Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1067 Eternal God Stone

Chapter 1067 Eternal God Stone

"Even if this kind of ancient art is in the 'Origin of the Primordial Mist', it is extremely rare. In the 'Eternal Divine Soul Art', the 'Great Emperor' seems to know a little bit about this art, so he was able to support me for so long, otherwise , I'm afraid he will disappear in smoke long ago."

Long Bi knew that the 'Princes and Hundred Saints' came to 'Nanyan Xianzhou' to preach without selfishness, even if it was an ancient technique, as long as someone was willing to learn it, they would also be willing to contribute, but the ancient technique is extremely difficult to practice, and there is only one copy of the original , if it is passed on from heart to mouth, if you don’t see the truth, sometimes you will not be able to understand the essence. Even if you have the truth, it is extremely difficult to comprehend. How much do you understand.

"No matter how rare it is, it's not yours. Seeing that you are grinning so much that your mouth reaches your ears, don't get carried away. You just don't have that life..." Zhan Huang rolled his eyes and sneered. For fun, Xuanyuan and Yuan'er laughed, they were already used to it.

"I said you, if you don't give me a second, you will die, right?" Long Bi became impatient and jumped his feet in anger. If it wasn't for the fact that he couldn't win the battle emperor now, he would have killed him a long time ago.

"Okay, the two seniors stop arguing, haven't you seen the "Eternal Divine Soul Technique"?" Yuan'er's eyes sparkled, and her fair face looked extraordinarily holy against the starlight. Her eyes, smiles, and every move seem to be affecting the rhythm and breath between heaven and earth. Her aqua-green neon dress flutters with the wind, as gentle as water. Her graceful and graceful figure is illuminated by the moon and stars. , Unparalleled in the world, like a nine-day goddess descending to earth, incomparable.

The descendants of the Nine Great Ghosts stared intently at the 'Eternal Ancient Jade', arousing the veins of the avenues between the heavens and the earth, hanging down in all directions, all the avenues between the heavens and the earth are chasing the eternal trajectory, and they are very excited. This is the secret left by their ancestors. It contains a shocking ancient art. Although they knew that this "Eternal Divine Soul Art" would eventually belong to Xuanyuan, they still couldn't help trembling.

Time passed bit by bit, and the countless avenue lines in this ancient starry sky resonated with the 'Eternal Ancient Jade', and the seal hidden in the deepest part began to surface slowly, but the process was extremely long , Let countless people worry.

I don't know how long it has passed, but I saw nine huge heads floating in the void. These are the heads of ghosts and gods. There are nine in total, representing one yuan, two appearances, three talents, four phases, five elements, six combinations, seven stars, eight trigrams and nine palaces, and the nine ghosts. Only those who have the purest blood in their bodies can open the 'nine ghosts and gods'.

This is also the reason why the ghost emperor has never dared to attack them. If there is a mistake, he will miss the "Eternal Soul Art" in his life.

The descendants of the Nine Great Ghosts and Immortals took out a very unique bone knife, and saw strange imprints intertwined on the bone knife, which looked like precise blood grooves, and they held it high. Picking up the bone knife in his hand, he ruthlessly pierced into his heart, and the sound of the sharp weapon piercing into the flesh sounded at the same time.

I saw that the blood of Yin Hong had dyed the pale bone knife red, and they all formed a handprint, and the majestic battle energy gathered into a mark of the avenue, which merged into the bone knife, and then pulled out the bone knife, fiercely He slashed at the heads of the nine ghosts and gods.

Nine rays of blood with a kind of unsealed mysterious dao rhyme, smashed the nine big heads, and the avenue of ghosts and gods soared into the sky. I saw the heads of the nine ghosts and gods trembling violently. Seeing this scene, Xuanyuan knew that' Nine Ghosts and Gods Seal' was opened.

In the center of the nine ghosts and gods' heads, a space was opened, and a stone slab was quietly suspended. It gave people an aura of eternal existence, and the whole body exuded azure blue light, which was extremely gentle.

Looking at that stone slab, Long Bi screamed like a little girl who had been raped, trembling all over, his face flushed like the excitement after a woman's orgasm.

Xuanyuan was taken aback by Long Bi, and said angrily: "What are you doing, what are you doing, what is it called, I have never seen the world!"

"This is the 'Stone of Eternity', as long as you get the 'Stone of Eternity', you can get the secret of 'eternal life', even in the 'Origin of the Primordial Origin', there will be people who will fight for it. The Holy Emperor carved his supernatural powers on the "Eternal Divine Stone", and then exiled it into the starry universe? Do you know who the "Eternal Holy Emperor" is? In a sense, it is superior to the "Wanhua" Above the Holy Emperor, he is the only one who has gone the furthest on the road of pursuing eternal life, and maybe the "Eternal Holy Emperor" is still alive!" Long Bi screamed as if he had lost his mind, this "eternal The meaning of "Shenshi" is too great.

