Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 1085 Mo Xuan

(Three chapters, first chapter!)

The sun is high, the clouds are light, the wind is blowing, the flowers are fragrant, the butterflies are flying, the water is gurgling, and the fish are jumping.

Here, the land under your feet is extremely fertile, full of rich vitality, and the power of the Dao, nourishing countless sweet-scented osmanthus, the fragrance is overflowing, making people intoxicated, reassuring, and allowing people to appreciate the Dao.

I don't know how many years these sweet-scented osmanthus have gone through, and they have formed a maze, making it impossible for people to get out.

Not far away, waterfalls are falling down, windmills are turning, the sound of water is rumbling, and rainbows are everywhere. Along the rock wall of the waterfall, the branches of extremely tall ancient trees extend into the distance like dragons, powerful and extremely thick.

Row upon row of wooden houses, although they are made of wood, they are extremely strong. Even if Xuanyuan tried his best, it would be difficult to break them. Creating this piece of paradise, people can't help but feel open-minded, naturally, and friendly to the Dao.

This is the deepest part of the 'Bingyan Mountain', Mojia Village.

The place where Xuanyuan and his party are now is in a highland in Mojia Village. Ordinary people will not come here. Looking down, you can see that the Mojia Village lives and works in peace and contentment.

"There is no one else here now. If you have anything to say, you can just say it..." The old man with black beard and thick hair looked at Xuanyuan with a peaceful expression and a smile on his face, staring at Xuanyuan and his party, as if he could see through everything .

Long Bi and Zhan Huang's hearts were pounding, knowing that the person in front of them was absolutely terrifying, they didn't dare to make any rash moves at all.

Xuanyuan couldn't guess the strength level of the old man in front of him, his strength was so advanced that it was difficult to fathom, and he could immediately see that the supreme Taoism of the Mohists he practiced came from the real book, This made Xuanyuan even more surprised.

"My name is Xuanyuan, and I come from 'Central China'. I begged for three days and three nights outside the restriction of ice and fire, but no one responded to me. I had no choice but to make such a bad move. I ask the seniors of the Mo family to forgive me." Xuanyuan smiled, Bow down and apologize sincerely.

"Then you can't make fun of the life and death of my Mohist family. Capital punishment is inevitable, and living crimes are inevitable..." Mo Teng's voice was stern. intolerable.

"Hey, Mo Teng, when can you change your hot temper, just let this Xuanyuan boy finish talking. Let's listen to what's going on before we make a decision. It's not too late to take a step back and talk about it. He lied to us, you should be thankful, not angry." The black-haired old man looked very calm, with endless mystery in his deep eyes, as if he already knew everything.

Xuanyuan's heart was shaken, and he sorted out his thoughts, and narrated everything that happened along the way:

"It's like this..."

"It's you who got the baptism of 'Baisheng Hongguang' and also repaired the protective barrier?" Mo Teng looked in disbelief.

"Then why did you come to my 'Bingyan Mountain'?" the black-haired old man laughed.

"I want to ask my seniors, in the 'Nanyan Xianzhou', is there a direct access to the starry sky like the Octopus portal of the 'Central Shenzhou', I don't want to set foot on the outer starry sky, it's too dangerous , and whether he can return to the 'Central China' is still another matter." Xuanyuan asked sincerely.

"No, if there is, we will not stay in Mojia Village forever. Everyone wants to recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors. We live in seclusion in the 'Nanyan Xianzhou', but what we most want to go back to is naturally the 'Central Village'. Shenzhou', there is our root, we all want to see the prosperity of 'Central Shenzhou' and visit our master's house!" Mo Teng said.

Xuanyuan ignored it, but looked at the black-haired old man, who nodded and said:

"Mo Teng is right, there is no such portal, if there is, I am afraid that our entire Mojia village has already moved to the 'Central China', well, now we have told you what you want to know, Can you tell me, what is the situation of the Mohists in the 'Central China'? You said that the Mohism in my 'Central China' has been destroyed? What is going on?"

Xuanyuan was very disappointed. It seems that there is really no portal that can lead from the 'South Yan Xianzhou' to the 'Central Shenzhou'. Looking at the black-haired old man, Xuanyuan sighed:

"The Mohist school was already destroyed in the Middle Ages. As for the specifics, I don't know, but today's 'Central China' is no longer the 'Central China' of the ancient times. People's hearts have changed. Baishengsuo The families left behind fought each other, fought against each other, and killed each other, which led to the ruin of the luck of the human race. Now in the "Central China", the Primordial Ten Thousand Clans have begun to rise, and they want to compete with the human race for the status of ruling the "Central China". Seeing that this dark age is coming again, and the people of the world will suffer from the war again, the situation is precarious, and the two great fortunes are at war, which will determine the rise and fall of this human race, so I want to return to the 'Central China' in a hurry."

