Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1072 Nine Great Ghosts VS Xuanting Ancient Emperor

Chapter 1072 Nine Great Ghosts VS Xuanting Ancient Emperor

Xuanyuan collected the 'Ghost Emperor Sword' into the 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Artifact', as long as the greedy old man stepped into the realm of the top-grade Dao Artifact, he would bring along with him those few peerless Dao Artifacts in the 'Hundred Thousand Mountains' It can also be swallowed together, and the higher the level of power restored with the 'swallowing myriad of transformation tools', the more it will need.

Looking at everything in front of him, bloody, ghosts screaming, Xuanyuan is looking forward to what kind of ghosts and gods this 'Ghosts and Gods Formation' can summon, and his chance to search for a large amount of money in the 'Ghosts Mountain' has failed Well, 'Xuanting Gate', of course he won't let it go, maybe 'Xuanting Gate' has the ability to resist that ghost and god, when the time comes chaos is inevitable, he will take advantage of the fire to plunder, plunder everything, and return to the 'Central China' for himself ' Be fully prepared, some people will think too much money.

Originally, Xuanyuan wanted to give 'Xuanting Gate' a ruthless blow, but that would have to wait until he stepped into the realm of a fairy, and before leaving the 'Nanyan World', he went crazy for a while to relieve his anger , dared to let the big forces of the entire "Luantu Domain" chase and kill him, but now he didn't expect that this ruthlessness would come so fast, and it was still so ruthless, so ruthless that Xuanyuan could hardly imagine.

The 'Ghosts and Gods Formation' devoured the lives of countless creatures, and saw its nine blood pillars piercing through the sky, and the avenues of ghosts and gods offering sacrifices converged from it, forming a blood-colored portal.

On this portal, countless lines of ghosts and gods gathered in it, and nine peerless Taoist artifacts uttered a clamor at the same time, spewing out nine auras, and directly sank into that bloody portal.

Looking at this scene, Xuanyuan suddenly thought of a question, looked at the nine brothers, and said in a heavy voice:

"Can this summoned ghost obey your orders?"

Because after all, their strength is not strong. If they directly jump out of a ghost in the realm of a great emperor, I am afraid that they will not be able to control them and harm themselves. Such examples are not uncommon. In this tragedy.

"Of course we can't control it. After all, the ghosts and gods that are summoned are extremely terrifying."'One Yuan Ghost Immortal' smiled wryly.

Xuanyuan's heart sank, and if he couldn't control it, it would be nothing. The 'Xuanting Gate' is a distance away from the 'Ghost Mountain'. If this ghost and god does not go to the 'Ruantu Domain' but goes to the Righteous Way, it will cause countless troubles. human casualties.

"However, the Nine Great Dao Artifacts can be controlled. Our blood can control the Nine Great Dao Artifacts, so please rest assured, Master. Among the Nine Great Dao Artifacts, there are still us A wisp of thought left by our ancestors is extremely powerful." 'Liangyi Guixian' said to himself.

"That's right, now that the 'Ghost Spirit Mountain' is gone, since the 'Xuanting Gate' wants to meddle so much, let's kill them first."

"With our ancestors around, they can control the summoned ghosts and gods by condensing their minds together. This is also for them to avoid summoning too terrifying ghosts and gods, which can't be controlled and hurt innocent people, so master don't have to worry! "

Hearing this, Xuanyuan heaved a sigh of relief. He never expected that the nine ghosts and immortals were so unpredictable. They even thought of this aspect. Everything is interlocking. , exactly:

"Okay, these nine ghosts are really impressive."

"I guess these nine ghosts and immortals have already practiced this half of the "Eternal Soul Art" to the extreme." The greedy old man said with emotion.

In the portal of ghosts and gods surrounded by nine shocking blood pillars, the avenue pattern swept all directions, and the red douqi vortex continuously rotated from the center of the portal, and the strong force of spatial fluctuations rolled.

All the power from the nine blood pillars frantically poured into the blood portal that summoned ghosts and gods at this moment.

After a while!

bang bang.

The sound of a thunderous heartbeat came from the other side of the portal, shaking people's minds.

With a loud bang, the red dou qi vortex was torn apart, and a ferocious big blood-colored hand broke through the door, and the big blood-colored hand was covered with dense scales, which were incomparably strong, even with a peerless Taoist. It is difficult to cause a little damage to it with a full blow of the weapon. Just a piece of scale armor has tens of thousands of lines combined together, but such scales are extremely dense, and I don't know how many there are.

Then another big hand tore out from the red vortex, followed by three, four, and finally nine. These nine big hands opened the door, and an extremely hideous The face protruded from it, with sharp fangs. There were nine eyes on the face, shining with blood, which seemed to be able to penetrate the world. Each eye seemed to have its own intelligence, looking around the world.

