Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1073 Attack garden

Chapter 1073 Attacking the Hanging Court

"Senior Guixian?"

In his own sea of ​​consciousness, Xuanyuan stared at the ghostly old man in front of him. He has white beard and hair, hale and hearty, and a spirit of immortality. In the middle, there is profundity and loftiness, and there is Xuanyuan's unimaginable unfathomable profundity.

"Well, come with us!" The old man looked peacefully and smiled at Xuanyuandao.

"You should already know that their bloodlines have been controlled by me, right? And I have corroded everything about them with the 'Spirit of Seizing House'. The reason why the 'Ghost and God Formation' is activated is probably also from me." Xuanyuan was very Frankly, these nine ghosts can attack him at any time now, and there is nothing to be afraid of. He just wants to find out what the other party's purpose is.

"Of course, more than that, we also know that the 'Stone of Eternity' is on you, we also know that you are from 'Central China', we also know that you awakened the will of the ancient sages and repaired the 'Guardian Barrier', these, Do you think enough is enough?"

The old man looked at Xuanyuan quietly, and sighed leisurely: "The luck of the human race has begun to decline, they are already rotten, and there is no need for the 'Ghost Mountain' to exist, we have long thought that such a day will come, That's why this big picture was laid out. "Eternal Divine Soul Technique" originally belonged to the 'Central China', but it was only a coincidence that half of it was left in the 'Nanyan Xianzhou'. It is only natural for you to take it back. As long as you take care of us nine old men With our blood, it is enough for them to return to the 'Central China' with you and regain a new life."

"New students?" Xuanyuan frowned, puzzled.

"That's right, you are a man of great luck in the human race. It's best to follow you. We also hope that the nine masterpieces we have left behind will one day transform into supreme Taoism, and it will be considered complete by then." It has fulfilled our big wish." The old man Guixian laughed quietly.

"It's not so easy to be a person with great luck. Now it's very dangerous in the 'Central China'. The situation has undergone tremendous changes. The human race and the ancient royal family are like fire and water. The two great fortunes are at war, and the seals that fetter many evil gods have begun to collapse. Another unprecedented disaster may be ushered in. The army of gods from outside the territory may come at any time. I can't guarantee their absolute safety. I can only say that everything is up to them, so you have to think carefully Already!"

Xuanyuan has already made a plan in his heart, bring the descendants of the nine ghosts and immortals, return to the "Central China", let the "Nightmare Ghosts" be accepted as apprentices, and then it is up to them to live or die .

"This is the general trend. The general trend of the world is like this. No one can change it. The 'Nanyan Xianzhou' is also unavoidable. After breaking through, everything depends on their fate. You only need to take them with you, and everything else depends on them. We have all died, leaving only a sliver of thought, and there are not many things we can do now, and it is difficult to change anything even if we are alive." The ghost fairy old man sighed faintly, looked into the distance, and suddenly After a while, he disappeared into Xuanyuan's sea of ​​consciousness.

Both Long Bi and Zhan Huang stared at Xuanyuan, they both felt that something was wrong.

"Boy, what's going on?" Long Bi asked Xuanyuan.

"Nothing." Xuanyuan came back to his senses.

"Is someone from the Nine Great Immortals looking for you?" Zhan Huang's perception was extremely keen.

"Well, not bad." Xuanyuan said.

"Then what should we do now? Go to the 'Xuanting Gate'?" Long Bi's heart skipped a beat, he felt a little guilty. If that ghost and god came over, he could crush himself into a piece of scum, leaving nothing behind. How could he Will you be afraid?

"Go, of course, I have such a good opportunity to take advantage of the fire, how can I miss it? 'Xuantingmen' owes me, I want them all to spit out to me, not a single one is missing!" Xuanyuan laughed. A few times, he knew that the ghost fairy just now represented the will of the other eight ghost immortals. Since they have seen through everything and made a statement, there is no need for him to be timid. With such a big situation, how could it be possible not to understand, whether it is "Central Shenzhou" or "Nanyan Xianzhou", everything cannot escape the four words of the general trend of the world.

The Nine Great Ghosts and Immortals have always been far-sighted. They understand that even if Xuanyuan is killed at this time, nothing will help, because the spiritual wisdom of their descendants has been swallowed and occupied, and only the blood is still theirs. Xuanyuan, their descendants will not survive, their inheritance will also be cut off, and their nine great ghosts will be resurrected, no matter how powerful they are, they will not be able to save this situation.

What's more, the hearts of their descendants have long been rotten, and their original intention of establishing the "Ghost Mountain" has been completely subverted. Now only after breaking through can their blood become prosperous again. When they are with Xuanyuan, there are advantages and dangers, everything depends on luck.

There is another most important reason, the 'Eternal Divine Stone' is not something that just anyone can take away, and the Nine Great Immortals deeply understand this.

"Boy, do you really think that the nine ghosts will not see that you have controlled their blood? Are you not afraid of death if you go with them?" Long Bi still felt uneasy .

