Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1079 Arrogance

Xuanyuan and his group were extremely tense.

Zhan Huang and Long Bi were full of fear, and looked towards the direction from which this breath came.

It was an old man with bronze skin, bare upper body, bare breasts, a wolf's head tattooed on his chest, his ferocious face, lifelike, as real, every muscle on his body gave people a feeling of Filled with boundless power, it seems that there are countless great powers intertwined and evolved.

Wearing an animal skin battle skirt, holding a tattered wooden bow in his hand, he looked at Xuanyuan and his party, and said coldly:

"Who are you? How dare you come to my northern plains to play wild?"

For a long time, on this piece of grassland of the Huns, very few strong men came here. Now the arrival of Xuanyuan and his party has attracted the attention of some people who can be the masters of this piece of grassland.

"We are just passing by here." Xuanyuan smiled.

"Oh? Really? Are you all from my human race?" the old man asked.

"That's right." Xuanyuan replied casually, he just wanted to send the old man away quickly.

"Hmph, I knew you people were uneasy and kind, die!" The muscles on the old man's body bulged, and the broken wooden bow in his hand was raised and smashed, and Zhan Huang's heart froze. It is not dewy, but it is just such a smash, simple and unpretentious, but it exerts its power to the extreme, even Long Bi's face can't help but change badly, knowing the terrifying strength of this half-step emperor, it is obvious that he has reached the realm of the emperor. Not far away.

His attacking methods are not like some methods, which will destroy the entire world and disperse most of the destructive power. Instead, it will not cause any damage to this world, and concentrate all the attack power in one point to kill the enemy. People, extremely frightening.

"Senior, please stop, is there some misunderstanding?" Xuanyuan felt the power emanating from the old man, that kind of simple avenue crushing, which made him feel like he was about to suffocate. The realm of the step emperor is more brilliant and powerful than any half-step emperor he has ever seen.

"Hmph, I'm talking nonsense, even if I don't have any intentions for our Huns, you are not a good bird, so as not to let you harm others, I will kill you first." The old man of the Huns, With a cold smile, he no longer hit Xuanyuan, but directly hit Zhan Huang.

Zhanhuang's eyelids twitched. Although he is a heaven and earth spirit, "God of War kills gold", it is obvious that what he is facing is a statue whose strength and realm are much higher than his own, and he is holding a tattered piece of unknown level in his hand. The wooden bow, he knew, this tattered wooden bow is definitely not as simple as it looks on the surface, there are many terrible things, the stronger it is, the more simple and unpretentious it looks.

The 'God of War Mountain' in Zhan Huang's hands manifested, and the golden light filled the sky, filled with strong killing intent and swept across the nine heavens, he met the broken wooden bow, the avenue was as simple as possible, and everything was restrained.

The moment the head-sized 'Zhanshen Mountain' collided with the tattered wooden bow, countless powers of the avenue broke through, and even the Emperor of War could not control the power in it, he was sent flying out, the tiger's mouth cracked, and blood flowed profusely. His expression was solemn. He knew that even if he tried his best, he would not be able to defeat the old man in front of him. The gap was too great.

And the naked upper body of the old man was also cut open, with blood overflowing, and he looked at Zhan Huang with a surprised expression. For so many years, few people have been able to hurt him, and Zhan Huang is one of them. One, for him, his physical body is basically invincible: "You are the 'God of War Killing Gold'? 'Zhan Wuya' is your master, right?"

"That's right." Zhan Huang looked at the old man in front of him with a heavy expression. Just now, the two of them just exchanged blows, which made him feel as if his strength was about to be drained. , is enough to suppress himself, and the war emperor feels that the half-step emperor in front of him is definitely not simple, I am afraid that there is some kind of special physique, and the broken wooden bow in his hand can't tell what level it is, but its strength Not weaker than the 'God of War Mountain'.

If it wasn't for the fact that the Emperor of War was a 'God of War Killer' with amazing killing power, he wouldn't have been able to injure the old man in front of him in the slightest.

"Senior, you really misunderstood us. We have absolutely no malice towards the Hungarians. We are just passing through this place. We are all good people. Please rest assured that we will never harm kind and innocent people." Xuanyuan quickly explained You must know that this is the land of the Huns. If there is a real fight, they will kill tens of thousands of troops, and ten war emperors will be beaten to the bone.

The old man of the Hungarian nationality pointed at Long Bi, and said coldly:

"Is he a good guy too?"

"Uh, this, he's not human!" Xuanyuan knew that it must be Long Bi's aura that attracted attention, and now he didn't dare to have the attitude of wanting to dismiss him.

"Damn, kid, who are you scolding, you are not human." Long Bi's face turned green. If he was left behind by this half-step emperor, even if he didn't die, he would have to peel off his skin. He never thought that Xuanyuan would be like this If you don't talk about loyalty, you just sold yourself.

"You are not human." Xuanyuan rolled his eyes, then looked at the old man of the Huns, and said in a heavy voice: "Senior, I can guarantee that although this guy is not human, even if he is human, he is not a good thing , but as long as I'm with you, I won't take him to do things that hurt the world."

