Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1076 Good and Evil Dao Ghosts

"'Xuanting Ancient Emperor' is not a simple character. If he wants to fight to the death, the nine ghosts will not be able to suppress him easily. In the end, he may end up in a situation where both sides suffer. After all, there is a huge gap between Dao artifacts, and there are too many variables."

Hearing Xuanyuan's emotion, Zhan Huang said that he was also very concerned about the "Ancient Emperor Xuanting". The demeanor of his battle against the gods that day, that figure of dominating the world, was deeply imprinted in Zhan Huang's mind. 'Xuanting Ancient Emperor' himself, the Emperor of War admires more. As for the actions of his descendants, even though his face has been discredited, in the eyes of the Emperor of War, they have nothing to do with him and have no effect on him. The status of 'Ancient Emperor Xuanting' in the heart of the Emperor of War.

'Ancient Emperor Xuanting' took a look at the ghosts and gods, as if he had already made a decision, he paused, pointed at Long Bi and asked:

"Before that, can you guys explain to me what's going on? He is the leader of the Protoss. He didn't know how much danger he caused me in the 'Nanyan World' that day, but he was my best friend in the end,' Haoran The Great Emperor used his life to cut off his head, and completely sealed and suppressed his original power. Now, how did he come back to life, and why do you help him? You must give me an explanation today."

"You said that you and the 'Emperor Haoran' are close friends, why don't you feel him, maybe you will gain something else?" A ghost fairy said with a smile.

'Xuanting Ancient Emperor' stared at Long Bi, and suddenly saw a terrible brand in the depths of its origin, filled with incomparably strong righteousness, sword energy, which is so familiar, and the breath is so hot, like Like the sun hanging down from the nine heavens, bright and upright, with awe-inspiring righteousness, he tremblingly said:

"This is the method of 'Emperor Haoran'. Why is the 'Dazheng Sword Qi Breaking Method' so complete and flawless? Could it be that 'Emperor Haoran' has completely refined the 'Righteous Qi Qiankun Sword'?"

"That's right, 'Ancient Emperor Xuanting', you have been in a deep sleep for too long, there are many things you don't know, you can feel it again now, what's the difference in this world?" Another ghost fairy said with a smile.

'Ancient Emperor Xuanting' closed his eyes, paused for a moment, looked shocked, and said:

"The 'Guardian Barrier' is actually stronger than before. It has brought together the ideas of all the sages. It seems that the 'Ominous God's Nest' will be trapped in that starry sky for the rest of its life. What's going on? Over the years, the 'Guardian Barrier' is so far away, the power of faith in 'Nan Yan World' should be difficult to reach, so the power of the 'Guardian Barrier' will become weaker and weaker, why did it suddenly become stronger. "

"Hehe, it's because the 'Central Shenzhou' has come!" An old voice came out, it was the ghost immortal old man who had talked with Xuanyuan before.

'Ancient Emperor Xuanting' raised his brows, and saw that ghost and god looking at Xuanyuan, 'Ancient Emperor Xuanting' stared at Xuanyuan for a moment, and finally understood everything, he closed his eyes, looked up to the sky and sighed:

"Forget it, forget it, I can't force the dream that I can't realize on my children and grandchildren, but I don't allow them to do so many things that are not tolerated by heaven and earth. , It depends on their good fortune, you do it, destroy it, destroy it, if there are still people alive, it depends on whether they are willing to continue my way."

As soon as the voice fell, the idea of ​​'Xuanting Ancient Emperor' turned into a light cluster and directly merged into the 'Xuanting Emperor Seal'. His descendants are no longer worthy of possessing this supreme Taoist weapon. Sensing the aura of the 'Great Emperor', old friends who haven't seen each other for many years are going to get together again.

The Emperor Mirror figure of the "Xuanting Gate" has an old face, cloudy eyes, full of despair, looking at the "Xuanting Emperor Seal" in the distance, feeling unwilling and angry, he has maintained the "Xuanting Gate" all his life, but Unexpectedly, it ended up like this in the end.

This frightening ghost and god activated nine peerless Taoist artifacts and blocked the airspace with a radius of 30 million miles. Now even if they don't attack each other and activate the teleportation restraining formation, they can't escape, because Nine pieces of unrivaled Taoism have blocked everything.

From the ghosts and gods, blood-colored ghosts evolved. In fact, their names are ghosts of good and evil.

In everything in the world, good and evil coexist, and ghosts have good and evil.

Ghosts are not necessarily evil.

Good and evil dao ghosts roared all over the sky, the 'Xuanting Ancient Emperor' retreated, and the entire 'Xuanting Gate' was completely panicked, not only the disciples of the 'Xuanting Gate', but even the major forces that relied on the 'Xuanting Gate' , are full of despair.

If they all get together and fight back, no matter what the cost, maybe there is still hope of life.

But now they are in a state of disunity, not to mention killing each other, they only want to escape, their hearts are not in harmony, and they can only be broken one by one.