"If you're afraid, don't go. Take ten thousand steps back. If they want us to die, they can do it long ago. Why bother talking to me?" Xuanyuan rolled his eyes. In fact, Long Bi was worried about it. Reasonable.

"Let's go, what Xuanyuan said is right, don't make these unnecessary guesses. These nine ghosts and immortals have lofty vision and a broad mind. The problems they think are different from ordinary people." Zhan Huang didn't care too much. , he also wanted to see how terrifying the strength of that ghost and god was.

Xuanyuan nodded, and directly stepped out of the secret center of the 'Ghost Mountain'. When Xuanyuan reached the outside world, he felt as if his skin was about to be torn apart. This space made him suffocate. Countless avenues Colliding and intertwining, if it was an ordinary figure at the peak of the Earth Immortal, it would have been torn to pieces long ago.

Fortunately, Xuanyuan's physical body is strong, and he can dispel these terrifying killing powers.

Yuan'er followed Xuanyuan closely, feeling the fighting of the power of the Dao in all directions, even Yuan'er couldn't help frowning. The sequelae caused by the collision of the Dao are really terrible. ' At that time, the major forces did not dare to really urge the Supreme Dao Weapon. Once it really fought, the whole land would be difficult to live in, so they only dared to use a wisp of energy as a deterrent.

If the Supreme Dao Weapon really fights, the consequences will be unimaginable, and this is a consequence that no one can bear, including the ancient peoples.

The aura of ghosts and gods swept over, covering the four of Xuanyuan and his party, as well as their blood, turning into a bloody light, and smashing through the air towards the 'Xuanting Gate'.

The 'Hanging Court Gate' arrives in an instant.

This city in the sky cannot be seen at a glance, it is vast and huge.

A huge idea was transmitted.

"Nine Great Immortals, are you really planning to do this?" The voice of the 'Xuanting Ancient Emperor' was extremely dignified.

"'Ghost Mountain' is destroyed, everything is gone, what do you think we should do? As soon as you 'Xuanting Ancient Emperor' appeared, we all had to kneel down and say that you taught me a good lesson, we should all be damned, right? ?” A ghost’s idea came out, and he sneered.

"That's not true, it's just that both sides have their own injuries. Although the 'Ghost Mountain' has suffered heavy losses, we can still compensate for it. We can use our compensation to create a larger 'Ghost Mountain', so as to avoid further damage. Big casualties."

'Ancient Emperor Xuanting' made a concession. The ghosts and gods summoned by the nine ghosts are extremely terrifying, and he doesn't want to provoke them unless it is absolutely necessary.

"Okay, if that's the case, then all the people from the 'Xuanting Gate' get out of this city in the sky, leave behind all the wealth, and then roll to the current 'Ghost Mountain' to build an even bigger 'Ghost Spirit Mountain' came out and made us feel satisfied, how about you come back to 'Xuanting Gate'?"

"Nine Great Immortals, don't bully people too much."'Ancient Emperor Xuanting' said heavily.

"It's a joke, who is bullying people too much, united the people of the major forces in the entire 'Luantu Domain' to attack my 'Ghost Mountain', and killed all my people in the 'Ghost Mountain', now we come to discuss Saying that we have deceived people too much, it seems that there is nothing to say, kill!"

That ghost and god was full of murderous aura, and the sea of ​​blood was surging, sweeping the sky and the earth. From its nine eyes, nine pale lights burst out at the same time. The restriction instantly shattered.

This killing god, like an invincible existence, held nine peerless Taoist artifacts, and all attacked the big city of the 'Xuanting Gate'.

'Ancient Emperor Xuanting' looked solemn, and shouted:

"Everyone, escape from this place quickly, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

'Xuanting Ancient Emperor' knows that the ghosts and gods summoned by the nine great ghosts use battle to support war, and those killed by him will turn into the power to support his continuous killing. Without running away, he is almost an invincible existence, because he can kill until all the people in the 'Xuanting Gate' are dead, but this idea of ​​'Xuanting Ancient Emperor' cannot persist for so long.

An existence in the realm of a great emperor, holding the 'Xuanting Emperor Seal', with an extremely dignified expression, he is the real 'Lord of the Xuanting Court', the only figure in the 'Xuanting Gate' who has stepped into the realm of a great emperor, he never expected , things will develop to today's situation.

Nine pieces of unrivaled Dao artifacts united into one body, struck out an extremely terrifying blow, the 'Xuanting Emperor's Seal' shined brightly, the ancient emperor's avenue hangs in the 'Xuanting gate', and countless ancient emperor formations were activated Get up, you must know that the 'Xuanting Gate' is not chosen randomly. Here, the 'Xuanting Gate' can rely on the power of the sky, and there is also the ancient emperor who was planted by the 'Xuanting Ancient Emperor' before his death. Great array.

However, this ghost and god has devoured an unknown number of souls, and has swallowed all the geomantic omen and terrain of the 'Ghost Mountain', attacking the 'Xuanting Gate' with confidence, let alone fear.

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