Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1078 Seven Killing Emperors

'Nanyan World'.

Since leaving the ferocious land of 'Luantu Domain', the scenery I have seen along the way is beautiful, with high mountains and flowing water, dense forests, and everywhere is full of aura of heaven and earth.

The peaks are towering thousands of times, and the great mountains are lingering, surrounded by patches of blue lakes, like mirrors, reflecting the reflection of the peaks and great mountains in the sky, and there are many powerful fish and beasts in the lakes.

After passing through thousands of mountains and rivers, we came to the vast grassland, where there are countless kinds of beasts, such as cloud-treading cattle, flying horses, bloody wolves, etc.

On this piece of grassland, there is a branch of human blood, the Huns, who have grown up here for generations. They live by hunting fierce beasts on the grassland. The human race can compare it to this place, which is less educated by the rites of the sages, because it was the great sage of the military who came here to give lectures, and used soldiers to clear the way, because this grassland is full of murders. If you teach Confucianism, Undoubtedly, it is to lead them to perdition, to talk about benevolence and justice and reason with fierce beasts, isn't that just courting death?

So in this prairie, Xuanyuan and his party can see that the Huns are dressed in animal skins and armor, and in military uniform. The whole people are soldiers, and they can turn into a powerful army at any time. If they are stronger, they can even fight bloodthirsty hyenas, which shows how tough the people here are.

Xuanyuan's group of four flew across the sky, and the descendants of the nine ghosts and immortals were all included in the "Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Artifact". Xuanyuan burned the "Swallowing Years" and let them refine it inside.

The things left to them by the Nine Great Ghost Immortals must not be simple. Now with their strength, they will not be able to help them for a while. It is better to let them practice hard. It is very useful, and at the flying speed of Xuanyuan and his party, they can't keep up. Bringing them along will only waste time.

Xuanyuan looked into the distance, frowned, and said slowly:

"I don't know why, but I have a very uneasy feeling in my heart. It seems that there is some terrible existence that has been staring at us. Do you feel it?"

Long Bi rolled his eyes, looked down on Xuanyuan, and sneered:

"Laughing to death, I said why you kid is becoming more and more timid, don't say that there is nothing staring at us, even if someone wants to attack us, with me here, they are just here to die You must know that this seat has recovered to the state of half-step emperor quasi-emperor now, as long as I return to the state of quasi-emperor, the boy Zhanhuang may not be able to defeat me if he doesn't fight me with a semi-superior Taoist weapon."

Zhan Huang knew that what Long Bi said was true, he said indifferently from the side:

"Okay, Grand Commander Long Bi is as mighty as the sky, bravely crowning the world, incomparable and invincible in the world, I admire him so much, then if something dangerous happens later, I will protect Xuanyuan, and you will die."

Long Bi was delighted to hear it, thinking that the Emperor Zhan knew he couldn't control himself and deliberately slapped his horse, so he was very comfortable listening to it. However, when the last sentence of the Emperor Zhan changed the subject, his face turned green. He said: "Zhan Huang, don't you think I will die?"

"Hahaha..." Xuanyuan laughed, maybe he was really overthinking, but it's always right to keep an eye on it, and I don't know what's going on with Qinglong, Xuanyuan kept communicating with Qinglong afterwards , but did not get any response at all. At first Xuanyuan was a little anxious, afraid that something might happen to Qinglong, then he really picked up sesame seeds and lost watermelon. Later Xuanyuan thought about it carefully, and it must be the old man Qinglong who wanted to clean up. I, who deliberately ignore myself, have to leave myself alone, and sell him whoever tells me that I can’t help but sell him. After I figured this out, Xuanyuan doesn’t care. Anyway, before I leave 'Nanyan Xianzhou', Qinglong can Just find yourself, I have the inheritance of Qinglong, and I have a unique feeling, Xuanyuan is not afraid that Qinglong will not find me.

"Master, there is really a terrifying existence staring at us." Yuan'er heard Xuanyuan's words, and scattered her perception in the whole world. She knew that Xuanyuan had experienced countless battles. A kind of natural quality, not long after, Yuan'er discovered it.

Zhan Huang and Long Bi suddenly shook their bodies. Yuan'er is God's darling, and her perception ability is amazing, and she has the ability to predict disasters and fortunes. Regarding Yuan'er, neither Zhan Huang nor Long Bi dared to have The slightest carelessness.

"Can you perceive the opponent's strength?" Zhan Huang frowned. He didn't expect someone to follow him just after he walked out of the "Luan Tu Domain". In the domain', two big forces have been wiped out, and now there are people who dare to stare at him, they must be ruthless.

"Half-step emperor, and it's not just one or two, there may be seven. Their blood is very strong, and they have a strong murderous aura. In the nine distant heavens, there are stars shining. They should be among the gods. People, why do the gods still exist in this world? Aren't they isolated and sealed?" Yuan'er's slender willow eyebrows frowned, extremely puzzled.