On the head of this ghost and god, there are two curved horns, and the terrifying destructive Dao rhyme flows from the two horns, which is extremely penetrating, as if no one can resist its power.

Nine blood-colored big hands pressed on the blood-colored portal, and with a sudden push, this ghost and god broke through and descended completely on the sky above the 'Ghost Mountain'.

Its body is huge and majestic, just like the upper body of a human being. The dense scales form hideous and terrifying faces all over the body. Just looking at it gives people a feeling of palpitations and fear, while its body The lower body is the body of a snake, meandering and swinging in the sky, just a slight swing, directly tearing a piece of space to pieces, at this moment, the remaining power of the nine blood pillars is directly shattered. Integrating into its body, it will disappear into this world only when the power in its body is exhausted, otherwise, it is immortal.

"What is this?" Xuanyuan's expression was extremely shocked. He felt that the power of this ghost and god could at least match the existence of a great emperor at the peak state. Killing the Quartet can only be stopped unless this supreme Taoist weapon is activated.

"I don't know either. Isn't this a means of your human race? How come you don't know?" Long Bi's face turned green. Originally, he wanted to go out to fish to see what the benefits were, but when he saw this ghost, he didn't know. Let him be discouraged directly.

Xuanyuan looked at Zhan Huang, who shook his head and said:

"I don't know. It's very likely that this is a ghost created by the nine ghosts. Maybe I have never seen or heard of such a ghost."

The nine brothers were very excited and finally summoned this ghost. This time the 'Xuanting Gate' might be more ominous. They knelt and kowtowed to this ghost and worshiped it in their hearts.

"Master, this is what our ancestors left behind for us. Let's go and destroy the 'Xuanting Gate'." The eyes of the "Yiyuan Ghost Immortal" turned red, and he stood up, his words sonorous.

Now that the 'Ghost Spirit Mountain' is gone, everything has become meaningless. They just want to do a big kill and nothing else. The 'Xuanting Gate' is the mastermind, and they must not let it go.

"Okay." While everyone was talking, the phantom of an ancient emperor appeared in the supreme Taoist artifact belonging to the 'Xuanting Gate', and he looked at the ghost with a solemn expression, slowly but powerfully road:

"The Nine Great Ghosts and Immortals, for the sake of us fighting side by side, let's leave this matter alone? This time we also suffered a lot of casualties."

"Hmph, let's forget it. Do you see what the 'Ghosting Mountain' has become now? A small group of people have died in your 'Xuanting Gate', so just expose it like this? Do you really think you are Who? Do whatever you want? If you dare to make an idea of ​​my 'Ghost Mountain' "Eternal Divine Soul Technique", you will die!"

From the body of that ghost and god, the sound of the thoughts of the nine ghosts and gods came out, and the nine peerless Taoist artifacts all became the size of big blood-colored hands, and the 'one yuan knife', 'liangyi gun' and 'three talents sword' all returned. The hand that belonged to me, this ghost and god, didn't show any mercy, mobilized the nine unrivaled Taoist artifacts, and hit the 'Xuanting Emperor Seal' fiercely.

A heavenly court manifests, that ancient emperor proud of the world, wants to create a heavenly court, no one can compare, the 'Xuanting Gate' is built on the basis of the legendary heavenly court, at this moment, 'Xuanting ancient The emperor's thoughts, as well as the awakening of the spirit of the weapon, the power of the "hanging emperor seal" is far from being comparable to that of the half-step emperor, but he is not against ghosts and gods. Instead, he flew directly to the place where the 'Xuanting Gate' was.

"Not good, the 'Xuanting Ancient Emperor''s mind has awakened, and the spirit of the weapon has recovered. I'm afraid it will not be so easy to destroy the 'Xuanting Gate'." The "One Yuan Ghost Immortal" looked troubled.

"It's okay, you guys follow up together. In the past, no one dared to provoke our nine old men in this 'Land of Slaughter'. Now that the old nest is gone, what is there to be afraid of? Who dares to destroy my old nest? Let's destroy the Nine Clans!" With a sound from the ghost god, he stepped out and directly killed the 'Xuanting Gate'.

Xuanyuan's heart was terrified. The nine ghosts and immortals were revived, each of them was a ruthless character. If they found out about his behavior, he might die a hundred times. He was hesitating whether to go to the "Xuanting Gate" , if you go, it is very likely that you will be killed by the nine ghosts, if you don't go, you don't have to take advantage of the fire. A big force like Tingmen' can make them feel at ease when they rob.

"Let's go, don't think so much. Since they are already under your control, we have nothing to say. As long as you save their lives and let them pass on our bloodline, that's enough." The extremely old voice penetrated into Xuanyuan's sea of ​​consciousness in an instant, and the phantom of an old man manifested.

In his own sea of ​​consciousness, looking at the old man in front of him, Xuanyuan was shocked.

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