"Ah..." Xuanyuan couldn't help screaming when he heard the words: "What are you talking about, this 'Eternal God Stone' can be found, the secret of 'Eternal Life'?"

"What are you doing, what are you doing, what's your name, you've never seen the world!" The greedy old man's voice sounded from Xuanyuan's heart, and he said angrily, "Hurry up and get that piece of paper that says "Eternal Divine Soul Art" written on it. The 'Stone of Eternity' was taken out, didn't you see that it was extremely difficult for them to open the seal? If you don't make a move, there will be no chance."

Xuanyuan hit a spirit, and directly transformed the five-element spirit into a five-color big hand, holding the 'Eternal God Stone', and took it out of the 'Nine Ghosts and Gods Seal'.

The descendants of the Nine Great Ghost Immortals paled, put away the bone knife, and their whole body collapsed, but their eyes were still extremely excited, looking at the 'Eternal Divine Stone', trembling all over, the 'Eternal Ancient Jade' felt Seeing the breath of the 'Eternal God Stone', he followed and fell into Xuanyuan's hands.

At this moment, Xuanyuan felt his heart beating extremely fast. He never expected that an "Eternal Divine Soul Technique" would involve an invincible "Eternal Saint Emperor". Everything was beyond his expectation outside.

"Ah..." Suddenly there was another scream, Xuanyuan twitched, looked at Long Bi, and said, "What's wrong?"

"The 'Eternal God's Stone' is incomplete and incomplete. It was actually broken into two halves. This kind of 'Eternal God's Stone' is almost an immortal existence. Who has such great ability to smash it into what it is today? look." Long Bi was shocked, seeing Xuanyuan's happy and indifferent look, he felt helpless, and said with emotion: "Boy, I really don't know whether to say you are lucky or bad luck."

"How to say?" Xuanyuan heard the words, his heart beat wildly, and his brows were knit together.

"Actually, it's nothing. With your current strength, this piece of 'Eternal God Stone' is absolutely impossible to keep. If someone finds out that you have the 'Eternal God Stone', I think the entire 'Origin of Primordial Origin' force will send someone to Come to chase you down and grab the 'Eternal Sacred Stone', you can imagine, the one with the lowest strength is at least the same as me, what will the highest one be like?" Long Bi's expression was incomparably dignified, he wasn't joking, even if it was him In the heyday of his strength, facing those people, he was just talking to the little guy.

Xuanyuan's body trembled, he deeply understood the importance of this matter, if the outsiders knew about it, absolutely no one would be able to protect himself.

"Don't worry, I will never let others know, I still want to live for a long time."

In Long Bi's eyes, a ray of murderous intent flashed towards the descendants of the Nine Great Ghosts and Immortals. Now they have been deprived of their intelligence, but these "spirits of deprivation" have part of their memories, just like them .

Xuanyuan immediately understood what Long Bi was thinking. The descendants of the Nine Great Ghosts and Immortals were all occupied by the "violent spirit of seizing the house". Now Long Bi obviously wanted to kill people to silence them. Never dare to betray the master."

Xuanyuan nodded, and the 'Wanhua Baptism' came down again, completely erasing their memory.

It's not whether they will betray or not. Once they fall into the hands of others, once they are tortured to reveal this memory, it will be extremely dangerous for Xuanyuan.

"Good boy, good means. Originally I thought you would kill them yourself? Only the dead can't speak. Your means are too kind. You have to learn to change it." Long Bi had a meaningful expression on his face. smile.

"This is unnecessary killing."

Xuanyuan took the 'Eternal Divine Stone' into his body. Now that there is great turmoil in the 'Central China', it is naturally impossible for him to leisurely comprehend the profoundness of the ancient art here. Now that the ancient art has been obtained, he can only Wanting to go back to the 'Central China' as soon as possible, where he has his relatives and friends, Xuanyuan doesn't want to delay for a moment.

Presumably at this stage of life, the nine ghost mountains have also collected a lot of wealth. After taking it away, they will flee to the extreme north of the 'Nanyan Xianzhou'.

"Boy, you'd better be careful, I think that 'Xuanting Gate' has probably surrounded the entire 'Ghost Mountain' impenetrably, I guess that ghost emperor should have leaked the secret of "Eternal Soul Art" to them, It is very likely that they will set up a killing array." The greedy old man was obviously also extremely excited, but he knew that the more he had to calm down at this time, he kept admonishing Xuanyuan.

"Don't worry, since the descendants of the Nine Great Immortals have their own means, let them use it. I want to see how terrifying the Nine Great Immortals were that day. From their means of sealing the 'Eternal God Stone' , it can be seen that the basic methods they left behind will not be too weak, so don’t worry.” Xuanyuan smiled in his heart, looked at the descendants of the nine ghosts and immortals, and said: “Everyone, let’s go, go back 'Ghost Mountain', go and learn about the method of 'Xuanting Gate'."

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