that this possibility was not impossible.

"The Ouyang family, do you think that the destruction of the 'Tianyue Immortal Mansion' has something to do with the evil god?" Xuanyuan organized his thoughts.

"It is very possible that those fierce gods have surpassed Wengu's realm, which is beyond our comprehension, and their strength is beyond our imagination." The greedy old man said.

"Forget it, don't think about these things for the time being. Before you go back, if you think too much, there will be no results. Now I just hope that they are all safe and sound." This is the only expectation in Xuanyuan's heart now.

Unknowingly, a group of people followed the 'Eternal Ancient Jade' and suddenly entered another starry sky.

This was an unexpected event that shocked everyone present.

It blends in silently, but everyone can clearly feel that this piece of starry sky ancient jade gives people the feeling that it is more ancient and vicissitudes. It is full of strong heaven and earth fighting spirit here, surrounded by stars, they are not Big, but extraordinarily bright, all kinds of Daoguang flow in and out, interweave, evolve into star trails, and pave a starlight avenue.

All kinds of dao marks are like dragons, rising in this ancient starry sky, and the descendants of the nine ghosts and immortals look extremely excited.

"Here we are, this is the place sealed by the "Eternal Divine Soul Technique"."

"That's right, just like what our ancestors described, in this starry sky, there are countless treasures of heaven and earth, which are rare holy places for cultivation."

'Eternal Ancient Jade' continued to move forward, and it could be clearly seen that the 'Eternal Light' emanating from the 'Eternal Ancient Jade' began to penetrate into this starry sky. Xuanyuan knew that this was because the 'Eternal Ancient Jade' Yu' wants to draw out the seal hidden in the depths of this 'starry sky ancient domain'.

In this piece of "Starry Sky Ancient Territory", the stars and many avenues of heaven and earth resonate with the "Eternal Ancient Jade". Waves of avenue lines, like invisible waves, penetrate into the depths of this piece of starry sky, as if What kind of existence is summoned.

Xuanyuan has already sensed that there is a tiny ray of sealing power that resonates with it and is slowly surfacing.

"Eternal Divine Soul Art" was finally about to appear in front of him, and Xuanyuan was extremely excited.

Not only Xuanyuan, Longbi, Zhanhuang, Yuan'er are all looking forward to it.

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