Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1075 The Decaying Inheritance

The sky where the 'Xuanting Gate' was located was covered by majestic blood clouds. Originally, because of the large array formed by the 'Xuanting Gate' itself, no clouds could float above its head. It was all a scene of precious light soaring to the sky and auspiciousness coming, but now there are countless blood clouds condensed, piled up and lingering, and all ghosts roared together.

That ghost and god, standing in the air, staring coldly at the figure of an ancient emperor, is none other than the 'Xuanting Ancient Emperor'.

Facing the question from the Nine Great Ghosts and Immortals, he couldn't answer for a while, looking at the 'Hanging Court Gate' he created, he was silent.

Taking advantage of this time, the nine blood-colored hands of the ghost and god held nine peerless Taoist artifacts and shot them out together. The destructive Dao of ghosts and gods revolved, driving the peerless Taoist artifacts to the extreme, converging into one point, and blasting out. Only a bang was heard, and a protective restriction placed by the 'Xuanting Ancient Emperor' was completely broken through.

I saw countless blood-colored ghosts rushing out from the ghosts and gods, and the sound of howling and screaming can be heard endlessly. They are like killing ghosts. It can't hurt good people, but it can also help the cultivation of good people. If you encounter evil people, you can increase your combat power according to the evil karma and evil obstacles created in your life. This is an extremely mysterious way.

These bloody ghosts are like immortal beings. They devour the flesh and blood of the dead, strengthen themselves, and then slowly start to look for living people to devour. In the end, these will turn into the power of ghosts and gods. If they meet good people, they will be The power to turn into a good person is unfathomable.

"Nine great ghosts and immortals, you stop me quickly."'Ancient Emperor Xuanting' saw countless people being torn to pieces by this bloody ghost, and was furious.

"'Xuanting Ancient Emperor', as long as you answer our questions, we will stop. Is the current 'Xuanting Gate' still the 'Xuanting Gate' you wanted to create? Only persistence can survive. You should I understand, there will be consequences if you don't answer correctly." A ghost fairy asked in a serious voice.

"No!" 'Xuanting Ancient Emperor' paused for a long time, and when he said these two words, he seemed to have aged a lot, and the ruler of the 'Xuanting Gate' also fell into silence, He also felt powerless to fight against the nine great ghosts and immortals. In fact, he also understood that the 'Xuanting Gate' had long deviated from what the 'Xuanting Ancient Emperor' had hoped for, and the current 'Xuanting Gate' had completely changed.

The ancestral precepts left by the "Ancient Emperor Xuanting" to them, in this "Chaotic Slaughter Domain", after years of loss, people's hearts have changed, how many people can abide by it, keep it in mind and implement it? If you can blatantly rob without any worries, you can run around and plunder all resources for your own use. Why do you have to work hard to practice yourself? On this road, too many people are tempted by the so-called shortcuts. And lost their self, so they began to sink, degenerate, one generation is not as good as one generation, and the so-called ancestral precepts have long been forgotten by people, only plunder, struggle for power, and killing.

"Since it's not, why not if I destroy it? Do you know what you are guarding now? It's a group of mobs! It's a group of people who harmed all the people in the world that you wanted to protect in ancient times. Don't you think that your behavior is very Is it ridiculous? Do you want to betray yourself even yourself?" The Nine Ghosts asked again, this kind of Dao questioning from the heart is more terrifying than any open and closed attack, directly killing Emperor heart.

"But this 'Xuanting Gate' was built by me alone. Do you want me to destroy it with my own hands? Or watch you destroy it with my own eyes?" The expression of 'Xuanting Ancient Emperor' is sad, helpless, lonely, and There is a hint of anger.

An ancient great emperor, everything he created was destroyed in the hands of his descendants. How could he not know that his descendants had lost the spirit, will, and blood that he wanted to pass on, leaving only The body, and then discredited his inheritance.

It's just that he created this 'Xuanting Gate' at the beginning, but now he wants to watch him destroy it with his own eyes. That is his life's painstaking effort. Whoever it is, he will definitely not be able to do it in a short time.

"Didn't we destroy the 'Ghost Mountain' with our own hands? Otherwise, are they still left to harm the world? Do you know how many evil deeds have been done by the 'Xuanting Gate' you created over the years? God There is permanence in doing things, there is a root in one's life, good and evil are rewarded, and the cycle of karma, you have refined a ray of opportunity between heaven and earth, and achieved a supreme Taoist weapon, don't you understand this truth?" A ghost said with a long heart, and he really It's from the bottom of my heart, to destroy the entire 'Ghost Mountain'. In fact, they have also made a lot of determination and made a decision for a long time.

In the distance, Xuanyuan and his party had entered the 'Xuanting Gate', far away from the confrontation between the two terrifying figures, black vortexes manifested from Xuanyuan's body, swallowing everything.