"He is not a good person, and I am not afraid. The key is that he is a god, and I am too familiar with the aura of the gods. Tell me, what is your plan to take a man from the gods and walk to the land of the North Plains? Do you want it?" Betrayed my 'Nanyan Xianzhou', stepped into the outer starry sky, and looked for the army of gods to harm my 'Nanyan Xianzhou'?" The old man of the Hungarian nationality didn't sound like a joke at all, his voice was so serious that Long Bi's face changed when he heard it Green, it seems that the other party has hated the Protoss to the extreme, if it really falls into his hands, it will really be dead.

It's no wonder that when the gods invaded that day, the Hungarians exerted great strength and many people died. Although Long Bi didn't personally fight against the ancient emperors of the Hungarians, he knew that their fighting power was extraordinary.

Xuanyuan finally understands now that the Hungarians are here to guard the intersection to the extraterritorial starry sky, to prevent some of the Protoss from desperately escaping to the extraterritorial starry sky to seek help, although they may not be able to find the Protoss army , but as long as they find the 'Nanyan Xianzhou', it will definitely be another catastrophe. Over the years, such things have not happened, so they have to be cautious.

"Senior, I know your worries. I know that you have great powers. You can observe my memory. You can know who I am at a glance." Xuanyuan knew that there is no better way now. To be able to gain the complete trust of the old man in front of him.

"Xuanyuan, don't." Zhan Huang frowned. He felt that Xuanyuan was a man of great luck, with many secrets in him, and once he opened his heart, he could be easily controlled by the other party. What if the other party had ulterior motives?

"It's nothing. As the saying goes, a gentleman is magnanimous, and a villain is always close. Since there is nothing to be ashamed of, why not let him see it?" Xuanyuan smiled casually, not caring at all.

"Okay..." Zhan Huang knew that once Xuanyuan made a decision, he couldn't change it, so he didn't persuade him much.

Xuanyuan Teng flew in front of the old man of the Hungarian nationality, and saw the old man pointing at Xuanyuan's eyebrows, closing his eyes, after a while, the old man's body trembled involuntarily, and there was no doubt in his eyes when he looked at Xuanyuan .

"So that's it, I see, you guys go, as for him, you'd better be careful, everyone in the Protoss has ulterior motives, and they don't have any good intentions, don't imagine that he will abandon evil and do good, that is simply impossible matters." After the old man of the Hungarian nationality made an explanation, he was about to leave.

At this moment, Xuanyuan sent a voice transmission to the old man:

"Senior, there is one thing, we need the help of the Hungarians."

"Oh? Please tell me what's the matter." The old man of the Hungarian nationality knew that Xuanyuan must have a purpose for using the sound transmission, so he didn't appear again, and went straight into the depths of the void. Although they didn't accept the etiquette education and read less, they still He has been very good at military and conspiracy all his life. Although his figure disappeared in this piece of sky, he can still communicate with Xuanyuan through sound transmission.

"The thing is like this, we came from the 'Land of Slaughter', and now I feel that the gods are chasing us, I repaired the 'Guardian Barrier', it is all because of my luck, if I die, the luck will be scattered , the 'Guardian Barrier' will not last forever, once they take away all the luck in my body, the Protoss will directly endanger the 'Nanyan Xianzhou', so I hope that the seniors can protect us." Xuanyuan knows that now is an extraordinary period, So I won't be polite to the Huns, otherwise, once the Seven Killing Emperors come hand in hand, I won't know how I died at that time.

"Hehe, you don't worry too much about this matter. Do you really think that we, the Hungarians who have been guarding here for generations on the Northern Plains, are vegetarians? What do you think they are afraid of? It is the people on our Northern Plains. There are countless strong people, as long as we stay here, no one can cross the border, so don't worry." Xuanyuan's worry seemed to the old man to be a joke, and he didn't care at all. With enough self-confidence, as long as they are guarding, even a mosquito will not even think about flying over.

"Senior, you should understand that the big taboo of military strategists is to carelessly underestimate the enemy. If you make a wrong move, you will lose the whole game. Do you dare to say that you have absolute certainty? These seven killing emperors are the best in the 'Valley of Death'." Unbelievable existence, the Righteous Ten Thousand Clans did not know how much thought they spent trying to wipe out the Valley of the Death God, but in the end they all failed. Every time they were able to take the children of the Protoss to escape the danger, do you think they Why?" Xuanyuan was very serious, he didn't want to be negligent at all, he didn't want to die here, he wanted to go back to the 'Central China'.

" may be that those people have read too many sage books, and they don't know how to fight the battle. Before the fight, they yelled so loudly, and they couldn't run away when they heard it?" Obviously, the old man's tone was still very serious. He didn't care, but he understood what Xuanyuan was thinking, and said:

"It's okay, you kid has so many tricks, so I'll follow you secretly to see if they have such great powers."

Xuanyuan was very helpless, but he couldn't say anything, but Xuanyuan had doubts in his heart, could he do it alone?

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