Hearing Xuanyuan's words, Mo Teng was the first one who couldn't accept it the most.

"Impossible, my Mohist's methods are so unpredictable, how could it be destroyed in the Middle Ages, it is absolutely impossible."

"There is nothing impossible, as long as you arrive at the 'Central China', you will understand all of this." Xuanyuan said every word with great firmness.

"Xuanyuan is right. In fact, I also feel that the luck of the human race is getting worse and worse. Even if it is in the 'Nanyan Xianzhou', its root is in the 'Central Shenzhou'. Over the years, the 'Nanyan Xianzhou' is still on the surface. It is extremely prosperous, but it is not as good as one generation after another. Obviously, this is because of the huge changes in the "Central China", which will have the impact of luck. You must know that the luck of the human race in "Nanyan Xianzhou" will be so prosperous , It is also because of the 'Central Divine State' and the 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor' led all the disciples and hundreds of saints to the 'Nanyan Xianzhou', so I have no doubts about what Xuanyuan said."

The black-haired old man looked up to the sky and sighed. There was a little helplessness in his eyes. He suspected a long time ago whether there was a huge change in the Mo family, because when he asked Gu, he sensed something in the dark. Just can't be sure.

If Xuanyuan knew that the black-haired old man in front of him was someone who had been to him before, he would be extremely shocked.

"Really..." Mo Teng's eyes were full of disappointment. He didn't really believe what Xuanyuan said, but he had to believe what Mo Xuan said. The third generation, and Wen Gu, is one of the mainstays of the entire Mohist village. Those who have Wen Gu can have extremely mysterious perceptions in the dark, which is unmatched by ordinary people.

It was as if Xuanyuan was in front of Mo Xuan, there were some things that couldn't be hidden.

"Okay, thank you for bringing us such news, do you have anything else to say?" Mo Xuan looked at Xuanyuan and asked.

"Yes, there is a terrifying existence of the Protoss chasing and killing me now, and it is in this 'two poles'. I want to seek the power of the 'Mojia Village' to help me in secret." Xuanyuan said cheekily.

"Well, you have made a great contribution to my 'Nanyan Xianzhou'. It is only natural for us to protect you. Although I don't feel that anyone is chasing and killing you, Gao Shou from Beiyuan is secretly protecting you. Unpredictable, it may also be caused by my lack of strength, besides this, are there other requirements?" Mo Xuan was very polite to Xuanyuan.

"I have an ancient ship, I hope the Mo family can help me restore it!" As soon as the words fell, Xuanyuan took out the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship'. Before that, Xuanyuan planned to use the 'Wings of Wanhua' to cross, but after thinking about it , it is not very realistic, if you are alone, you can do it, but with Zhanhuang, Longbi, and Yuaner, you must use the "Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship" and it will be relatively safe.

"This, isn't this the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' of the Protoss back then? Could it be that you snatched it back when you went to the 'Fierce God's Nest'?" Mo Teng looked shocked. Although he had not experienced that battle, but for The Mohists recorded the details of that battle clearly, not to mention the heavyweight supreme Dao weapon like the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship'.

"Well, it can be said that the way of refining weapons of the Mo family is unmatched in the world. Although this 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' has suffered a lot of trauma, over the years, its owner has almost spared no effort. It has been restored to its current appearance." Xuanyuan said.

"I can help you fix it, but you must promise me a few conditions." Mo Xuan directly expressed his thoughts.

"Please speak." Xuanyuan likes to talk to cheerful people.

"I must bring people from my Mo family back to the 'Central China' with you, and give this 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' to our control. When the time is right, I will return it to you.", Mo Xuan said heavily.

"What, aren't you clearly robbing?" Long Bi rolled his eyes, as if he didn't want to agree. "Boy, you must not be deceived. This 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship' is no small matter. Once it is controlled, it will be difficult for you to come back."

Mo Xuan also ignored Long Bi, but looked directly at Xuanyuan. He knew that although Long Bi, Yuan'er, and Zhan Huang were all stronger than Xuanyuan, Xuanyuan was the one who could make the final decision.

"Okay, it's a deal, but since your Mo family wants to control the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship', your Mo family will have to pay half of the materials for repairing the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship'." Xuanyuan made a final decision without worrying at all. Mo Xuan would disagree, he kept some of the more important divine materials, such as the 'Chaos Star Stone', 'Heaven and Earth Tongshou Stone' and other things that he would use, and manifested all the others, so that Mo Xuan could use them himself. to pick.

As Xuanyuan thought, after collecting the 'Ancient Emperor Dragon Ship', Mo Xuan quickly selected the divine materials that Xuanyuan brought.

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