In fact, they cannot be blamed for this, because they saw with their own eyes that the old man at the 'Xuanting Gate' who had stepped into the emperor's realm, was attacked by ghosts and gods, his body was disintegrated, and even his soul was turned into flying ash. The characters who stepped into the emperor's realm died like this, leaving them without the courage and confidence to fight.

Xuanyuan was in a very happy mood. While collecting the wealth in the 'Eight Fierce Palace', he said with a smile:

"'Xuanting Ancient Emperor' is really not an ordinary character, he was able to devote his whole life's hard work to let others ruin it like this. No wonder, after so many years, except for the 'Xuanting Emperor's Seal', everything else Things have changed, people have changed."

"The kings and emperors are all lonely. In their hearts, there are few people who can understand that seeing the destruction of everything they have painstakingly managed will deal a great blow to them. The emperor is not an invincible existence. They have burdened too much." Zhan Huang felt emotional in his heart, and said: "In the beginning, the 'Xuanting Ancient Emperor' built the 'Xuanting Gate' here in order to let him use the supreme Taoist weapon to turn this 'Huantu Domain' into a righteous territory , but he never expected that after so many years, his 'Xuantingmen' finally became the biggest scourge of this 'Luantu Domain', good fortune tricks people, good fortune tricks people."

"Hey, don't search too fast, kid, I can't even grab it." The thirty-six black holes around Xuanyuan swallowed everything, and the speed of the search was astounding. Anyone who dared to stop Xuanyuan, all of them Being swallowed into it, calcined cleanly by the "Tiangang Taishang Holy Fire", and turned into the power to nourish the "Swallowing Myriad Transformation Artifact", the face of the dragon who followed Xuanyuan all the way turned green, behind Xuanyuan's buttocks only If he could eat ashes, Mao couldn't grab it, so he screamed again and again, but Xuanyuan ignored it, taking pleasure in it, and Long Bi was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

"I'm talking about the greedy old man. You have devoured countless creatures, magic weapons, and elixirs along the way. Why haven't you stepped into the realm of high-grade Taoist artifacts?" Xuanyuan couldn't help complaining when he saw that the greedy old man hadn't improved yet. , not every time there is such an opportunity, you can keep searching, devouring, and plundering. In fact, the reason why Xuanyuan intends to rob the rich and help the poor all the way is also to promote the greedy old man to the top rank before returning to the "Central China" The realm of Dao Artifacts, but this greedy old man is extremely disappointing. He does not know how many low-grade Dao Artifacts he swallowed along the way, and there are countless middle-grade Dao Artifacts. But he didn't see any progress.

"That's because I haven't found the origin of my brokenness, so if I want to recover, I have to rely on a lot of financial resources to restore it. I have told you about this a long time ago. If you go back to the 'Central China', you should look for my broken Can you save a lot of things in this way?" The greedy old man also felt very helpless.

"Oh, that's all there is to it..."

In this 'hanging gate', the massacre went on for ten days and ten nights, and no one could escape.

Wherever ghosts and gods go, there are no bones left. The good and evil ghosts frantically plundered and slaughtered. In the end, less than a thousand people survived. You must know that in this "Xuanting Gate", there are thousands of people. With a population of 100 million, 800 of these people are from undercover agents of Zhengdao Wanzu, and the remaining 200 people are from the "Xuanting Gate", who still remember the ancestral teachings and stick to the "Xuanting Ancient Emperor" Will, spiritual inheritance for future generations.

Their strength has skyrocketed one by one, because of the relationship between good and evil ghosts, if their hearts are good, the good and evil ghosts can not only kill, but also nourish good people. level surge.

The lowest strength of these people has stepped into the realm of the supreme celestial being, while the highest strength is a quasi-emperor figure.

And in these ten days, Xuanyuan has almost recovered, and Long Bi almost survived. Fortunately, Xuanyuan kept refining those hard-to-remove impurities with the "Tiangang Taishang Holy Fire". Let Long Bi improve extremely fast. According to his words, he has now recovered to the realm of half-step quasi-emperor. Xuanyuan is very comforted. Now that he is going back to the "Central China", the strength of the people around him has been improved. The higher the better, so that he can have the confidence to fight a tough battle with the ancient royal family, and everything can't be done by the War Emperor alone.

Zhanhuang wants to go further, but it is extremely difficult, because he is a spirit of heaven and earth, so his combat power at the peak of Zhundi is comparable to the existence of ordinary Emperor Jing, and it is also because he is a spirit of heaven and earth, so every day A step-by-step improvement is extremely difficult, once a breakthrough is made, it will be a transformation of the whole body and mind, Xuanyuan deeply understands.

He said that maybe after waiting for the 'Central China', he might be able to find an opportunity to step into the imperial mirror.

"Okay, thank you to the Nine Great Ghosts and Immortals. Now we have gained a lot and are content. It's just that Xuanyuan has something to ask." Xuanyuan bowed to the terrifying ghost and god.

"Ask, if we know, we will tell you." A ghost fairy responded.

"I don't know if you senior ghost immortals know, does this 'Nanyan Xianzhou' have a portal back to the 'Central Shenzhou'?"

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