"It's the 'Valley of Death'. These seven old immortals have all come out. Something is wrong. They are not guarding the 'Valley of Death'. What are they doing when they jump out at this time? Aren't they afraid of the sudden attack and destruction of the righteous people?" Death Valley'? This is the first time they have been born in so many years! I think something big is about to happen!" The Emperor of War was also very puzzled.

'Valley of Death' is a special existence. For countless years, thousands of people from the right way have gathered countless times to attack 'Valley of Death' and want to kill them all, but in 'Valley of Death' there are seven elders The existence of immortality is extremely cunning. Every time when the righteous people wanted to encircle the "Valley of Death", they avoided it very cleverly. I don't know what kind of secret method they used. return.

"The existence of these seven immortals will not be born unless it is absolutely necessary, because they want to maximize their lifespan and protect the remaining elites of the entire 'Valley of Death'. Now they are dispatched at the same time and stare at What is the reason for killing us?" Zhan Huang was puzzled.

"Oh my god, why don't you run quickly, I didn't expect that the sons of the Seven Killing Gods are still alive, and all of them have stepped into the realm of the half-step emperor, worthy of the blood of the 'Seven Killing God Emperor' and the 'Seven Killing God Queen', If you make a move, I'm afraid that if you have one more person, you won't be dead enough!" Long Bi's nerves were tense, and after Zhan Huang's description, he could immediately confirm who these seven people were!

"Seven Killing Sons?" Xuanyuan frowned.

"That's right, it's equivalent to the seven grown-up sons of emperors. They are all characters who have the hope of ascending to the realm of gods. They are the sons of god emperors. Once they are born, they eat the flesh and blood of their parents and grow. They are extremely terrifying and have killing power against the sky." Long Bi couldn't help shivering when he thought of the 'Seven Killing Sons', and now he absolutely didn't want to confront them.

"What, cannibalizing the flesh and blood of parents?" Xuanyuan's face was horrified, this was the first time he had heard of such a thing.

"That's right, 'Seven Killing God Emperor' and 'Seven Killing Godmother', after learning that these seven sons were born with the power of the Seven Killing Stars, in order to make their bloodlines stronger, they were born in the seven sons. Afterwards, they were fed with their flesh and blood, so they were not only born strong, but also cultivated beyond comparison to ordinary people. The blood of the god emperors in their bodies was extremely strong. Xuan, the status of the 'Seven Kill God Emperors' and 'Seven Kill God Mothers' in the God Race is even higher than that of the five god emperors."

Long Bi succinctly explained the identities of the seven half-step emperors, which made Xuanyuan break out in a cold sweat.

"It's so powerful?"

"Of course, they will be under the influence of the Seven Killing God Stars all their lives. If the Seven Killing God Stars are not restrained, their killing power will increase sharply. If they want to kill them, only the Seven Killing God Stars will be able to kill them." Only when they are restrained will their luck be greatly reduced, and they will have a chance to kill them. Otherwise, they will be blessed by the Seven Killing Stars in their entire lives, turn danger into safety, and turn danger into good luck. Success?" The more Long Bi said, the more frightened he became. Back then, the "Seven Killing God Sons" were only in the realm of the sages. He did not expect that in that battle, an amazing transformation took place, and after so many years, he stepped into the world. Half a step into the world of the great emperor, if the seven of them step into the realm of the great emperor, I am afraid that few people will be able to restrain him.

"No, according to what you said, the seven of them can kill us immediately. For them, it is not easy to kill us?" Xuanyuan was shocked into a cold sweat. It seemed that they just regarded themselves as little people at that time and didn't take them seriously.

"I don't know about this either. The seven killing gods are murder, force killing, robbery killing, fighting killing, ban killing, teasing killing, and legal killing. It is very likely that they want to tease us to death and use the method of teasing and killing us to deal with it." " Long Bi couldn't help screaming when he thought of this.

"But there are tens of thousands of people in the world, why are they staring at us? Is it because we made too much noise in the 'Luantu Domain'?" This is what Xuanyuan is most puzzled about.

"It may indeed be the case. The 'Death God Valley' secretly colluded with many big forces in the 'Random Slaughter Domain'. Maybe we spoiled their good deeds." Zhan Huang said.

"There is another reason." Yuan'er said solemnly.

"That is, they have already contacted the 'Fierce God's Nest'. You know, Xuanyuan is the one who repaired the 'Guardian Barrier', so they want to kill Xuanyuan to break the power of the 'Guardian Barrier', and plunder Xuanyuan With good luck, lead the gods, crush the 'Nanyan Xianzhou'." Yuan'er said.

Hearing Yuan'er's words, everyone felt chills.

At this moment, an extremely terrifying aura swept over.

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