Xuanyuan, Longbi, and Zhanhuang are like demon gods, unstoppable, and all kinds of avenues of attacking means come together. Wherever they pass, blood flows into rivers and everything is looted. Yuaner walks like a statue The flawless saint of hell, she recites the "Rebirth Curse", wherever this curse affects, all dead souls and evil spirits are willing to flourish and turn into dust, and the ground under her feet has also changed from a bloody place to a place of death. A piece of glazed pure land, free from dirt and cleanliness, without joy or sorrow.

"Who is here, dare to take advantage of the chaos to come to my 'Eight Ominous Palace' to make trouble, don't you guys go out today to read the almanac? Dare to come to my 'Eight Ominous Treasure Hall' to seek death, I really think that you can do it when the 'Xuanting Gate' is in chaos Taking advantage of the fire to rob? It’s really laughable, someone dares to hit my 'Eight Ominous Treasure Hall' on the head, and I have too long to live."

An old quasi-emperor came out of a resplendent and resplendent hall, full of murderous aura, every step he took, his expression proud, as if I were invincible in the world. , although it is not invincible, but it is also at the top of the power pyramid, and ordinary people can't match it at all.

He is a guest elder from the 'Eight Fierce Cave', who is in charge of the property in the 'Xuanting Gate' for the 'Ba Fierce Cave'.

Xuanyuan and his party have killed here, so he naturally wants to sit here and protect the 'Eight Fierce Palace' from any possible danger.

The 'Eight Fierce Cave' has a notorious reputation for doing everything. The 'Eight Fierce Hall' is a wine cup, bowls and chopsticks made from the heads of many strong men of the righteous way, or they are specially used to catch the women of the righteous way. Let them be naked and naked in front of countless people, auction them for humiliation, and take pleasure in it. When Xuanyuan and Liyue were on their way that day, Liyue gritted his teeth when he talked about the "Eight Fierce Caves."

As soon as the elder Keqing of the 'Eight Fierce Cave' finished speaking, what was waiting for him was the 'War God Peak' in the hands of the Emperor of War. As we all know, everyone on the 'Luantu Domain' knows, and everyone knows, that at the moment when the Emperor of War sacrificed the 'War God Peak', the destructive power surged, causing the quasi-emperor old man to die in an instant. , pale, trembling.

"Semi-Supreme Dao Artifact, this is the 'God of War Peak', you are the 'God of War Killing Gold'..."

He screamed on the spot, and at this moment, he realized that his idle life was long, because the aura emitted by Xuanyuan was too huge, and Zhan Huang could suppress his own aura, so ordinary people would naturally not be able to sense it. The combination is extremely insignificant, obviously it's just a person in the realm of the earth fairy who is robbing, but now a quasi-emperor peak has been killed, which makes people caught off guard.

The quasi-emperor wanted to resist, but it was too late, whoever called the Emperor Zhan was thick-skinned, and directly used a sneak attack.

With a loud bang, the 'Zhanshen Peak' turned into a size of ten feet, but it was as heavy as the heavens. It directly crushed the quasi-emperor into a meatloaf on the spot, and the land under its feet split apart in all directions. These are all forged from extraterrestrial stones after thousands of tempers, but now they cannot withstand the blow of 'Zhanshen Peak'.

Everything from that quasi-emperor was smashed into pieces and turned into the purest essence of heaven and earth, which was swallowed up by Xuanyuan.

At the beginning, Xuanyuan really wanted to hit the 'Eight Fierce Cave', but Xuanyuan felt that such continuous looting would likely lead to disaster, so he wanted to avoid the limelight, and now he came to the 'Eight Fierce Cave' Naturally, the property he owns cannot be let go.

Xuanyuan and Long Bi didn't pay much attention to this quasi-emperor in the presence of the Emperor of War, because in their eyes, he was just a young man. ', Long Bi said to Xuanyuan:

"Boy, do you think this 'Xuanting Ancient Emperor' will stop?"

Xuanyuan took a look at Long Bi and thought for a long time. He could deeply experience the helplessness in the heart of the 'Xuanting Ancient Emperor'. The revered heaven, but in the hands of his descendants, gradually reduced to what it is today, a place where mobs gather.

Just like an old man, he created a country that wanted to protect the common people all over the world, but in the hands of his descendants, it turned into killing the common people, depriving the people of their flesh and blood, and reduced to such a scene, in fact, the most heart-wrenching scene It is the 'Xuanting Ancient Emperor' himself, there is no doubt about it.

"Maybe, how amazing their ancestors are. The ancient emperors, ancient sages, and ancient sages are all great figures who can be famous forever. They have passed down their will and spirit, but their descendants lived in peace and prosperity. If it was me, after sleeping for countless years, seeing everything I built turned into this appearance, I would also personally It is really sad to destroy it, because it is no longer it." Xuanyuan sighed.

Yuan'er knew that the larger part that Xuanyuan was referring to was the 'Central Divine State'.

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